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Chapter 24 ~ D'rapetomania


"You know I'll never understand why you don't just stay at the Weasleys during the summer holidays," Blaise said as the pair made their way down to the black lake with the other four in front of them.

Harper scoffed, kicking a rock as she did so, "I would love to know that too, Dumblerdore doesn't tell me anything, anymore." she rolled her eyes almost tripping on the said rock she tried to kick.

"He told you stuff, to begin with?" Blaise retorted back

"Good point," she smiled up at him, squinting as the sunrise blinded her. "I just don't understand, me and Harry are almost in some kind of danger every other month, you would think he would tell us something about our lives."

"Maybe it's all part of his plan," he said, making a swooshing motion with his arms.

"Well his plan is idiotic, it's gonna get one or maybe both of us killed," she scoffed, approaching the rest of the group, the pair dropping their conversation.

Emily waved Harper over as she was already down by the water, perching herself next to a tree and looking over the black lake. "You look comfy," Harper said sarcastically watching as her friend's back lay up against a protruding branch.

"Nothing can break my mood, not even you," Emily scoffed.

"Didn't you wave me over here?" Harper retorted back, not understanding where the harsh comment steamed from.

"It was a joke," Emily deadpanned, looking back at Harper not realizing the impact the simple words had on her.

"Oh," is all that came out of her thin lips. "Have you sent the necklaces back to your father yet," Harper said, trying to divert the topic to something more lighthearted.

"Tonight," her eyes still scanning the Blake Lake, "I just want to wear my satisfaction around my neck for a little while before I have to give it up." For the first time since Harper sat next to her, she met her eyes. "I did it Harp," a smile gracing her face, "I FUCKING DID IT HARPER POTTER," she said screaming now as she jumped up and down, pulling Harper up in the process.

"You did it Em," her small voice squeaked out as she continued to celebrate with the girl, the others just watching their two friends act like lunatics from afar. Not truly understanding what the pair were celebrating.

"I'm so proud of you Em," Harper said, as the two came down from celebrating. Emily looked at Harper like she was going to cry over the simple six-word sentence.

"Oh do not look at me like that," Harper said as Emily's once cheerful demeanor quickly turned into tears spilling over her eyes. "Em?" She said quietly meeting Emily down on the ground where she now sat with her knees to her chest.

Harper gently wrapped her arm around Emily's shoulder, silently watching as the girl broke down in tears. She positioned herself so Emily could lay in her lap, making sure no prying eyes saw her friend finally break under her father's commands.

She gently combed through the girl's hair not even second-guessing her harsh words mere minutes ago. The pair sat like that for over thirty minutes, Harper's trance only being broken when a shadow replaced the once sunny sky.

"I have a sleeping Emily in my lap, Draco, what do I owe the pleasure to," her words cut through the air like daggers.

"Can I not visit a friend?"

"Your friend is sleeping at the moment."

"I wasn't talking about her Harper, really can't talk to a sleeping person can I?" he asked the girl in a wondering manner.

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