29. Labor/ Delivery- Taeyong 💙

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I now two weeks over my due date. It's pretty dangerous to be so late over due. They are going to induce me if I don't go into labor by tomorrow. I'm 42 weeks now. Me and Taeyong have had an anxious time these last couple of weeks waiting for our baby boy to come. We've been playing the waiting game. I've been having sleepless nights mostly every night and it's not been nice at all. We just want our little man Taeho to be here. I'm having a home birth too in our bedroom on our bed. I've always liked the idea of home births. I am having one. Taeyong wasn't really keen on the idea of me giving birth at home first. It's not up to him as he's not the one having a baby. I am so exhausted all of the time now. I don't feel like doing anything. Taeyong has to do like everything for me. He doesn't mind though. He does it without complaining. When I feel the first sigh of labor we call the midwife and she'll be over soon. It's afternoon and I'm taking a test of the couch. Taeyong is making dinner for later. I wish I could help him but I can't. He's telling me to stay where I am and not to move. "Are you okay, sweetheart? Can I get you anything" he asks. "I'm fine, Taeyong and no I'm good" I say. "Okay, baby" he said. A few minutes later he comes in and gives me a kiss. "I thought you were busy" I said. "No too busy to give my wife and kiss and show I love her" Taeyong replies. "Awww, baby. You're the sweetest" I reply. He spends a few minutes with me before going back into the kitchen. Soon dinner was ready so we wait down to eat in the kitchen. Even just sitting down to eat can be a bit of an effort sometimes but I made it. "Are you comfortable?" he asks. "As comfortable as I can be" I reply. We eat together and I take my time so I digest the meal well. "That was super nice, Tae" I say. "I'm glad it was" Taeyong smiles. He clears away the table and washes up while I sit and let that go down. I start to feel something as I'm sat there. Taeyong could tell I didn't look good. "Y/ N, are you okay? You don't look so good. Was it my cooking?" he asks. "Taeyong, I think I might be having a little contraction. I don't know yet. Just give me sometime" I say. "Okay, sweetie. As much time as you want" he said

As I start to feel worse and the contractions progress, Taeyong calls the midwife. I don't really like her. She's a stern older woman but I guess she's good at her job. You can't really choose which midwife you get. You are assigned one. Taeyong stays with me till the midwife arrives as I get a little hey up. "Don't worry, jagiya. You can do this. It will be all over soon, my love" he said kissing my hand. "I hope so. You'll be right by my side" I reply. "Of course I will. I'm not leaving you. Not even to go to the bathroom or have a drink" Taeyong replies. "I love you, Taeyong" I said. "I love you too" he smiles. The midwife arrives at our place soon with her things. Taeyong gets the bed ready so I can give birth. I'm only halfway dilated so still some more time. I'm having contractions and my waters have broken so that's a sign. The midwife leaves. She didn't want to hang around when I wasn't in the later stages of labor yet. Taeyong stayed by my side and made sure I was okay through out. He's so kind, loving and thoughtful is my man. I love him so much. "Baby. It's just the two of you. I'm glad she's not here and we can have sometime together before our boy comes" Taeyong said. "Yes I know. I'll be glad when the labor thing is over and Taeho is here safe and sound" I say. "Yes that's right. No need to worry. The man who loves you most in the world is right by your side" Taeyong smiles. Sometime later my labor progressed more and the midwife came back. It's just after midnight now and I've been in labor since just after 7pm this evening. It's only been a few hours so maybe a little more time. "Y/ N, good news. You are 8cm dilated now so a couple of centimetres from beings fully dilated. You can't push yet" the midwife said. Since I was almost fully dilated I could get on our bed ready to give birth. Taeyong lays next to me and holds my hand. Soon I got ready to push

After almost an our of pushing, our son Taeho was born. I'm not saying it was easy giving birth because it wasn't but I guess it was easier at home. When Taeho was born, the midwife clean him off and wrapped him in a towel and handed him to me. "Here he is" she said. "Hello, baby boy. You're finally here" I say. "Oh yes you are, Taeho. You're so awesome" Taeyong said. "He is" I smile. The midwife checked baby Taeho over again before she left. She also showed me how to breastfeed to which was good. I'm definitely sticking with it. She's gone now so we can have some alone time with our newborn son. "I can't believe he is finally here after all this time, jagiya" Taeyong said. "I know. It's seemed like an awful long time" i reply. "It really did but this little is here now and we are parents" he said. "Yes we are. Hello, Taeho. Mommy and daddy love you so much" I say kissing baby Taeho's head. It's the early hours of the morning but that didn't stop us from loosing sleep and spending time with our adorable newborn baby boy. He was two weeks late but better late than never

💙 Lee Taeho 💙Born April 20th @ 2:17amWeight 8lbs 11oz

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💙 Lee Taeho 💙
Born April 20th @ 2:17am
Weight 8lbs 11oz

A/ N: awwww baby Taeho is here. Two weeks late though but he's here and very adorable indeed

NCT 2020. It's amazing. Such a amazing album. Couldn't be prouder of all 23 of our boys. I kinda wish Shotaro and Sungchan are in more of the songs but they are both great additions to NCT. Part 2 is apparently out next month. Hoping for another Taeyong & Ten song

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