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Chapter 10 ~ P'uffle


"If it isn't my two favorite Weasley's," Harper said as she wrapped her arms around the boy's necks.

"For being a Slytherin you seem to be always in the Gryffindor common room," George said as Harper slipped in between the two.

"Very cold down there, very moist," she said as she pulled out the marauder's map that she stole from Harry.

"To avoid your problems isn't very smart Harp," Fred said as he began looking over her shoulder to spy on the other students.

"I'm not avoiding anything, Weasley," she looked up with a deathly glare at the boy in question.

Fred immediately put his hands up with a grin on his face, "Whatever you say little potter. You know word gets around this castle-like, well I don't know, but it gets around fast."

"Good one Fred," George said as he rolled his eyes at his brother. "What he is trying to say is, Flynn and you look awfully close."

"Hmmm? I don't know what you are talking about," Harper said in actual curiosity as she looked at the two boys.

"The Slytherin couches beg to differ," Fred said, still not lifting his head from the map.

"What that wasn't-" Harper's eyes became wide as she realized that Flynn took a hit for Malfoy.

"Who wasss it then?" George drawled out looking at the girl.

"Ohh no it was Flynn, foggy memory is all, just started talking and fell asleep on the couch together is all."

Both of the boys raised their eyes in suspension at the girl, "Anyways what do you have planned," Fred said as the group left the common room and towards the courtyard.

"I was thinking we could mess with the Puffs, turn their hair green or something," Harper said as she looked up at the twins.

"Why the Puffs?" George said as he sat down with his back against the tree and grabbed his notebook out of his satchel.

"Well you see one of the puffles wasn't sharing the huffle," Harper said as she lay on her back in the grass looking up to the clear fall skies.

"Harper, just because they didn't share your gonna turn their hair green," Fred said

"Of course, see I was thinking we could do it next Thursday morning, therefore, we get out of classes and don't have to do detention during the weekend if we get caught."

"Well, how are we gonna do it?"

"The house elves dimwit, sneak into the kitchen early that morning, and put a charm on the food," Harper said as she took George's notebook and started to write down their plan, adding in small details the boys thought of.

A few hours of scheming passed the group as they set up pranks and new ways to torment their peers. "You know Harp this one is one of a kind," Fred said referring to the dung bombs that cover their victim in a blue substance staining their skin for over a week.

"Eh I could've done better, I'm sure you guys would have thought of it too. I better be going, Emily's been a hot mess lately," Harper said leaving the two boys down at the lake, as they try to come up with more pranks.

The halls were bustling with students on their way to the library, courtyard, or possibly a closet that no one checked. The students became scarce the further she went down in the dungeons.

A small cry made her feet walk a little faster as she advanced on a Slytherin on the ground, a Gryffindor her age looking down on the young boy.

"Immobulus," Harper said as she advanced closer to the pair, putting her once-raised wand down. The Gryffindor became rigid before he toppled over. "You okay little bud?" her voice dropped trying to relax the young Slytherin. Looking the boy over a fresh bruise was peeking out of his hairline.

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