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Chapter 11 ~ P'oison


"Blassfullyme, that woman is," Harry said, as he slammed the door behind him, leaving Rita Skeeter and the other champions behind in the room.

"What did she do?" Harper asked following her brother in his fit of rage down the corridors.

"Asking about our mother and father, saying stuff that didn't even come out of my mouth then she started talking about you," anger laced his every word.

Harper grabbed her brother by his shoulders as they were now outside near the courtyard. "Calm down, Bambi. Don't want you to explode before the first task, do we now," she said with a shaky laugh.

"OHH Bambi, is it?" Draco's voice yelled from in a tree, overhearing the sibling's conversation. Looking down Harper noticed the bright green badges on the robes of Draco's posy. Harry immediately became defensive like he was just a minute ago.

"I don't go by pet names Malfoy," Harry grunted out as he turned on his heel away from the Slytherin group only to be pulled back by a hissing voice answering back.

"Your sister does," Draco said without hesitation, a smirk gracing his pale complexion, making Harry turn around with his wand raised at the blond boy.

"Leave it, Harry," Harper said, pulling Harry away from Draco. While a soft thud could be heard as Draco jumped out of the tree. Within a few moments, a curse whizzed by the pair's ears. Moody was the first to react coming out of thin air, with a spell of his own. Turning around the twins saw a white ferret in Goyle's arms.

A laugh escaped the eldest twin as the ferret started to go up his friend's pants and make the group jump and scream. Blaise walked away from the screaming group accompanying Harper's side.

"What, you don't fancy Draco down your trousers, Blaise?" Harper questioned with a smirk on her face as teachers came and stopped the scene in front of them.

"No, not really on my bucket list," Blaise said as he looked over to Harry and Harper. "I can leave if you want me to,  I just needed to tell you something, Harp," Blaise said sincerely.

"No it's okay, I have to go," Harry said, giving his sister a side hug as he chased after Cedric Diggory.

"Snape wanted to talk to you at six tonight in his office, he told me to relay the message," Blaise said, not even thinking twice about what he just said.

"Why's Draco acting like an arse?" Harper said, trying to change the subject, as they made their way down to the Slytherin common rooms.

"He got a letter in the mail today, from his father. Think it had something to do with you," Blaise said, looking down at the young witch who simply rolled her eyes in response.

"My fans let me tell you, getting older by the minute," she said, trying to act unfazed that an ex-death eater was talking about her. "You know what about?"

"Probably you guys cuddling not even a week ago," Blasie said dumbfounded as he reached the entrance of the common room.

"Ohh," she said following Blaise up to his dorms. "You know it could always be worse," Harper said as she sat on Flynn's bed.

"Ya you could have been nakey," Blaise said like a five-year-old as he got out his DADA homework.

"Yea, yea," Harper said as she laid down on Flynn's bed, her head facing Blaise as he watched her fall into a slumber of thrashing and soft yells, ever so often startling him.

Flynn walked in just as Harper started to thrash her feet about. "Don't wake her," Blaise said from the corner of the room, not turning around at the guest.

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