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Chapter 6 ~ Crucio


"Hello Peeves, it's been a long summer without seeing your glorious face," Harper said making her way to the Great Hall with the Slytherins.

"Ahhh babyy Potter, oh how I've missed seeing your face and those two gingers around here. It's been a bit dull, old Dumbledore doesn't supply much entertainment around here," the ghost said, swooping down to Harper with an abundance of water balloons in his possession.

"Looks like you're having fun already," she said referring to the water balloons in his arms.

"Yes, I best be going, I have much business to attend," the next thing you could hear was a Professor trying to stop the old ghost from throwing water balloons at the younger students.

She caught up with her friends, once in the Great Hall. Whispers traveling up and down the Great Hall talking about last week's incident at the World Cup. Finding her friends amongst the rest of Slytherins not long after.

"Did you hear the news?" Daphne spoke up, right as Harper was sitting down next to Daphne and Draco.

"No, what happened?" Emily questioned picking her head up from her book.

"Viktor Krum is supposed to be coming to the school."

"Really?!?" both boys picked their heads up at the name, excitement reaching the girls' ears.

"Awww is this them coming out to us?" Daphne questioned, "Because if so I can teach them the ropes." she said earning a smack in the head from Draco, while Blaise just stared daggers at the girl.

(Please lmk if this offends the LGBT+ community, I will change it right away!)

"He's set to be the greatest quidditch player in history Daph, and he's only seventeen!" the platinum blond said beside her.

"He's right you saw him at the World Cup, amazing he is." Blaise piped up

"Keep it in your pants the two of you," Harper grinned as she had just gotten out of a conversation with Flynn Dolos, talking about their summers.

Just as Blaise was about to say his comeback to the girl the Great Hall doors opened,  turning all the attention to the beautiful girls that waltz and danced their way to the Hufflepuff table. Not before they blew kisses to the boys making one boy fall out of his seat at the Ravenclaw table.

"Ahh they're done their dance, snap out of it," Daphne said as she waved her hand in front of the boys' faces. While doors opened again this time Dumstrung made their entrance. 

"wow," the three girls said in unison, as the Drumstrung boys' entered the great hall doing flips to Dumbledore before dispersing throughout the Slytherins' table.

"Yes, we finally get something good," Daphne whispered to Harper, as their eyes were still glued to the boys.

"Snap out of it," this time Emily spoke up to the girls, while the boys were too busy gunking at Krum.

With introductions between the two schools aside Dumbledore walked to the podium," May I Introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody." This sparked even more whispers amongst the students.

Dumbledore continued, not even noticing the whispers and stares the new Professor was receiving. "As I was saying," he said clearing his throat. "We have the honor of hosting the Triwizard Tournament." Harper started to lose interest in the topic, as Dumbledore droned on about the history of the tournament until Emily pulled her out of her thoughts.

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