7. b. Telling His Family

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Doyoung 🧡


Tonight me and Y/ N are going to see my family. My mom, dad and brother Gongmyung. We can't wait to see them. It's been a while. They invited us over tonight and we can tell them that we are having a baby. We cannot wait. We are so excited to tell them our amazing news. Like us they won't be able to believe we are having a miracle baby. We can't wait to tell them any longer. Y/ N and I are in the car and we're almost at my parents house. Just a few minutes away. She's driving tonight. "I'm so excited to tell them" I say. "Me too, Doyoungie. They will be so elated for us" Y/ N replies. I smile. We arrived soon and knocked on the door. My mom answers a moment later. "Hello. Come in, you two" she smiles. "Hi, eomma. How are you?" I say. "I'm great" she smiles. "Hi" Y/ N said. My dad and Gongmyung were waiting in the lounge for us. We sit down and talk for a little while. We have drinks and snacks too. "It's so good to have you here, Doyoung and Y/ N. We've missed seeing you these last few weeks" my dad said. "It's great to be here" I reply. "Oh yes it is" Y/ N replies. "Anyway do you want to here something so amazing and special, mom, dad and Gongmyung" I say. "Yes we sure do" Gongmyung replies. "Well you know we were told that Y/ N couldn't get pregnant years ago. We didn't want to believe anything and we've been trying so hard for a baby for the last year or so. Well we have been blessed with a baby as Y/ N is pregnant. We are having a beautiful little miracle baby" I say. "Really? Are you being serious?" mom exclaims. "Yes we are. We are finally having a baby" Y/ N said. "I'm so happy. I've been waiting for this day to come" mom said. "Me too. The best news ever" dad said. "That's amazing, bro. Can't wait to be an uncle" Gongmyung said. "Thank you. We knew you all would be so so happy for us" I say. We had a great time at my parents house tonight and told them our amazing news which they are so excited and happy about. A miracle baby is on the way for us

Johnny 💛


I am heading back to Korea tomorrow. I've been in the US with Y/ N for over a month. I've had a great time with her but I need to get back to my life in Korea. Can't wait to see Y/ N again whenever that may happen. Today we are paying a surprise visit to my parents house. We won't see them again for a while so it's a great time to go and we need to tell them our baby news too. Y/ N's mom and stepdad know and they are so happy for us now we need to tell my family. They don't know we are going but they will be in. Y/ N and I are on our way now. "I hope they are around" I say. "They should be. You said they would" Y/ N replies. "Yeah I know" I reply. Soon we arrived at my parents house and yes they are in. Their cars are in. Y/ N and I get out of the car and I hold her hand as we walk up to the door. I knock and my mom answers looking surprised to see us. "Johnny, Y/ N. What a nice surprise?" he said. "Hey, mom. Thought we'd pop by before I go back to Korea tomorrow" I say. "That's lovely. Awwww we've missed you both" she said. We go inside and greet my parents. "How long have you been here now, John?" my dad asks. "Over a month. I've had a great time with my wonderful wife. I won't want to go back" I reply. "Awww I'll be with you soon" Y/ N said. We talk for a while and catch up with my parents. "Mom, dad. Since I'm going tomorrow. We figured it was a good time to tell you some great news" I say. "Ohhh I love great news" my mom said. "Yes we do. Johnny you can tell them" Y/ N said. "Okay, honey. We've only been married a few months and we didn't want to start a family for a while yet but you know things happened and Y/ N is pregnant. We are having a baby" I say. "Johnny, Y/ N. That's wonderful news. I'm so happy for you two. Me and your father didn't wait to have you. We had you a year after we were married" my mom said. "That's fantastic news, son. Can't wait to be a grandad" my dad said. "I can't wait to be a grandma. You're going to be the most amazing parents" mom said. They congratulate us an give us a big hug. We stayed at my parents house will later on at night and had a great time with them. They are so happy that we are having a baby. Just as happy as we are. I'm going to miss Y/ N so much when I go back to Seoul

Taeil 🤎

My family already know about my pregnancy. We told them the other day over the phone. They live in Daegu so I don't see them that often. They were happy for us when we told them. Now we've got Taeil's family time tell. We are going to tell them over the phone tonight. We probably won't be seeing them for a while. Taeil usually calls his family on the phone at least once a week so we are going to do that tonight. He is close especially with his sister. Taeil got home from the studio not so long ago. We had dinner and now we are sitting down for the evening. "Are you ready to call my parents yet, babe?" he said. "Yes ready whenever you are" I reply. "Now" he smiles. Taeil gets his phone and calls his parents number. "Hey, eomma and Appa. It's us" he said. "Hi, Taeil, Y/ N" his mom said. "How are you two?" he asks. "We're Great" his dad replies. "Missing you" Taeil said. "We are missing you too" his mom said. We walk for a few minutes before going onto the conversation about the baby. "Eomma, Appa. Me and Y/ N have something we'd like to tell you" Taeil said. "We do" I reply. "Happy news" his dad said. "Of course it's happy news" his mom said. "Well recently me and Y/ N found out some happy news. We are happy to tell you that we are having a baby" Taeil said. "Awwww you're having a baby. That's great news" his mom said. "Awww that's so nice. Congrats" his dad said. "We are both really happy. Not planned but we are are very happy" I say. "Well that's great. Can't wait to see you again" Taeil's mom said. "Can't wait to see you again too" he said. We hang up after telling Taeil's parents our news. "They are happy for us" he said. "Yes they are. Very happy like we are" I smile. Can't wait to see Taeil's parents soon

Yuta 🖤

We are going to tell Yuta's family our big and happy news. Nobody knows that we are engaged and expecting a baby. We haven't told my family yet as we haven't got round to it. We will very soon though. Yuta's family are still in Japan so we can't see them in person but we are going to tell them via FaceTime. He doesn't FaceTime his family as often as he likes because he's always busy. His mom, dad and sisters Momoka and Haruna should be around tonight. We are getting ready to FaceTime them. I've only met them once but they are nice and I think they like me. "Make sure you show them your beautiful ring" he said. "Of course I will" I reply. "Great. Let's go. Hope they answer" he said. Yuta calls his sister Momoka. "Hey, sis" he said. "Hey, bro. How ya doing?" she replies. "We're doing awesome. Is mom, dad and Haruna around" Yuta said. "Yes they are" she replies. They come and we talk to them for a good few minutes. "We miss you all so much" Yuta said. "We miss you all so much too, Yuta" Haruna said. "We miss you. Come home soon, son" his mom said. "Yes we will try. Actually we have something to tell you" he said. He signals to me to show my ring. "We're engaged" we say in unison. "OMG that's amazing" Momoka said. "Congrats. That's great news" his mom said. "Beautiful ring, my brother did good getting you, Y/ N" Haruna said. "Not that we are engaged but Y/ N is pregnant too" he said. "A wedding and a baby. Wow!" Yuta's dad said. "We are so happy. We got engaged last week by the waterfall and she told me she was pregnant a few days before that" Yuta said. "Aawww that's so romantic. Congratulations on both news" his mom smiles. We talk to them for a few more minutes. Yuta's family in Japan were really happy to hear both our big new. Engagement and pregnancy

A/ N: I tried to make each one different. Sorry if a few are kinda repetitive 

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