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Chapter 8 ~ R'ushed


Harper's footsteps echoed throughout the silent castle as she made her way to Dumbledore's office in the early hours of the morning. The fresh smell of dew on the fall ground reached her nose, with the small voices of students in the courtyard. Daydreaming about what their life is, wishing she could trade lives with them even just for a day.

The climb to his offices felt longer than it should have as thoughts and theories ran through the girl's head. Stopping at the door heard two male voices conversing quietly and quickly only stopping when they heard a soft knock at the wooden door.

"Come in," Dumbledore said, his footsteps could be heard making his way back to his desk.

Harper's eyes locked on a void of dark black eyes that stared her down as soon as she opened the door. His slick black hair, gave her head of house away immediately as he stepped out of the corner of the room.

"Hello, Dumbledore, and you Professor," Harper said kindly as she took a seat near Dumbledore's desk.

"Ohh Harper, how have your classes been?" Dumbledore said trying to ease into conversation not wanting to be so blunt about the conversation they had yesterday.

"It was good, professor, thank you for asking, but I'm sure I'm not only here for you to ask me how my day was no matter how kind you are professor," Harper said eagerly trying to know what is wrong with her.

Snape walked towards the desk so now he was situated off to the side of Dumbledore. "Yesterday, do you remember doing anything strange in my class Potter," Snape asked.

"Yes, it was with the raindrops on the window sill but I didn't think anything of it, sorry professor."

"Ohh it's quite alright," Dumbledore spoke for Snape as he continued on. " I've been waiting for you to experience these incidents ever since you were a toddler. Strange that they want to appear now and not ten years ago, but I progress."

"Excuse me, professor?"

"Let me see your left hand please, Harper," Dumbledore gently grabbed the outreached hand as he took the spell off that he did the day before. The dark blue had now extended down to the bottom of her fingertips.

"That doesn't look too good," worry laced Harper's voice as he spoke to the two wizards in the room.

"You have a curse running through your veins, that was given to you by Voldemort," Dumbledore said, forgetting all about the small talk they were just using.

Harper looked at the older wizard in shock as he ripped off the band-aid with ease. Not wasting any time anymore as she tried to fully comprehend what was just said to her.

"Excuse me," Harper said as if Dumbledore was speaking gibberish. "You can't just say I have a curse because of Voldermort and not tell me what kind, is it curable, why, what is it?" question after question came spewing out of the girl as worry was replaced with ager for not being told sooner.

"Settle down," Snape spoke up

"Settle down! Settle down? I'm no expert professor but if this was happening to you, you wouldn't be all that calm, would ya?" Harper stood up now pacing around Dumbledore's studies.

"Silencio," Snape's voice ranged through the room as the girl continued to ramble and pace back and forth.

"Now why did you do that?" Dumbledore said, giving a disapproving look to the professor.

"Headache this early in the morning Dumbledore, no thank you?" Snape said monotone as they waited for the young witch to get out of her frustration to lift the charm.

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