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Chapter 26 ~ N'oose


The morning of the last task loomed over the halls. Many rushed about with silent whispers and giggles admitting from the students. Feeling as if she was being watched, she pushed it to the side as just nerves. Eve felt as if it was dragging along, wandering the halls and waiting for her brother.

A pair of hands broke her away from her head. "Do tell your brother, I said good luck," spit leaving the man's mouth as he quickly limped away. Harper shrugged the man off, not paying too much mind, as she finally found her brother in the crowd.

Her feet glided over the stone cobble. "How ya feeling," she asked, completely forgetting about the strange interaction she just had with her Professor.

Ron and Hermione trailed behind the pair, as they made their way to the Great Hall. "I've been better," he mumbled, sitting down at the Gryffindor table.

"Well cheer up," she quipped, "After tonight, everything will be over with," she smiled, watching as he didn't put anything onto his plate.

"Eat, Harry," Hermione said, placing things onto his plate. Harry gave said girl an annoyed look, picking his fork up, to make her happy.

"Be safe, okay," she gently got up, kissing his cheek softly, "And you do not have to win everything," she said, a laugh admitting from the boy.

"Never, Rye," Harry said, Harper simply rolled her eyes as she left, not wanting to take up any more time between him and his friends.

Harper made her way to the Hufflepuff table after saying her goodbyes to the Gryffindors. Fixating her eyes and body on the specific golden retriever boy that was all smiles.

"My boy, my boy, my boy," Harper mocked Cedric's father.

"Oh Hello, Harper," his voice rang through her ears, turning away from his conversation with friends. "What do I owe your pleasure, too?" he questioned, giving her his full attention. "Came to threaten more of my friends?" he said, pulling out a small little jar.

"Oh no, I can't I told Dra-," She tried to get out, only for the boy to place it in her pocket, not taking a no for an answer.

Cedric put a mouth full of food into his mouth, "It's part of my going away present," He spurted out, pieces of food dropping from his mouth.

"A gentleman you are," she said, wiping her cheek in disgust.

Cedric stuck his tongue out at the girl, in response to her comment, "Better?" He asked, finally swallowing his food.

"Yes, thank you," she said, placing her head on Cedric's shoulder, sitting with him as he talked to his friends. Just enjoying his company, not wanting to split from the boy, fearing something was going to happen.

"You okay?" he asked, remembering the girl was there, and hadn't left like she normally did.
"I feel special, you didn't give your brother this much time," perching his head on his hands and looking at her sideways.

"Yeah, just worried is all," she softly smiled at the boy's antics.

"You're not worried about your brother," Cedric said, trying to understand why she was still at the table.

Harper rolled her eyes, "He gets himself out of everything, he could die and still somehow survive."

"Point," Cedric said, pointing his glass at her.

"Well though, I better be off," she patted her pocket, standing as the plates started to vanish. Cedric followed his movements, embracing her in a hug, "Please, please be safe, Ced," She begged her eyes almost brimming with tears.

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