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Chapter 25 ~ E'location


"Harper get out of my head," his voice calm, continuing to stare emotionlessly at the fire.

Getting in his head with ease, as if he had no barriers up. Almost as if he let the girl just walk into his mind, with open arms. "For a Slytherin, you really have an open mind," she lightly said, not leaving the boy alone.

"I can easily kick you out, lil potter," annoyed at the girl's nagging and thinking she was more powerful than him. Closing his eyes, waiting for her next comment.

"Try, then," her voice came through his head like a whisper. A tempting undertone, a sly smile formed on his lips as he pushed the girl out with ease. Grabbing her head in response to the action.

"Ouch," she muttered, Blaise, looking at the girl sideways. Not caring, simply ignoring Harper's comment.

"Head hurt?" his voice jumping back into her head.

"You know, for a Slytherin, you really have an open mind," he mocked.

"Oh, shut it," she thought, pulling a blanket from the couch onto the floor with her.

"You comfy," his mocking tone never left his voice as he watched the scene unfold.

"Very much so, thank you for asking," fluffing the pillow, and placing her head on it.

"You know, there's another place right next to me."

"Your father," she thought, her mind not going to Flynn or Pansy. The pair seemed minuscule at that moment.

"I wouldn't have asked if I cared about his nonsense letters," he thought, picking up his legs, to make room for her.

Harper got up from the floor, and pulled the blanket around her, making the short walk to Draco in the far right corner. Conveniently tucked away from people walking into the common room, the pair only being visible by their three friends.

"Praetervolo," she softly spoke, the spell making them naked to the human eye only being seen when looked for. Laying her feet on top of him as she turned into the couch, the pair not speaking to one another.

"Using my spells now?" the boy mumbled no longer invading each other's head with such close proximity to one another.

"I know you don't care, but I'm tired of getting called a whore, by the student body," her voice muffled by the couch cushion.

"Fair enough," he said looking down at the small petite girl. "Why are you almost inside the couch?" watching as the girl snuggled deeper into the couch cushions.

"warmth," she thought, snaking into his mind once again.

"We are literally right next to each other, why are you using legitimacy right now," he thought, imitating Harper, in case she did it for a reason.

"Can't a girl practice," raising her eyebrows at the boy. "And I'm really tired, moving my mouth would just be too much work," she bore on, acquiring an annoyed look back.

"Come here"

"Why, I'm already here," her head moving back to tangling herself further into the cushions.

"Because," he deadpanned, the pair still in one another's mind.

"Because, why Dracy-Poo," She cooed.

He swiftly pushed the girl's feet off him at the comment, "Im sorr-" thinking he was upset about Pansy's pet name. Instead, she was physically turned by the boy, and now her head lay in his lap, her feet curled sideways into him.

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