17. b. Baby Shopping

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Doyoung 🧡

Doyoung and I had our surprise gender reveal party a couple of week ago. We were so happy to find out that we are having a baby boy. It was the biggest and most amazing surprise ever. We can't wait to meet our gorgeous little boy. We have been ordered some clothes and things for him on a website called Moumouchou. They have super cute things there. Every since we got married I've been wanting to get baby things from there. I love all the things they have. They are so adorable. We are expecting an order to come today of the first things we have ordered for the baby. I am so excited for the things to come. It's so exciting getting things for your baby. It finally feels real now. The delivery should be coming anytime now. Doyoung and I are ready and waiting for the doorbell to go. We are sat on the couch waiting. Not long the doorbell goes. "Ohhhh here is it" Doyoung said going for the door. "Ohhhh yes" I reply. He grabs the box from the delivery man and brings it in. We've ordered quite a lot of things from Moumouchou. "Let's have a look at everything" I say. "Absolutely" Doyoung replies. He grabs some scissors and we open the box. There were some cute outfits on top. The first one a cute bear sleep suit with a matching hat. "This is adorable. Everything is adorable" I say. "It is. Awwww" Doyoung replies. We got lots more clothes, a cuddly bear, changing mat and a diaper bag too. Some amazing things for our baby boy which he'll love. "I think that's everything" I say. "Yes it is. I'm sure we'll be ordering from here again once our little boy gets bigger" Doyoung said. "Yes or maybe before" I say. We take everything into what will be the baby's room. We haven't organised the room yet but we'll doing that soon. We got some amazing things from Moumouchou for our baby boy. Can't wait to order from them again

Johnny 💛

Johnny is still in Seoul but he's coming home soon in about a week and a half. Can't to see him. It's been almost a month since we were together. Cannot wait to see him and get ready for our baby girls arrival. She will most likely be born in Korea but we haven't worked that out yet. We should maybe still do a room for her in the US for when we are here. I am home now as I finished work earlier. It's nice to finish work early ever now and then. I don't have anything to do when Johnny is here. I'll be having some dinner soon and probably watching some TV then. As I'm sitting on the couch reading the news, there is a knock on the door. I'm not expecting anyone so who is it. I open the door and it here is a nice basket filled with baby things. Who could it be from? I pick it up and take it into the kitchen. I open it up and there is a note attached. It reads; 'Y/ N, a few little things for our baby girl. I miss you so much. Can't wait to see you. Love Johnny and the boys XOXO'. Awwww how sweet. Johnny and the boys sent a lovely baby basket for the baby how amazing. I looked at the things and they included: a few clothes, blankets, bottles, pacifiers, diapers and cuddly toys. Most of the essentials you need for a newborn. It made me smile so much. I love it so much. Johnny and the guys are so sweet and thoughtful. I call him to thank them all. What a lovely surprise tonight? I was actually thinking of getting a few baby things before Johnny comes home. Don't need to now

Taeil 🤎

Taeil and I are finally going out to do some baby shopping for our little one. We are really excited to get a few bits and bobs for our baby. We have nothing for them so far. Actually just a few little things from people at our party. We are in the car on our way to the mall now. It's evening after work. We don't have time to go during the day as we are both working. "Can't wait till we get there, babe to get some things for our bubba" Taeil said. "Oh yes me too. I'm so excited but remember gender neutral things as we don't want to know if this little one if a boy or a girl" I reply. "Yep that's right I know" he replies. We arrived at the mall and got out of the car and started looking at baby places. I know there is a few here. First we go to the biggest baby store in the mall first. "Wow! This place is big. I think we will get a lot of things here" Taeil said. "Yep we definitely should" I reply. I tell Taeil to grab a cart as we will probably be buying a lot from here. We look at newborn things first and see a few things we like. "I don't want to buy too many things till we know the baby is a boy or a girl" I say. "Yeah I know I agree" he said. I see a few cute newborn gender neutral outfits. We then check out car seats, cribs and strollers. "This is a nice stroller" Taeil says pointing to a navy stroller. "Yeah it's nice but what if the baby ends up being a girl" I say. "It's a gender neutral colour, Y/ N. It would be fine if we have a girl" Taeil said. "Yeah maybe but I think we should wait a little longer" I say. He agrees. We get some ideas for strollers. We pay for the things at that store and go to two more places and buy some more baby things. Taeil and I had fun baby shopping today. We got lots of things for our little one

Yuta 🖤


Y/ N and I have been out and about buying some things for our baby boys. We realised it was a good time to go out and buy some things for the babies. We bought many cute and nice things like matching outfits for the bits. Can't wait till they are here in a couple of months time. We are arriving home now with everything we got. I pull up in the parking lot and we get out of the car and I open the trunk and we get some things out. Y/ N takes a few light bags. I don't want her carrying anything too heavy with her being pregnant. We get in the elevator and open our apartment. "Home sweet home" I say. Y/ N smiles. "So let's have a look at what we got" she said. "Yep let's" I reply. We open up the bags of things we got and take a look. "I love all the cute outfits we got for our boys" Y/ N said. "Yep me too. Just too adorable like them" I smile. We organised all the matching outfits we got for the twins. On the couch and table. "I don't think I've got a favourite one" I say. "Yep me neither. Love them all" she replies. Y/ N and take the things into what will be the twins room. "Can't wait to doctorate this room soon for the twins" she said. So Y/ N and I had a great time baby shopping for our boys. Can't wait till they are here so they can wear their adorable matching outfits

A/ N: baby shopping. Made Johnny's a bit different as they were living apart still

SuperM album tomorrow. Yay! Can't wait

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