50. b. Baby's First Steps

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Doyoung 🧡

Our little man Dongjun is one years old now. We can't believe he's a year old. He's growing up so much. He's almost walking and we can't wait till he's on his feet running around. It might be soon. We are over at my best friends place today. She has a daughter, Hyunmi who is just a couple of months older than Dongjun. They love playing together. I think they are the best of friends. It's so cute to see them playing together. Doyoung and I like going over to my best friends house. He's good friends with her husband too. The babies are playing outside in the backyard. Hyunmi is already walking as she's a bit older than Dongjun. We are playing blocks now. We are talking but we are also watching them too. "Awwww I love seeing them play together" Doyoung said. "Me too. They are so adorable" I reply. We continue to watch Dongjun and Hyunmi play together. Hyunmi gets up and walks around. "Are you going to do the same, buddy?" Doyoung says. He holds onto his hands and Dongjun stands up. While holding on Doyoung he takes his first steps to him. "He's walking. He just took his first steps" Doyoung said. "Brilliant. Our brilliant boy" I say. "I knew you could do it" my best friend said. We all cheered for Dongjun waking this afternoon. Our amazing little boy. He's so clever

Johnny 💛

We are at the beach again with little Harmony. She turned a year old a few weeks ago. We are still in the US but we are going back to Seoul soon. We've been out here four months now so it'll be nice to get back go Korea. Harmony is a beach baby just like I was when I was little. She loves the beach and could stay here all day. I'm pretty sure she could. She's such a lovely little girl. Harmony is making sandcastles with Johnny now. He's helping her put sand into the bucket. It's so cute to see them playing together so nicely. My two favourite people in the world. "Are you having fun with daddy, Harmony?" I say. "Yes she is. She's having so much fun. Aren't you, sweetheart?" Johnny replies. I take pictures of them making sandcastles together. So cute. Harmony makes a perfect sandcastle with Johnny. She then holds onto his hands and stands up. "Yes she's standing up. Well done, Harmony" he said. "Brilliant. You're such a clever girl, Harmony" I said. Harmony movies her feet and makes two tiny little steps to Johnny. "Yay! I think she's walking" he said. "She is. She's moving her feet" I reply. "Love you, my little angel" Johnny said kissing her. Harmony took her first steps. Only little steps but she still took her first steps. A great day at the beach for many reasons

Taeil 🤎

We can't believe Nayoung is a year old now and she's so close to walking too. We couldn't be happier to have a beautiful little girl who is growing up so much. She is such a joy to be mommy and daddy to. We love her so much. We have decided to go to the mall again today to do some shopping. They also have a nice kids play area there. Nayoung likes to play there and have fun. Sometimes with other kids but most of the time on her own. We are watching her play now and she is having fun in the baby ball pit. "You're having so much fun. Aren't you, Nayoung" I said. "She always has so much fun. Don't you, angel?" Taeil said. Nayoung smiles at me. She plays in another area after with Taeil. So cute to see them playing together. I watch them having fun and being cute. A few minutes later Nayoung stands up by herself. She's done that several times before. She holds onto one of Taeil's hand and starts walking. "She's just taken her first steps. Yay! I can't believe it" he said. "That's amazing. You're amazing, Nayoung. Mommy and daddy love you so much" I say. "We do. Our amazing little girl" Taeil said. We are so proud of little Nayoung walking today. She's amazing. Our amazing little princess

Yuta 🖤

Yuta and I are on our honeymoon in Hawaii. It's a place we've always wanted to go to. It's an amazing place. My parents are at our place in Seoul looking after the boys. We've been on our honeymoon a few days and have a few more left. It's a week and a half altogether. Yuta and I are relaxing on a beach in Hawaii right now. "Ahhhh I love beach life" I say. "Me too. It's awesome" Yuta replies. Just as we were chilling on the beach, my phone rings. It's my mom on FaceTime. "Hello. We've got something amazing to show you" she said. "Hey, mom" I say. "Look. Daisuke is walking. He just stood up a few minutes ago and took his first steps. He's doing it again" Mom said. "Hey, sweetie. You're walking" I say. "One of our big boys is walking" Yuta said. "Mom, that's amazing. Can't believe Daisuke is walking. That's our boy" I say. "Toshiro will be walking soon I know" my dad said. "We just can't wait to get home to them now. We miss them so much" Yuta said. "We do. Yay for Daisuke!" I smile. That was so amazing to see. One of our little boys is walking. We can't believe it. It's incredible. Hopefully Toshiro will be walking soon just like his brother

A/ N: only one more part to go guys. It's sad

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