51. b. Baby's First Birthday

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Doyoung 🧡

Dongjun is a year old today and we are having a nice birthday party for him at Doyoung's parents place. We can't wait to celebrate our miracle baby boys first birthday. Dongjun means everything to us. The whole world. Without him our lives wouldn't be the same. Doyoung and I spoilt him this morning and he deserved it. The party is about to start. People are already arriving with food and presents for Dongjun. Everybody wants to see the birthday boy on his special day. Oh yes. Dongjun is not really one for lots of attention but it's his birthday today. The NCT guys are about to arrive anytime. All of them. They wouldn't miss our boys and for the world. We see a few cars pull up outside and then getting out. All of the guys come in. "Birthday boy" Hendery exclaims. "Where's the birthday boy?" WinWin says. "Let me see that special boy" Haechan said. "Happy birthday, Dongjun" Taeil said. "We're gonna have a party" Jeno said. They come in with gifts for Dongjun and put them on the floor with all his others. Doyoung and I want to thank everyone for coming before the party started. "Hello and welcome, everyone to Dongjun's first birthday party" Doyoung said. "Thank you so much for coming to celebrate our boys special day" I say. "As you know it took us years to have Dongjun. As struggled getting pregnant but we finally have him now. Our miracle baby boy" Doyoung said. "Happy birthday, sweetheart" I smile. Everyone smiled as we said those words. Everyone socialised at first before helping themselves to food. We then had some games for Dongjun and the other children before opening a few presents and cake time. He loved it. Dongjun had the best first birthday party ever. He's such a special boy

Johnny 💛

Little Harmony is a year old today. It's a year ago today since she came into the world three weeks early. She gave us a little scare at first but now she's a happy and healthy one year old. She's still out beautiful and precious little girl. Johnny and I think we want another baby soon. Maybe in a few months time. Today we are celebrating Harmony's first birthday and we are celebrating with both our families as are in the US for a while. Johnny's parents and my parents are over at our place today to celebrate Harmony's birthday with us. We are having a little celebration for her. Not a big one. We might celebrate when we go back to Korea in the next couple of months. Harmony is sat on the floor in the lounge looking at her presents from us and her grandparents. Think she's more interested in the paper than the actual gifts. Johnny is sat with her. "You like the paper better than the gifts. Don't you, Harmony?" he said. "She does" Johnny's dad laughs. "I thought she'd be excited to play with your toys, Harmony" I say. "She will be soon" my mom said. Harmony gets more interested in her toys later when we cleared the wrapping paper. "I can't believe she was so tiny when she was born. Look at her now" Johnny's mom said. "She was super tiny and we thought we were gonna loose her" Johnny said. "We did but she pulled through and she's here now on her first birthday" I smile. We celebrated with a delicious cake made by my mom later. Harmony loved it especially. She ate what we gave her. Harmony had a very special first birthday with us. We can't believe she is 1 years old

Taeil 🤎


It is the day of Nayoung's first birthday and we are celebrating with the NCT guys. Family and friends at the weekend. We can't wait to celebrate our little girls birthday. The boys are throwing Nayoung a party at the studio today. They haven't told us what they are doing but I know it will be amazing. I'm also going to ask Y/ N to marry me to. Taeyong has the ring. Nayoung is dressed in a pretty dress that Y/ N and I got her. She looks beautiful. We are in the car on our way to the studio now. Nayoung is sat in the back looking so pretty in her dress. We arrive at the studio a few minutes later. I grab Nayoung from the backseat and we go in. "Let's see what your uncles have done for you, birthday princess" I say. We go into one of the practice rooms where we rehearse. All the guys are gathered there with the room beautifully decorated. "Happy birthday, Nayoung!!!!" they all exclaim. "Wow! This is amazing guys" I say. "Look at all this, Nayoung. Look what your uncles have done for you" Y/ N said. "Happy birthday to the most beautiful little girl in the world. We all love you so much, Nayoung" Ten says. They had lots of presents waking for Nayoung. We told them not to get her too much. We sit with her while she opens her presents. She was so happy. The look on her face as adorable. After Nayoung's presents, I felt like it was a good time to pop the question to Y/ N. She doesn't know. "Baby, I know it's our girls special day but there's something I need to ask you. Y/ N, I couldn't love you anymore even if I tried. We've been together for years and we have a beautiful daughter together who means the world to us. Will you marry me?" I say. "Yes of course. I will marry you, Taeil" Y/ N replies. Taeyong hands me the box with the ring in and I put it on Y/ N's finger. The guys smiled and cheered for us. She said yes. I asked my girlfriend of years to marry me on our daughters birthday. One of the best days

Yuta 🖤

We are having a party for Daisuke and Toshiro today. They are one years old. Yuta and I got married just a couple of weeks ago. It feels so good to be married. He's my husband now. It's sad that Yuta's family couldn't come over for our wedding our the boys birthday. The boys having their party at my parents place as they have a big house enough room for everyone. The boys have opened their presents and now everyone is chilling and socialising before it's time to sing happy birthday to Daisuke and Toshiro. They are just loving their birthday and being the centre of attention. Toshiro isn't as phased as Daisuke is. We love seeing our boys have fun though. They are adorable. Soon it was time to sing happy birthday to the boys. I hold Daisuke and Yuta holds Toshiro and we stand by the cake and sing happy. Birthday to them in Korean and Japanese. We are going to raise them to speak both languages. "Blow out the candles, boys" Yuta said. We blew out the candles for them. "Wow! What an amazing couple of weeks it's been. We got married and our boys turned a year old. It couldn't get any better" I say. "We are living the best life ever" Yuta smiles. Daisuke and Toshiro and they had a great first birthday. Can't believe our little princes are a year old

A/ N: so that's it guys. It's the end. Hope you all enjoyed this book. Unfortunately I think my time doing pregnancy series books had come to an end now. I loved doing them but I think they are getting a little too repetitive. Might go back to them in the future as I know they have been popular but now I'm focused on doing Kpop imagines. I started the book a month ago and I've done a lot. Check it out if you haven't. Hope you will follow

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