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Chapter 20 ~'S'uton


"Flynn Dolos put me down, this instance!" Harper yelled as Flynn hauled her over his shoulder in the middle of Hogsmeade. The bustling streets had no mind for the young couple, receiving smiles, with many reminiscing their lives through them.

"That just sounds like too much work Harper," he smirked carrying the young witch to Zonko's joke shop. Flynn placed her down in front of the store, watching the smile grow on her face immediately.

"I promise we won't be here for two hours like last time," she sheepishly looked up at the boy before he opened the shop doors for her.

Harper browsed up and down the aisles effortlessly, picking up boxes of new products that she had never seen before, and making a mental note to report back to her two favorite twins. The shop seemed to have something new every time she walked into it. Picking up five things of dung bombs, Flynn still trailing behind her, she placed the items and paid.

"Back again so soon?" Zonka said, ringing the items up.

"Yea seems like I'm here every week," Harper smiled at the joke shop owner, bringing a gentle smile to the old man's tired face.

"I expect to see you again next week," Zonka yelled at Harper, her retreating figure waving as she exited the door Flynn was holding open for her.

"See that only took like ten minutes," she looked at the boy, as they made their way to Honeydukes to meet up with their friends.

"We were in there for an hour Harp," he said with a hint of annoyance, lacing his words as he walked with his hands in his pockets, his head facing forward.

"Sorry," her voice barely over a whisper, as they made the rest of the way to Honeydukes. The warm air eloped around her exposed skin, the coldness she felt just seconds ago disappearing, as they made their way to their friends sitting in a booth in the far corner. Flynn pulled Harper close as he saw her older brother's presence lingering with his friends a couple of tables to their left.

"You let her go into Zonka's again?" Blaise said, looking at the smile on Harper's face and the bag of dung bombs in her hand. Looking at the time to see that they were also an hour late gave it away as well.

"Yea," He scoffed, sitting opposite Harper next to Emily and Blaise, leaving Harper to sit next to Daphne at the opposite of the table. Emily looked at Harper, questioning the look of why Flynn was so annoyed. Harper shrugged not knowing as well, staying quiet the rest of the time spent with her friends, only talking when being spoken to.

"I better get going, I'm supposed to meet with Cedric," She lightly smiled at the group turning to Flynn and Emily. "Would you guys like to come?" Harper said considering that it was Emily's boyfriend and so Flynn wouldn't possibly get jealous.

"No, but do tell him I said, hello," Emily said, sipping from her drink, Harper turned her gaze to Flynn who never made direct eye contact with her.

"Nope," Flynn popped the p, still looking forward as if he never said a word.

"Well, okay then, bye guys," Harper smiled at the rest, a chorus of goodbyes came from the group as she made her way to the quidditch pitch to meet with Cedric.

Footsteps behind her made her clutch the wand in her left pocket, the crunch of snow giving the person away almost immediately. Turning around she saw two forest green eyes staring back in her direction. Harper turned right back around ignoring the boy's pestering presence, "I do not have the time right now," Harper said, still facing forward the footsteps dropping off quickly, turning back from the direction they came. 

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