1. b. Talking About Having A Baby

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Doyoung 🧡

Doyoung and I have been married for a few years. We love each other very much and have a happy and loving marriage. We have always wanted to have children but a couple of years ago I was told I couldn't naturally. It really put us down and brought us back. We could believe we were told that. Doyoung and I believe that we will have a baby naturally some day. We really want to. IVF or adoption won't be the same as having our own baby. We will not give up till we have a baby. Me and Doyoung are having a relaxing and chilling  weekend at home this weekend. We have both had busy work schedules recently and we just wanted a little time together relaxing and spending sometime together. We are watching an afternoon movie before we have some lunch. Doyoung and I are sat closely on the couch. "Jagiya, I love weekends like this with you" he said. "Aawwww me too, baby bunny" I reply. "Weekends with my gorgeous wife" he smiles. "Weekends with my handsome" I smile. We sit for a bit longer and watch the movie till we have some lunch. "Doyoungie, can we talk for a moment before we eat?" I say. "Of course, jagiya" he smiles. "I hope we have a baby in the future, Doyoung. I really want us to have a baby of our own" I say. "Honey, we will I know we will. We won't give up no matter what the doctor says. I believe you will be pregnant with our child" he said. "Hope so, jagi. I just really want us to have a baby. It wouldn't be the same if we did IVF or adoption" I said. "I know, babe but we will have a baby soon" Doyoung says kissing my cheek. "I love you, Doyoungie" I smile. "I love you so much too, sweetheart" he smiles. I hope and pray to God that Doyoung and I will have a baby naturally soon

Johnny 💛

Johnny and I got married a couple of months ago. Since we got married we haven't had much time together as I am still in the US and he is in Korea most of the time. We made the decision to get married because we love each other very much and we've been together since high school. Johnny and I are both Korean American. We went to high school and grew up in Chicago. He's been in Korea for the last few weeks now. He left after we were married for three weeks. We are in touch like everyday. Starting a family isn't really a priority for me and Johnny at the moment. We do wants kids in the future but we've only just got married and we are not together right now but we'd love a couple of kids in the future. I am home alone atm. I'm missing Johnny a lot. I hate being alone on this apartment. Luckily I have friends and family nearby but it's not the same a having my husband. I haven't had a call from him today but he's probably busy. I understand anyway. I have just had dinner. I don't like cooking for myself though but I made pasta with sauce. As I'm sat on the couch chilling, my phone rings and it's Johnny of course. "Hey, my favourite girl" he said. "Hey, Johnny boy" I say. "How are you? Sorry I didn't call earlier" he said. "It's fine. It's early there. Right" I reply. "Yep it's 6:30am. Early start this morning" Johnny replies. Johnny and I talk for a few minutes. "I missing you, John. I wish you could cone back soon" I said. "Yeah I know, baby. Don't worry. I will when I can" he said. "Awe I hope so, baby" I reply. "I love you with all my heart, Y/ N" he smiles. "I love you too with all my heart too, Johnny Suh" I reply. "I can't wait to be back in your arms soon, gorgeous" he said. "I can't wait, Johnny" I say. "I'm getting so horny for you right now" he laughs. I laugh back. Johnny and I had a good conversation tonight/ this morning. I can't wait for him to come home soon whenever that might be. I'm missing him so much right now

Taeil 🤎

Taeil and I have been in a relationship for a couple of years. He is a great boyfriend and I love him and I could definitely see us spending our future together. Before I got together with Taeil I had a lot of casual relationship not looking for anything serious and commitments but I found the right guy to settle down with. I'm not begging him to propose to me of anything. I don't want to force marriage on him. I know Taeil's career comes first and me of course. I could see is having kids in the future. We'd like that. Taeil said he'd like to be a dad one day but he doesn't think he'll be a good one. I said he would. I am laying in bed waiting for Taeil to finish in the bathroom. He has a long night routine before he even gets into bed. I swear he takes longer than me sometimes in the bathroom. A few minutes later he was done. He turns off the light in the bathroom and gets into bed next to me. "Hey" Taeil said. "Hey, babe" I reply. "Sorry" he said. "It's okay" I reply. He snuggles close to me in bed and put his arms around me. "I love our evening cuddles, Y/ N" he said. "Me too, Taeil. I love them so much like I love you" I reply. "Awwww, baby. You making me blush" he said. I laugh. Taeil and I cuddle for a few minutes. "Y/ N, I've recently been thinking about our future together and I think we should eventually settle down and maybe start a family in the future" Taeil said. "Yes me too, Tae. I was thinking the same too" I reply. "I do wanna have kids with you, baby. One to start off with and then maybe more" he said. "Yes I agree" I reply. "We gonna make a cute baby, baby" Taeil said. "Yes I agree again" I reply. Taeil smiles at me and kisses me before we go to sleep. "Night" he said. "Night" I said. We fall asleep together in each other's arms. So Taeil and I were talking about our future together and we think we want to settle down maybe soon

Yuta 🖤

I met Yuta on a dating app less than a year ago now. We spend a couple of months talking and getting to know each other before we met and started a proper relationship. I was never into finding love on dating apps but now I would say I've found love with Yuta. I've falling for a charming and handsome Japanese guy who I'm happy with. My friends kinda persuaded me to go on a dating app. Me and Yuta were an instant match. We haven't really talked anything about our future yet. Don't think weather we'll have children but maybe. I've heard of people who have met on dating apps who have gone onto get married and have families so that might be us in the future. Yuta is over at my apartment tonight. We are having a scary move night. We both like horror movies. We are watching The Woman In Black now. We are sat close on the couch with a blanket wrapped around us. "You're not scared. Are you?" Yuta asks. "No I'm not. You know me, Yuta. I'm not scared" I reply. He looks at me and laughs. We carried on watching the movie till we watched it. "Another one or bedtime" Yuta said. "I don't know. I'm kinda tired now. I think I might go to bed" I reply. "Okay I'll head off too" he said. Yuta joins me in bed and we lay there for a while. "Y/ N, I can't believe we've been together for almost a year now" he said. "Yes I know. It's crazy, baby" I reply. "You're crazy, baby" Yuta said. I laugh. "Do you think we will get married in the future, Yuta?" I say. "Yes maybe. I'd like to get married and I think you're the one" he smiles. "Awwww you're so sweet, my smushie" I reply. "You'd be a great wife and mother" Yuta said. Yuta is so sweet. So yes maybe we will get married in the future. We are definitely in love to say we met on a dating app not even a year ago

A/ N: second part of the first part. I thought I'd make Doyoung's a little angsty. Don't worry it'll be all happy soon. Next part is a little smutty

I love doing pregnancy series books because I love babies and want to make them for as long as possible

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