10. a. Telling The Boys

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Mark 💖


Me and Y/ N are telling the 127 boys that we are having a baby today. She has come down to the studio to see us rehearse. We think they will be pretty shocked to hear our news. They will probably laugh and think we are joking but we are not we are having a baby and we are really. We are going to tell them our news after practice this evening. We are a little nervous though. Me and the guys are still rehearsing and will be done in a couple of hours. I can see Y/ N looking at me from where she is sat. She always looks so beautiful. Just a little extra now that she's carrying my child. The choreographer tells us when we are done for the day which was around 7pm. I go over to Y/ N and give her a hug. "Awww, Markie. You did so well today. I'm so proud of you" she said. "Thank you, honey. I think we should tell them now" I whisper. "Okay" she replies. "Guys, before we go. Ummm me and Y/ N want to tell you something" I say. "Okay don't be long. We need to get home" Yuta said. "Well it may come as a shock to you but me and Y/ N are having a baby" I say. "What you serious? This must be a joke" Taeyong laughs. "Yeah imagine you as a dad, Mark" Taeil laughs. "It is. Why would we lie? If you want proof look at the ultrasound picture" I say. I get the ultrasound picture out of my wallet and Jaehyun snatches it from me. "Okay" he said. "Awwww cute" Haechan said. "Believe is now" I say. "Kinda. Don't think it will last though. Most young couples don't stay together when they have a baby" Yuta said. "We will stay together till the end and I love Y/ N" I say. "I love you too, Mark. He's a great guy" Y/ N smiles. It's safe to say the guys were shocked to find out we were having a baby but we hope they will be happy for us in time

Jaehyun 💜

Jaehyun and I have invited some of the NCT guys out for dinner tonight at one of our favourite restaurants in town. We figured it would be a good way of telling them our baby news as they don't know yet. We are meeting Taeil, Kun, Jeno, Taeyong, Ten and Chenle soon at the restaurant. They were the only ones who could come tonight so we thought we'd just take the chance and tell them. Jaehyun and I are almost ready to go now and meet the guys at the restaurant. We are dressing casually but also a little smartly for tonight. "You look as beautiful and hot as always, my love" Jaehyun said putting his arms around me. "Thank you, my dear husband. You look as handsome as always of course. Love ya" I reply. "Love ya too" he said. When we were ready we get our things and leave our home. A few of the guys are already there and waiting in the bar for us. Jaehyun and I get in the car and drive. "Can't wait to tell them. They are gonna be so happy for us" Jaehyun said. "Yes they certainly are. Well we'll be telling them soon" I reply. We arrived at the restaurant soon and got out of the car and walked in together holding hands. All the boys had arrived now. We were only a few minutes later. "Hey, we're here" Jaehyun said. "Hi, you two" Jeno said. "Love birds" Taeyong said. We get seated at the table and take a look at the menu and decide what we want. We get a selection of appetisers to share between us. We talk amongst ourselves while we wait for the food to come. It might be a good time to tell them after starters. The food comes out and we tuck in. "Delicious" Jaehyun said. "It is" I reply. After the started we decided to tell them our big news. "Guys, me and Y/ N have something we'd like to tell you" Jaehyun said. "Yes we sure do" I reply. "Well we've been trying for a baby recently and Y/ N is pregnant. We are having a baby" Jaehyun said. "OMG congratulations. That's amazing" Kun said. "That is amazing. We gonna be uncles" Taeil said. "We are. I'm already an uncle but I'm gonna be an uncle again" Chenle said. "You guys are the first to know in the group. Apart from our families of course" Jaehyun said. "We are the chosen ones" Ten said. "You are. Can't wait to be parents" I smile. We celebrated with dessert and a few extra drinks at the end. Well I can't drink but the boys did. We told them our big baby news and they are really happy for us

