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Chapter 21 ~ .P'anace


Dumbledore was the first to enter the quiet hospital wing, followed by Professor Snape and McGonagall. They lingered for a second before they pulled the curtain back, their eyes focused on a blond boy cradling a petite girl in his arms. Draco jumped slightly at the sudden entrance of the three professors.

"Malfoy, I do not believe this is where you belong," Snape snapped glancing at the blond and then back to Harper, who looked to be awake as she started to curl into Draco once more.

"I'm so-," Draco tried to get out to only be interrupted by Dumbledore.

"It's quite alright Mr. Malfoy," a light smile graced the old man's face, almost like he knew something everyone else didn't.

"Ms. Potter, stop faying slumber and get up," Snape spoke once more, flicking the girl in the head, making her eyes snap open at the greasy-haired man.

"I hate you," she rolled over, letting Draco get up from the bed, as she turned over to face Snape. "Why do you wake me at four-thirty in the morning on the day of the task?" she croaked out.

"We wanted to see your lovely face," McGonagall's voice rang out for the first time that morning, sarcasm glistening her words.

"Aww missed you too, Minny," she gave a light-hearted smile to the older witch, sitting up on the hospital bed, fully taking in her surroundings once more.

"We need you for the second task Ms. Potter," Dumbledore said, placing his hands in front of him, as he made direct eye contact with the girl.

"Always so vague," she mumbled under her breath, "What do you want me to do?" she turned her attention to Snape, as he would answer her questions fully unlike Dumbledore would.

"You would be in a deep state of unconsciousness under the black lake, where then the champion would have to come to retrieve you to complete the task," he stated straight forward.

"And if he doesn't?" Harper looked slightly frightened, not knowing if the spell they would use on her would wear off.

"A staff member will come to retrieve you before the potion wears off," Minny said, a comforting aura surrounding her as her words ran off her tongue. Thinking they probably brought Minny for that main reason.

A slight nod came from Harper, signally that she understood what was happening, Draco left the room to get Madam Pomfrey on Snape's orders. "Glad to be invited to this little party," Pomfrey said sarcastically.

"Yes, my dearest apologies to wake you in such early hours of the morning, but we needed to take Ms. Potter out of the hospital wing," Dumbledore said, almost as if he was asking Poppy's permission to take her out of the hospital wing.

"I highly would disregard that, as she had a terrible accident not even twenty-four hours ago," she went on about the dangers of leaving the hospital wing early.

"I'll be okay, Poppy, don't worry so much," Harper smiled at the older witch getting up from the bed, with the help of Draco.

"Oh you're just like your father Ms Potter," she lightly rubbed her temples with her index finger and thumb going in soothing motions across her forehead.

"I'll take that as a compliment, Poppy," Harper said rolling her eyes at the older witch, a stupid grin on her face, while Draco helped her put on her shoes.

Harper looked up to be met with four pairs of eyes staring down at her and Draco, amusement swimming back and forth as they watched the boy double knot her shoelaces. "You all done there Malfoy?" Snape asked, looking at the boy with a stern expression, making Draco finally look up to see all the eyes staring at him.

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