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Chapter 12 ~ E'xpluse


Draco was the first to wake, stretching his arms, groaning in the process as he searched for the clothes he was going to wear for the first task.

"Hey mate, can you turn off the lamp?" Flynn said, picking his head up from the potions book, almost halfway through the book they started almost three weeks ago.

"Yea," Draco said, not realizing that the voice didn't match the occupants' bed.

"What time did you get up?" Draco asked, finally looking at Flynn to only realize Harper was curled up next to his side.

"Been up since four in the morning," he said with a sad smile on his face placing the book down and getting up to put on his clothes for the day.

"Another nightmare?" Blaise questioned getting up from his spot on the floor and sitting back on his bed. Pulling the blanket back up from where it moved when Flynn got up.

"Yea," he said looking down as he put on his shoes. "You should wake her so she's not late for breakfast," Flynn said as he made his way to the bathroom.

"Not like she eats anyways," Draco scoffed from under his breath only being heard from Flynn as he passed by.

Blaise softly shook the girl awake only getting a panicked Harper in return. "Carpe retractum!" Harper screamed as ropes were pulled around Blaise in an instinct.

"For fucks sake Harper!" Draco yelled at the girl saying the counter curse almost immediately so the boy didn't turn blue.

"I'm really sorry Blaise," Harper mumbled as Draco sat back down on his bed with a scoff.

"It's all good," Blaise said, his hands tracing his throat where the rope once was.

"Well sorry for overstaying my company, I better be off," she said picking up the jumper closest to her, pulling it over her shirt, and heading to the girl's dormitories.

"Who's jumper did she take?" Flynn said from the doorway of the bathroom,

"Your's mate," Blaise said, as he headed into the bathroom to see the red marks lacing around his neck.

"Go to Madam Pomfrey's after the first task, she has stuff for bruises," Draco said, a hint of acknowledgment coursing through the three. They headed down to the common room to see the three girls waiting for them impatiently.

"Didn't know you guys could do that," Blaise said as he walked right out of the common room, not sparing the girls a second glance.

"What happened to his neck?" Emily whispered to Draco as they fell back behind the group,

"Harper got scared when he woke her up this morning and cursed him with ropes," Draco said, looking at the said girl that had her hands fumbling together, while Daphne and Flynn talked about quidditch right next to her.

"How'd he wake her up?" Emily asked concern in her whole demeanor as she looked back at Draco.

"By grabbing her shoulders and gently shaking her, what does that have to deal with anything?" Draco asked annoyed as they were approaching the doors of the Great Hall.

"Everything Draco," she said, her voice dropping a couple of decimals as she watched Harper shoot over to the Gryffindor table.

"Stop being dramatic, Lestrange"

"If you only knew, Malfoy," she scoffed, parting ways to the Hufflepuff table to wish Cedric good luck.

Harper bounded over to the Gryffindor table a smile replacing her once anxious face. "How have you been Bambi?" she said sitting down next to her brother, taking a sip of his drink.

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