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Chapter 15 ~ Y'earning


She was gently awoken by Daphne, instantly aching for warmth, once awake. The cold November weather wrapped around her exposed body parts, as she swaddled herself once more, the rest of the girls leaving her in the dorm. Daphne and Emily looked down at the girl once they finished their morning routines. "She's so cute," Daphne said looking down at her, as Harper's kitten was in between her arms and chest.

"We woke her once, it's the boy's problem now," Emily said, picking up her stuff and heading down to the common room, to the boys waiting for them.

"Where's Harper?" Blaise looked up and noticed the missing girl right away. Emily simply motioned back upstairs in the dorm, as she plopped down next to Flynn on the couch.

"I'll go get her," Blaise said, standing up with another person falling after him upstairs. Daphne stood on the stairs so the two boys could get up with ease. "Why are you accompanying me? Thought you and Harper shouldn't be around one another," he scoffed.

"Can't act friendly around her, Blaise" he retorted back. "I also don't want a repeat of last week's events"

"I can handle myself"

"Not when you're bloody being choked, no," Draco ended the conversation before they knocked on the door to receive no response to come in, which was a response for them.

"Awww look at the cat," Blaise cooed at the sleeping girl.

"Very cute, please wake her," Draco rushed out wanting to leave and head to breakfast.

Blaise noticed the note on her bedside table, remembering the girls brought up that she has been putting a silencing charm on when she sleeps to not wake the others during the night. Knowing the girls completely forgot about the charm, he said the counter course and immediately the girl woke up.

She looked around, hazed her ears going in and out from hearing nothing at all, to hearing everything at once. "Bloody hell," Draco said, leaning against Daphne's bed frame across from Harpers. "Can anyone wake you up, without you thinking you're bloody dying?"

"No," she snapped back at the boy, getting up and bringing her kitten into the bathroom with her.

"That's not sanitary," Blaise shouted through the door, referring to her bringing the cat into the bathroom with her. "And your side comments are not needed," he looked at the blond.

Moments later she came out dressed and ready placing her cat back down on her bed. The kitten now had a green bow placed in its fur, with hints of sparkle in the bow. "What's our first class?" she asked the boys.

"Potions," Draco said, leaning down to pick up her bag to hand to her. He walked down the dorms to be met by none of their friends. Blaise and Harper soon joined the blond and realized they already went to breakfast.

"Fantastic," Blaise scoffed, mad that he was going to miss breakfast.

"Sorry Blaise," she said sheepishly, watching as his anger dissipated at the girls' words.

"Not your fault, Emily's and Daphne's for not remembering the silencing charm," he rushed out, as he was almost running to the Great Hall leaving Draco and Harper by themselves.

"I do believe that we were never this alone before your father's letter," the scenery around the castle vastly changed with the bipolar weather Scotland upheld. Draco simply nodded at the statement, looking around at every passing student and teacher.

Draco buried his hands further into his pockets once they approached the Great Hall doors. "Grab an apple for me?" he asked, backing away from the doors.

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