27. Labor/ Delivery- Mark 💖

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It's just a few days till my due date. Baby Reuben could arrive any moment so Mark and I have got to be prepared which we are. I gave decided to have a water birth in the hospital. I think it's a good idea. Water birth sounds good and I like the idea. I have also chosen not to breastfeed either. I know it's best for the baby but it's my own personal decision. Some moms choose not to and I'm one of them. Mark is with me. He decided not to go into the studio in the last few days as I might go into labor anytime during the day so obviously he wants me to there for me. I obviously want him to as well. Mark means the whole world to me and so does Reuben. Mark and I have just got into our pjs for the evening now. We are going to chill for a while before going to bed. Don't want to be too late tonight. I don't want to be too late these days. "What should we watch, babe?" Mark said. "I don't mind. Anything. I'm pretty tired, Markie. Hope you understand" I say. "Of course I do, sweetie. I understand so much" he said kissing my hand. Mark puts on a random movie and we sit and watch it. I wasn't fully concentrating on it though. I am almost dropping to sleep and I feel a little funny too. Don't know weather it is contractions coming on or what. "Sweetie, you look wiped out. Let me carry you to bed" Mark said. "Okay yeah" I reply. Mark carries me into our bedroom and places me on the bed. "Don't throw me" I say. "Sorry I didn't" he said. I slowly go into the bathroom and start getting ready for bed. I bend down to pick up my toothpaste from the floor and feel a sharp twinge in my tummy. I flinch a little and Mark sees me. "Are you okay, honey? You sounded to be in pain" he said. "Yeah I'll be okay, Mark. Think that might have been a contraction" I say. "You're in labor. Yay!" Mark cheers. "I don't know, Mark. I'm not sure yet" I reply. "Okay" he replies. When I had done my teeth I felt another contraction. "There goes the second one" I said. "Okay should we get you to the hospital" Mark said excitedly. "No, Mark. Not just yet. We have to time the contractions. When they get closer together it's time to go to the hospital" I say. I sit on the bed and Mark counts my contractions. It took over an hour for them to become more regular. Then we went to the hospital

We arrived to the hospital about 11pm. Mark was driving frantically as he was in a panic thinking the baby was gonna come in the car. I told him he's not and we'll make it to the hospital. I find it kinda cute when Mark gets into a panic. We finally arrived at the hospital right outside the birth centre coincidentally. Mark helps me in. "She's in labor. My wife. She's having the baby. Y/ N Lee" he said to the receptionist. "Okay, Sir, ma'am. Somebody will be with you soon. Don't worry" she said. Soon a midwife comes and I get taken into a private delivery room. I had to put on a hospital gown before they examined me. "You are 5cm dilated, Y/ N so halfway there" she said. "Okay good" I reply. "Approximately how long does it take before you know the baby is born" Mark asks. "We are not exactly sure. Every mother is different. First baby usually up to 12 hours" the midwife said. Me and Mark were them left alone in the delivery room. I guess there isn't much to do but talk and keep ourselves occupied while baby Reuben arrives. "I hope it doesn't take too long, babe. I'm dying to meet our boy" Mark said. "I know, Markie. I cannot wait to meet him too. I think it could be a while though" I reply. Mark and I keep ourselves occupied for the last few hours through the night watching things on Netflix. We didn't want to fall asleep just in case it was time to push. The midwives kept on checking on me regularly which was good. It's now 6am and still no sign of our little guy yet. "This is taking forever. Thought he'd be here by now in our arms" Mark wines. "I know but a just gotta be patient, Markie. Childbirth takes sometime. Our boy will be here soon. When I was almost fully dilated I was able to go into the water birthing room as I am having a water birth. Mark could come in with me of course and be there for me. I had packed a bikini for this. The water was nice and warm for me. I couldn't push just yet as I wasn't fully dilated. Hopefully I will be soon. Mark had his arms around me and he kept giving me kisses and telling me everything is going to be okay. About an hour or so later it was time to push. I thought the moment was never going to come. "You're doing so well, jagiya. He's nearly here" Mark said. The midwives hold me not to push too much and to take my time and push slower. After a little time of pushing our baby boy Reuben Carter Lee was born healthy and happy and screaming too

When Reuben www born we got to see him straight away. The midwife placed him straight in my arms and I cuddled him. He's so adorable. "He's finally here. You did it, babe. I'm so proud of you" Mark smiles. "He is and he's so adorable, Mark" I say. "Oh he is. My mini me. I think just like me, babe" he smiles. "Of course" I smile. We had about 10 minutes with Reuben till the midwives had to take him away and clean him up and weigh in. Also the room had to be freed up for the nest labor. We went back to the room we were in earlier. We got to hold Reuben again. Mark did. "He's adorable. I can't believe we made him, babe" he said. "Oh yes we did, Mark. We made him with love. Sweet love" I reply. "I can't believe I am a daddy. I can't believe we have a son. The most incredible moment of my life" Mark said with a tear in his eye. "He's truly amazing, Mark. I can't believe we are parents" I say. "Buddy. Mommy and daddy love you so much" Mark smiles looking into Reuben's eyes. Yes he was getting a little emotional. Our lovely baby boy Reuben us here now and he is adorable. Most adorable baby in the world. Mark and I made him with love

💙 Reuben Carter Lee 💙Born June 11th @ 12:13pmWeight 7lbs 9oz

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💙 Reuben Carter Lee 💙
Born June 11th @ 12:13pm
Weight 7lbs 9oz

A/ N: first baby is here and he's adorable. Welcome to the world Reuben and congratulations Mark & Y/ N

Labor and delivery parts have started now. Might do another one later

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