45. b. He Babysits While You're Out

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Doyoung 🧡


Y/ N is out at her parents place today. I am
at home looking after Dongjun. He and him don't usually have one on one father son time together. It's nice to. I love my boys. Y/ N has been out most of the day. She'll maybe be back in a couple of hours. There is a football game on TV. Dongjun is sat on my lap and I'm talking to him and telling him about it. I know he'll have no idea what he's saying. I'm tickling his toes. "You probably think I'm crazy, Dongjun. Appa is crazy" I say. He looks up at me. There is an interval in the game I go into the kitchen to get myself a drink. Dongjun is in his Moses basket for a moment. I pick him back up and carry on talking to him again. Soon the door opens and Y/ N comes home. "Hello, I'm home" she said. "Hi, sweetie" I said. "Awww look at you two watching the football. Did you guys have fun?" Y/ N said. "Yes we did. I was telling Dongjun all about football" I reply. "That's nice. Did he take it all in?" Y/ N said. "I think so. As much as he does at two months old" I reply. "Yes of course. I'm just gonna go and get changed" she said. "Okay, sweetie" I reply. I had lots of fun babysitting Dongjun today. It was fun watching the football with my son. He's so cute and adorable

Johnny 💛

Johnny is going to be at home with Harmony tonight as I'm going out with a few girls I know. They asked me and I said okay. I haven't known them for that long as we only moved to Korea a couple of months before Harmony was born. This will be the first time I'm leaving her. I won't be long though. Johnny will be just fine. I am going soon. I really don't want to leave my precious baby girl. I'll be back in less than two hours though. I have almost finished getting ready now and I'll be off soon. Johnny is giving Harmony a bottle in her nursery. When I'm ready I walk in and she's almost done feeding. "Okay I think I'm ready" I say. "Great. Have a good time and don't worry about us?" he said. "No I'll try not to" I reply. I kiss them goodbye. I go out to meet my new friends. I only ended up staying out just a little over an hour as I was missing Johnny and Harmony. I couldn't bare being away from them. It was too much. I didn't tell him I was coming back home because I knew he would end up telling me I shouldn't. I walked into our apartment and Johnny was surprised to see me home so soon. "Hey, you're home so soon, love" he said. "Yes I am. I was missing you two too much" I reply. "Awwww, baby. You didn't have to worry so much. We have been just fine. Haven't we, Harmony?" Johnny replies. "I'm sure you gave but I wasn't really enjoying myself like I thought" I reply. "It's okay" he smile. I sit on the couch and give Johnny a kiss. I guess I'll give it another go soon

Taeil 🤎


Y/ N is out right now for the night with some friends and her sister and sister in law. I'm at home with little Nayoung as it's a girls night out. We did have a date night a couple of weeks ago which was great. I don't usually get to spend much one on one time with Nayoung. I think she's a mammas and a dadas girl. I love her. The TV is on and I have her right by my side on the couch. "You're so cute and beautiful. Aren't you, Nayoung?" I say. She looks at me and smiles a little. She hasn't given us her first proper smile yet but hopefully she will soon. She's still my beautiful little girl. I talk to her and look at her while I am watching TV. Y/ N texts me that'd shed on her way hone and she won't be too long. Can't wait to see her. Nayoung needed a little change so I took her into the nursery to change her. She has a nice clean diaper on behind her mommy arrives home. The door of our aparrmapartment opens and Y/ N walks in. "Hello, you two I'm home" she said. "Hey, sweetie. Did you have fun?" I say. "Yes I did but I missed my two favourite people in the world" Y/ N says. "Awwww at least you're home now" I say. "Yes I am" she said sitting on the couch and putting her arms around me. "Hey, Nayoung. Mommy is home" she said. "Love you" I said. "Love you too" she says. Y/ N is home now after she enjoyed her time out

Yuta 🖤


Yuta is looking after the boys tonight while I go out for a long awaited girls night with my best friends. He's not entirely on his own as his Japanese buddy and band mate, Shotaro is babysitting with him. They are close. They are like brothers. I am going soon and Shotaro is here now. He said he doesn't know a lot about babies but he's here to help Yuta and hang out with him. They should be okay with Daisuke and Toshiro. My friends can't wait to see me. I'll be seeing them soon. When I'm ready I go into the lounge and Yuta and Shotaro are holding the babies. "Okay, boys. I'm leaving" I say. "Yep, sweetie. Have fun. Don't come back too drunk" Yuta said. "She can if she wants. She's a mom now" Shotaro said. "Yeah I'll see. Call me if you need anything and I'll be home early" I reply. "I shouldn't need to do that" Yuta smiles. I kiss him goodbye and walk out the door and leave. I meet my friends at the bar we are going to. I haven't seen them in a while and they haven't even seen the boys yet. They will soon. It's an hour and I haven't heard anything from Yuta or Shotaro so I assume everything is okay. As I was on my third drink, my phone rings. It's Yuta. Hope everything is okay. "Hey, sweetie" he said. "Hi, is everything okay" I ask. "Yes everything is fine. The boys are both asleep now. Shotaro and I got them off together. He is good with them" Yuta said. "That's great. I'll be home in about an hour or so" I reply. "Okay that's fine. Continue to have fun" he said. I arrived home about an hour later to Yuta, Shotaro and our two sleeping boys. Shotaro stayed the night as he was tired so he slept on the couch till morning. It was great that he was here to help Yuta this evening

A/ N: sorry if that was a bit repetitive. I thought I would include Shotaro. Think he is one of my biases now. He's very handsome. Disappointed he didn't get more lines in Make A Wish. I kinda feel like I'm cheating on the other NCT members by biasing him especially my bias wreckers. Who else loves Shotaro?

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