8. a. Morning Sickness

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Mark 💖

Mark is at the studio tonight working late. I am alone tonight with nothing to do. I suppose I could watch something on Netflix to pass the time. By the time Mark has finished it will probably be too late for him to come over. I will just have to spend the night alone. It's okay I guess. I am sat on the couch looking for something to watch on Netflix. Mark has been super busy today and I haven't really heard from him today. It's okay though I understand. I find a good movie to watch and sit back and watch it. About halfway through the movie I get up and go to the bathroom as I need to pee but I also feel a sense of nausea coming on. I go to the toilet first and then throw up a tiny bit in the toilet. I stay a few minutes and I was sick more. I call Mark. I know he probably won't answer but I try. He picks up after a couple of rings. "Hi, Y/ N. Are you okay?" he asks. "Markie, I've just thrown up" I say. "Are okay, sweetie? Should I come" he replies. "No I'm okay. I've stopped now. I hate throwing up, Markie" I say. "I know, honey. Must be early pregnancy sickness. Don't worry I'll try and be with you in an hour or so" Mark said. "Okay, Markie. Sorry to call you. I love you" i said. "It's no problem. I love you too. See you soon" he replies. I just needed to talk to Mark for a moment then. He always makes me feel better when I'm not so good. He care to my place about an hour later and we cuddled on the couch for a while

Jaehyun 💜

I've been getting a bit of early morning sickness recently in my pregnancy. I am 8 weeks on now and I have my first scan next week. Me and Jaehyun can't wait for it. We are so excited to see our little one for the first time soon. Sickness always happens early in the morning around sunrise. Jaehyun has to wake up soon for work. It's Wednesday and he has to work five days a week. I hear Jaehyun wake up and I wake up at the same time too as I feel sick. Always happens at this time in the morning. "Are you awake, hun?" Jaehyun said. "Yes I can't sleep, Jaehyun. I feel sick again" I reply. "Awwww, honey. I'm right here. Baby" he said. "I think I need to throw up" I say. I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom just in time before I was sick in the toilet a lot. "Awww, jagiya" Jaehyun said coming to my aid and holding my hair back and rubbing my back. "I hate morning sickness" I reply. "I know, you'll be okay. Don't worry" he said. "Sorry I don't want to make you late" I say. "You're not making me late. I'll stay with you as long as you want" Jaehyun said. "Okay, Hyunie. You're the best husband in the world" I reply. Jaehyun stays with me a bit longer till I was feeling better. I got back into bed and tried to rest for longer while he had breakfast and left. Ugh I hate morning sickness so much

Taeyong 💙

Taeyong is making dinner for me tonight when I get home. He doesn't get to cook that often but he's cooking for me tonight and I can't wait. He's making a Japanese noodle soup that he learnt how to do from Yuta. Can't wait to get home and see him and have dinner with him. I'm on my way home from work now. Taeyong finished work early today that's why he's home and cooking for me. I text him to tell him when I'll be back. Traffic is always an issue finishing at 6pm. Anyway I get home soon to our apartment. As I walk down the corridor the delicious smell of food wafts you my nostrils. Must be Taeyong's cooking. Ohhhh yes. I open our door and walk in. He's busy working away in the kitchen. "Hello, I'm home" I say. "Hey, babe. Something delicious is cooking up" Taeyong said. "Smells amazing" I smile. I give him a kiss and a hug. "I'm just going to change into something more comfortable" I say. He smiles. I get out of my work clothes and into something more comfortable. I join him in the kitchen about 10 minutes later. "Almost ready for you, babe" Taeyong said. "Great because I'm hungry now" I reply. A few minutes later we sit down to eat at the kitchen table. "It's delicious, Taeyong. I think you're a great cook" I say. "Well I'm very glad it is" he said. We eat and talk about our day. We sit for a while to let our meal go down too. I feel a tiny bit sick. I am lucky that I haven't been hit by sickness so far in my pregnancy. "Are you okay, Y/ N? You don't look so good" Taeyong said. "I feel a little sick. Don't worry it's not your cooking. I think pregnancy sickness is happening" I reply. "Awwww okay, love. I'm sorry" he said. "It's not your fault" I said. A little later I was a tiny but sick but not that much. I'm just sad I threw up some of Taeyong's lovely meal. Most of it stayed down I think

Jungwoo ❤️

I've been getting quite bad morning sickness lately. I'm almost 9 weeks now. We have our first scan soon so we can't wait to see our baby for the first time. We are so excited to be parents. Jungwoo and I are getting ready to go out to the mall. No we are not baby shopping. We are meeting a few friends there and doing some shopping. Can't wait to go out. Sickness hits me at different times if the day so I don't think it makes any difference when we go. I am almost ready now to go so is Jungwoo. I go to the closet and choose an outfit for wearing for our outing. "Jungwooie, what should I wear today" I say. "Anything, sweetheart. You look amazing in anything, my love" Jungwoo replies. He helps me choose an outfit to wear. Jeans with a nice pretty top and boots. We go soon. I start to feel sick as we go out the door. I didn't want to tell Jungwoo as i know he's looking forward to going out. "Y/ N, you don't look okay. Do you feel sick?" Jungwoo asks. "Yes but I wasn't going to tell you, Jungwoo. I'll be okay. Let's just go and have fun" I reply. "It's okay. You don't have to do anything to please me. We'll go back home till you feel better. You're more important than meeting out friends for dinner. I gave into. Jungwoo is just so lovely. I throw up in the toilet and he stays by my side and rubs my back and holds my hair back. "It's okay, jagiya" he keeps on saying. We join our friends at the mall later for dinner. They understood even though we didn't tell them I'm pregnant

Donghyuck 💚

Tomorrow I have to sit an important exam at college and I've been worrying about it. More than usual as I'm pregnant. I've been getting some sickness too which has been playing on my mind. Sickness started last week and has been happening almost everyday since. I will be glad when this exam is over tomorrow and I can relax and forget about it. I've moved in with Donghyuck now. He asked me to move in when I told him I was pregnant. We are happily living together now with little Eunsang. I am getting an earlier night so I can be rested before the exam in the morning. Donghyuck has decided to come to bed with me the same time too. "Y/ N, I don't want you to worry about this exam. I know you'll do great and pass with flying colours" he said. "Yeah I know. Hope you're right I don't normally worry. It's the pregnancy and the sickness" I reply. "I know. It's not nice is it" he said. "It's not. I hate it" I reply. "I'll be thinking of you tomorrow when you're taking that exam" Donghyuck said. "Awwww, Hyuckie. I know you're always thinking of you too" I reply. I go to the bathroom just before I go to bed. Donghyuck is laying in bed on his phone. I start to feel a little light headed and sick. "Hyuck" I say. "Yes, sweetheart" he said. "I feel a bit dizzy and sick" I reply. "It's okay, darling. I'm here" he replies. I throw up in a bowl and Donghyuck stays by me and comforts me till I saw feeling better. I tried to relax about the exam and I was okay by morning

A/ N: morning sickness. Doesn't necessarily happen in the morning. Always a good part I think

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