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Chapter 18 ~ L'ovelorn


"Blimey Fred," Harper yelled at the ginger as he ran past her, in the dungeons. "What on earth, are you doing down here?" She looked around to see the other twin, trailing at the end of the hall.

"Well with no classes today, because of the ball, we had to keep ourselves busy somehow," Fred started.

"And that, of course, is going to the kitchens and planning our next prank, care to join, little Potter?" George finished his younger brother's sentence, as he caught up to the stationary Fred.

Harper looked around to see Draco and Emily exiting the Common room doors, Emily's face still tear stricken. Harper looked to Draco who was giving the girl a side hug, their voices traveling to hers, told her they were only going to Madam Pompfrys for a calming draught. Harper turned back around to the smiling gingers and simply nodded her head, while they dragged her into the kitchens.

"Have you seen the Great Hall yet?" George rushed out looking at the girl across from him, as apple cider was placed in front of him by Binky.

Harper looked up, with her cup of hot chocolate steaming in her two hands, "No, I, unfortunately, haven't. I was indeed on my way to meet up with Harry when you two dragged me in here." She smiled at the sheepish boy, a light tint of pink gracing his cheeks.

"Well it truly is fantastic, never seen so much effort put into something before," he rolled his eyes. "Although, it does smell very fancy."

"It smells fancy?" Harper asked, giving George a side-eye at his comment.

"Anyways.." Fred drew out trying to save his brother from embarrassment. "Who is your lovely date, dear Harper," he winked at her, receiving a scoff.

"I was thinking of bringing, dear Dobby here," Harper looked up to the stunned boys, "But, of course, I do not know if he would say yes," she laughed, making sure Dobby was out of earshot from the trio.

"Well I can call him over if you want," Fred said, calling her bluff from miles away.

"No, it's fine," she glared at Fred, "I'm going with Flynn you tosser," she rolled her eyes at the smirking ginger, while George spits his drink back into his cup.

"You're going with Dolos,  Flynn Dolos?" George said shocked looking Harper up and down trying to see if she was lying, or bluffing.

"That is what I said isn't it?" Harper only smirked, a light laugh following as she watched the twin open and close his mouth like a fish out of water.

"Who are you two blokes going with," directing her question more to Fred as George was still trying to comprehend her previous statement.

"Well, I asked Angelina, George, however, is just staying around us," Fred fanged in annoyance, making him get slapped upside the head by his brother.

"Why no date George?" Harper asked looking through the journal the three used to create and remember all their pranks and items they came up with.

"No reason," he looked up, not bothered by her question, making her realize that he was telling the truth.

"Who did my brother finally go with," she looked up, with a small smirk on her face, slightly wishing he hadn't found one yet.

"I do believe Harry and Ron are taking the Patil twins, although Patil didn't seem too interested in Ron," Fred nudged George, making them both go into a fit of giggles.

Harper looked the two boys up and down, just shaking her head in response, "Children the two of you are." Harper continued to look through the book and everything the twins added over the past week, adding in small notes or spells in the margins, to help the twins with the pranks.

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