14. a. Finding Out The Gender

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Mark 💖

Mark and I are going to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl today. It's my 21 weeks scan and we can't wait to find out. Signs are still pointing to a boy as I'm still craving salty and savoury foods. Not as much as a few weeks ago but sometimes I am. Anyway Mark and I have just arrived at the hospital now for my appointment. It's soon in about 15 minutes. We sit and wait. "I can't to find out if this little one if a boy or a girl. I'm so excited" said Mark touching my bump. "Me too. I can't wait. We'll be finding out very very soon" I reply. "I love you, Y/ N. I can't wait to have this baby with you" he smiles. "Awww, Markie. I love you too" I really. We get called into the room on time. It was a different lady this time. "Hi, Y/ N. How are you?" she said. "I'm doing just fine. Thanks" I reply. She puts the jelly stuff on my bump and starts examining me. Mark sits by me and holds my hand. "Would you like to know the gender of your baby?" she asks. "Yes please we would" I reply. "Ohhhh yes" Mark said. "Hang on baby isn't play ball at the moment" the lady said. "It's okay" I reply. "There we go. They've turned around. Ohhhhh I see it's a boy" she said. "A boy! Yay, baby. We are having a son. A little boy" Mark cheers. "A boy. Yay! All those cravings were right. We're having a son, Markie" I reply. "I'm so happy" he smiles. "Congratulations, guys. Your son seems to have great parents" the lady smiles. Me and mark leave the hospital feeling overjoyed to find out that we are having a baby boy. He's gonna be a cutie just like his daddy


Jaehyun 💜

Y/ N and I have decided that we are not going to find out the gender of our baby. We are going to keep it a secret till he or she is born. We want to keep guessing if sighs point towards a girl or a boy. We think that is the best way of finding out the gender of your baby. We can't wait for the next few months to see what it brings. We don't want to know if we are having a girl or a boy. Y/ N and I are at home this evening relaxing and unwinding. We are sat on the couch and I have my arms around her. I love holding my wife close and kissing and cuddling her. She's the best woman in this world. "I love you so much, jagiya" I said. "I love you too, Jaehyunie" Y/ N replies. "I can't believe we are having a beautiful baby together" i said. "I know. Me too. I'm so excited to meet them" she replies. "I think we are going the right thing not finding out the gender of the baby" I say. "Yes me too, jagi. I can't wait to find out if this little one is a boy or a girl" she said. "I know. I'd like a boy but I'd also love a girl too" I reply. "I don't mind. Just as long as the baby is healthy and adorable. It doesn't matter what the gender is" Y/ N smiles. "You're certainly right" I reply. "I love you, Jaehyun. You're going to be the most amazing father in the world to our baby boy or girl" she said. "Awwww, baby and you're going to be the best mother in the world to our little one" I smile giving her a kiss. So Y/ N and I will have fun guessing the gender of the baby in the next few months till we wait for them to born. Boy or girl? What will it be?

The gender will be a secret till labor and delivery. Boy or girl???

Taeyong 💙

Me and Y/ N are at the hospital finding out the gender of our our baby. I want it to be a boy and she wants it to be a girl but she said she wouldn't mind if it's a boy. We are in the waiting room ready to find out soon. Can't wait to know if it's a boy or a girl. I sit and fidget a little. I fidget when I'm excited. I just can't wait to find out. "Do you ever keep still, babe?" Y/ N asks. "No I don't. I'm excited to find out if we are having a prince or a princess" I reply. "I know you are" she replies. "Y/ F/ N. Would you like to come in" the sonographer said calling Y/ N's name. "Yes I am" she replies. We follow her in and Y/ N lays on the bed and the lady starts examining her. "This is my fiancé Taeyong" she said. "Hey" I said shaking her hand. The jelly stuff goes on and she takes a look at the baby. "Will you be able to find out the gender today? We'd like to know" I say. "Yes if it's possible I'll tell you" she replies. Y/ N smiles at me as the lady examines her. "Yes I can tell. It's a little boy" she said. "A boy! Yes I'm so happy. I've always wanted a son" I reply. "I'm happy, Yong. We are having a little prince" Y/ N said. "Look you can tell. He's presenting his private parts well" the sonographer said. "Oh yeah. That's my boy" I reply. Y/ N smiles at me. We leave the hospital feeling very happy to find out that we are having a baby boy. I am getting the son I've always wanted


Jungwoo ❤️

Jungwoo and I had our second baby scan this morning. We got to see our twins for the second time. We decided between us that we are not going to find out their genders. We want to keep them a secret till they are born. Jungwoo thinks a boy and a girl and I think it's maybe it's two girls but we'll see when they are born and we can't wait to find out if we are having twin girls or a boy and a girl. We are on our way home now from the hospital after good news and our scan. "That was exciting. Wasn't it?" Jungwoo said. "Yes it was very exciting. So happy we got to see our bubbas again, Jungwoo" I reply. "Awww. Me too, jagiya. They are doing so well" he smiles. "Yes they are. They're doing great. Jungwooie, I'm actually glad we didn't find out the genders just yet. I love being surprised" I reply. "Yes me too. I love surprises too" he says. He smiles as we get in the car and drive home. We stopped off at the supermarket on our way back. We pulled up at our apartment block and got out of the car. As I got out of the car. I feel one of the babies move. It feels like a kick. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" Jungwoo asks. "Yes. Jungwoo, I think one of the babies just kicked me" I say. "Ohhh did it hurt?" he replies. "No no, silly. It's not meant to hurt. It kinda feels like there's a butterfly inside of me" I reply. "Ah right. One of our little butterflies" he said. He stands next to me and feels where one of the babies is kicking. "Yeah I can feel" he said. So Jungwoo and I go inside our apartment and settle down for the rest of the day

Again the genders will be a secret. Can you guess?

Donghyuck 💚

This morning Donghyuck and I are going to find out the gender of our baby. We both definitely think it's a girl. It would be great if it was a girl. Donghyuck said he'd love a little princess this time. Anyway we are on our way ready to find out with Eunsang with us. He is happy to find out if he's having a little brother or sister. We have just arrived at the hospital now. "Okay, lets get you out little man" Donghyuck said lifting Eunsang out of the car. We hold his hand as we walk in. I check myself in and we wait. "Eunsang, are you excited to find out if you're having a brother or a sister" Donghyuck said. Eunsang smiles and laughs at us. I get called in for my scan on time. Like my first one I lay down on the bed and the lady starts examining me. "The baby looks healthy at the moment" she said. "Great. That's amazing" I reply. "Can you see, Eunsang? That's your baby brother or sister" he says. He brings Eunsang closer al he can see. "Would you like me to tell you the gender of the baby?" the lady asks. "Yes please. We would" I reply. "Yes" Eunsang says pointing to the screen. I smile. "Well it's a baby girl. You're having a girl. Congratulations" she smiled. "A girl. Yessss. We are having a little princess, babe. I'm so happy" Donghyuck said. "Aawww me too, Hyuckie. We're having a beautiful little girl" I reply. "You're going to have little sister, Eunsangie" Donghyuck said. Eunsang smiles. We are having a girl. Oh yay! We are so happy and excited to meet our little princess


A/ N: so I hope you guessed the genders I revealed so far. Two of them in the next part will be a secret. One of them only till the gender reveal party

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