Taeyong 💙

Taeyong has been with the SuperM guys recently working on new music and choreography for their new comeback. We are thinking of telling them our baby news today. Taeyong is close with all members. And NCT too as he's their leader. We can't wait to tell them that we are having a baby. We hope they will be happy for us. After we will tell the rest of the NCT guys too. SuperM are at rehearsals now at the studio. They are almost finished for the day and I'm going to surprise Taeyong. He doesn't know I'm coming. No one does. I am almost there now and it's almost time for them to wrap up for the day. I pull up in the car park and get out of the car and walk in. The team greet me and I knock on the door of the rehearsal room Taeyong is in. He sees me walk in and smiles. "Hey, baby. What are you doing here?" he said. "I've come to surprise you and take you home" i said. "Ohhh that's great. You're amazing" he said. "Thanks" I laugh. He kisses me in front of the guys. "Ewe. Get a room" Mark said. "Shut up. Guys, since Y/ N is here we might as well tell you something" Taeyong said. "And what's that?" Kai replies. "You'll find out in a moment" he replies. "We would like to tell you that I am pregnant" I said. They all looked shocked. "What? You're having a baby" Ten said. "Yep that's what pregnant means" Baekhyun said. "Congratulations that's great news. Awwww" Taemin said. "Thank you, guys. We are really happy about this" I reply. "Mommy and daddy to be" Lucas smiles. So we went home feeling happy that we told the SuperM guys about our baby news. Now we will tell the rest of the NCT guys whenever we can

Jungwoo ❤️

The guys are coming over today. The NCT 127 guys of course. We are going to tell them that we are having twins. We found out about a week ago about the twins. We have told our families. They were a little shocked and surprised at first but they are happy of course. I guess two babies are better than one. We are telling the boys by giving them t shirts we got especially made by them. They have different words on them to do with them being uncles. Taeyong: Uncle Hyung, Taeil: Uncle Moon, Johnny: Uncle Cool, Yuta: Uncle Sushi, Doyoung: Uncle Bunny, Jaehyun: Uncle Mr Handsome, WinWin: Uncle Dong Dong, Mark: Uncle Awesome and Haechan: Uncle Cutie. Yeah so those are the uncle nicknames we came to with. They have just arrived now and we let them in. "Hello, my brothers" Jungwoo said. "Hey, Woo" Johnny said. "Hi, guys" I say. They come in and take a seat. We only have one couch and a chair so most of them were sitting on the floor. The boys were gentlemen men and let me sit on the chair. "It's great to be here today, guys" Haechan said. "I know. We've been looking forward to see you all" Jungwoo said. "Yes we have" I reply. "You two seem excited about something" Taeil said. "Yes we are actually" I said. Jungwoo and I go and get the t shirts for the guys. "What are these?" Taeyong said. "Some gifts for you guys" Jungwoo replies. "Oh really? Why?" Yuta questions. "You'll find out in a minute" I say. We hand out the wrapped up t shirts. "Hang on. We want you all to open them at the same time" Jungwoo said. The boys open the gifts at the same time. "Uncle Bunny" Doyoung said. "Uncle Awesome" Mark said. They all looked at us a little confused. "Does this mean you guys are having a baby?" WinWin said. "Yes we are" Jungwoo said. "Actually not just one. We are having twins" I say. "Twins. Nah that's crazy but cool of course" Jaehyun said. "Congratulations. We're only gonna be uncles" Taeyong said. "We thought we'd tell you by getting you personalised t shirts" Jungwoo said. "That's amazing. I love my shirt" Haechan said. The guys stayed a while and we had a great time with them. They loved their t shirts and they are happy for us

Donghyuck 💚


The guys are over at our apartment today and we are going to tell them that we are having a baby. Well Eunsang kinda is in a way. He has a t shirt that says 'big brother'. We are going to keep his sweater on till we tell them. They are over now playing with Eunsang and talking to us. Eunsang loves playing with his uncles very much. We are sure they will be happy to learn that we are having another nephew or niece. Y/ N and I are going to tell them soon. We are finding the right time to tell them. Mark and Jungwoo are playing with Eunsang right now. "Guys, why do you keep your kid in his sweater?" Taeyong asks. "Because he's a little cold, mate" I reply. "It's not that cold" Taeyong said. "It's winter it's meant to be cold" I say. "Buddy, aren't you warm in that?" Taeyong said trying to take Eunsang's sweater off. "No don't he needs to keep it on" I say. A little later, Eunsang starts to get a little fussy having his sweater on. "Okay, guys. We haven't been completely honest with you. Come here, bud" I say. Eunsang comes to me and I take his sweater too. He turns around to face the boys. "Big brother" Yuta said. "Wait. You're having a baby and Eunsang is going to be a big brother" Johnny says. "Yes we are. I'm pregnant" Y/ N said. "That's great" Taeil said. "You're having another kid, Hyuck. Don't you think that's gonna be too much with your career?" Doyoung said. "No it's fine. It will be just fine. We are so excited to be welcoming this new life into the world" I say. The guys stayed a while longer to spend time with us and playing with Eunsang and they were happy to hear our news

A/ N: thought I'd do something a bit different for Jungwoo's and give the guys t shirts. Cool idea

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