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Chapter 13 ~ D'amaged


(Mentions of rape/abuse in chapter)

"Mione, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this," Harper turned around and glared at the two boys that stood behind a pillar down the hall. "But S.P.E.W. isn't a good idea," she said bluntly, watching Hermione open and close her mouth like a fish.

"They don't want to be freed, you're making them angrier, except Dobby and Winky of course, but both are little nuts in the head," she rambled.

"Oh okay," disappointment laced the bushy-haired girl's voice.

"You're not gonna stop though, right?" Harper asked, already knowing the answer to her question.

"No," she said, walking down the hall and pulling the two boys out from behind the pillars, and smacking them upside the head. "Next time don't get Harper to tell me, she isn't your owl," Harper made out as Hermione walked down the hall further, the boys on her toes, looking back with a thankful nod to the Slytherin.

Harper turned back around after she watched the group vanish behind the corner. Walking down the halls she felt the presence of someone looming over her, she blew it off with just nerves, and that she was in a busy hallway full of students.

"What are you doing roaming these halls by yourself," Fred said, walking up from beside her.

"Just got down my last lesson, Fedrick," she said annoyed, just trying to have a peaceful walk back to the common room.

"I set the prank up scheduled to go off tomorrow for the Hufflepuffs," he said smirking down at the Slytherin.

"Perfect, though I have a meeting tomorrow with Snape, so I get out of any punishment," she smirked up at the boy.

"Now that's not what we agreed upon," Fred pouted, stopping in the middle of the hall.

"We never pinky promised Fedrick," she said, walking backward still maintaining eye contact with the boy.

"I'll have your head"

"Make sure it's a good angle," Harper yelled, smiling at the boy, heading back down to the dungeons to write Sirius back.

She walked into the gloomy common room with only first years occupying the couches in the corner further from the entrance. She walked right in and proceeded to a desk in the far right corner away from prying eyes and covered by the first years.

Dear Snuffles,

.. / .--- ..- ... - / - --- .-.. -.. / -- -.-- / ..- -. -.-. .-.. . / .- -... --- ..- - / .-- .... .- - / .. ... / --. --- .. -. --. / --- -. / -... ..- - / ..- -. ..-. --- .-. - ..- -. .- - . .-.. -.-- / ..-. --- .-. --. --- - / - --- / ... . -. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / - .... . / ... .- -- . / .-.. . - - . .-. --..-- / .- ..-. - . .-. / .... .- .-. .-. -.-- / --. .- ...- . / -- . / .- / -... .-.. --- --- -.. -.-- / .... . .- .-. - / .- - - .- -.-. -.- / .- ..-. - . .-. / - .... . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / - .- ... -.- .-.-.- / ... -. .- .--. . / .. ... / .... . .-.. .--. .. -. --. / -- . / -.-. --- -. - .-. --- .-.. / - .... . / ..-. .-.. .- -- . ... --..-- / .. / .... .- ...- . / .- -. --- - .... . .-. / -- . . - .. -. --. / - --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .-- .-.-.- / .... --- .--. . / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -.. --- .. -. --. / .-- . .-.. .-.. / .-- .. - .... / -... ..- -.-. -.- -... . .- -.- -.-.-- / -- ..- -.-. .... / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ..-. .- ...- --- ..- .-. .. - . / -. .. . -.-. . .-.-.-


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