4. b. Telling Him

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Doyoung 🧡

Tonight over dinner I'm going to tell Doyoung I'm pregnant. I found out a couple of days ago but I haven't got round to tell him yet. I'm so excited to tell him that we are finally having a baby and that he is finally going to be a dad. I am going to put an extra plate out at dinner time and he's gonna wonder why. A baby plate. I have a baby cup to go with it that I bought. Doyoung will be so overjoyed when he sees. He'll be coming home soon and I'm making dinner now. We are having Bulgogi tonight with kimchi on the side. I think it's gonna be delicious. Doyoung says he's 15 minutes from home. It should be ready by then. While it's cooking, I set the table. I put the baby plate at the end of the table. The baby cup goes next to the plate on the table. I stir the food and it's just a few minutes off. It was ready so I turned it off. A minute later the front door opens and Doyoung walks in with a smile on his face like he usually does. "Hi, jagiya. I'm home" he said. "Hey, jagi. You're home just in time for dinner" I reply. "I am and smells delicious. How's my beautiful wife this evening?" he smiles. "I'm fine. Awwww I missed you today, DoDo" I reply. "I missed you more" he smiles. He kisses me for a moment and then turns around and sees the extra plate on the table. "Are you expecting company, sweetheart?" Doyoung said. "Yes well in a way. I'm eating for two" I say. "You're amazing. Awwww, baby. I can't believe it" he said jumping for joy. "I am, Doyoungie. I'm pregnant. I found out a couple of days ago" I reply. "We are having a baby after being told we can't. This is a miracle. We are having a miracle baby" Doyoung said. "We are. I knew it would happen someday, my love" I reply. "I knew we would too. I've been hoping and praying we'd be blessed with a beautiful baby soon and we are. This is the most amazing thing ever" he said. He pulls me in and kisses me passionately. Doyoung had tears of happiness in his eyes as I told him the amazing news. He couldn't believe it as much as I couldn't believe it. We are finally finally having a baby

Johnny 💛

Since Johnny already knows I'm pregnant I don't have to tell him. He haven't told anyone yet. We want to keep it between us just for a little longer. Till after we have the first scan at least. Johnny and I are at home now. We decided to route out some old photos of when we were babies and children. We have some photo albums that our parents gave us. We are sat on the couch looking at them now. Johnny is looking at his baby photos now. "Look his cute you were" I say. "Yeah haha. You were cute too" he replies. "This was my 7th birthday I think" Johnny says pointing to a picture of him with cake all over his mouth. "Awwww cute" I reply. I laugh. "Babe, what do you think we'll have a boy or a girl?" Johnny asks. "I don't know. Either a boy or a girl would be amazing" I reply. "Yes I agree. I've always wanted a son though" Johnny replies. "I've always wanted a daughter" I reply. "Well I don't really care what the gender of our baby is just as long as we have a beautiful, healthy and happy one" he said. Johnny and I carry on looking through our baby photos. We are looking through my baby photos now. "Look at you and your sister. You were like two peas in a pod" Johnny said. "Yes I know. Everybody thought we were twins" I reply. There are two years between me and my sister. I'm two years older than her. "If we had two daughters. They'd be like you and your sister" he said. We continue to look through the photos and laugh and smile at them. We had a lot of fun doing that today. Johnny and I are so excited to be having a baby together. We didn't think so soon into our marriage I would be pregnant but obviously we are not complaining. We can't wait to be parents

Taeil 🤎

Today I'm going to tell Taeil I'm pregnant. I've known for about a week now and I'm looking forward to telling him we are having a baby together. I hope he'll be happy like I am. I was a little shocked at first when I found out but I kinda expected I might be pregnant when I was late getting my period. I hope he reacts well to the news. I have wrapped the positive pregnancy test up in a box and I'm going to give it to Taeil. He'll wonder what it is and he'll be questioning me. He'll be coming home soon. The box is on the kitchen table ready and waiting for him. I'm gonna leave it there and see if he notices it. I think he will as he's usually observant at stuff like that. Taeil says he'll be home in about 30 minutes or so. I sit and wait for him to arrive. On time the door opens and Taeil walks in. "Hey, gorgeous. I'm home" he said. "Hey, baby. I was wondering when you'll be home" I reply. "I'm home now. Haha" he laughs coming over to me and kissing me. Taeil takes off his shoes and jacket and sits next to me on the couch and kisses me again. "How are you?" he asks. "Good" I reply. He goes into the kitchen to get a drink of water. "Thirsty" he said. "Yeah you've been working hard today, Tae" I reply. Taeil sees the box and picks it up and says "What's this, babe?". "Something" I reply. "Can I open it?" he asks. "Yes it is for you" I reply. Taeil opens the box and sees the positive pregnancy test sitting in there. "You're pregnant. Really?" he said. "Yes I am. I hope you're happy, Taeil" I said. "Yes I am. Well I think I am. We are having a baby now. No going back" he replies. "Yes I know. The deed is done" I reply. "Well I'm excited for this new little life. Our baby" Taeil said putting his arms around me. "Me too. I can't wait to be a mom" I reply. "A good one you'll be" he smirks. "Hope so. You'll be a good dad" I reply. We celebrate by cuddling and drinking but not alcohol of course. I think Taeil is happy to learn that we are having a baby and he's going be a daddy

Yuta 🖤

It's been a few days since I went over my best friends and found out I was pregnant. I haven't told Yuta yet but I need to soon. I hope it's not too soon I our relationship to have a baby. Hope it won't break up apart or anything. I'm going to pluck up the courage today and tell him. I'm just going to slip it into conversation and tell him. I should do it in a more special way but I think he'd like that. If he's happy we can celebrate on a later date. Yuta is over at my place today. It's Sunday and it's our day today. We love chilling together and spending time together especially when we haven't seen each other all week. Yuta is in the kitchen making some Japanese food for dinner later tonight. He's good at making Japanese food. "I'll be in soon. Just one more thing to do" he said. A few minutes later Yuta comes in. "I get to spend time with my girl now. Ohhh yay!" He said. "Yes you do" I reply. I hesitate for a moment. Yuta sees the look on my face. "Yuta, I need to tell you something" I say. "Okay sure what is it, gorgeous" he replies. "The other day I went to Hyejin's and I found out I was pregnant. I've kinda been wondering but I didn't want to tell you as I thought you wouldn't be happy" I say. Yuta is speechless for a moment. "You're pregnant?" he questions. "Yes I am. Don't be mad but I am. I'm happy, Yuta. You don't have to stay with me, I'll raise the baby on my own" I say. "Y/ N, what makes you say that" Yuta said. "Because we hadn't really planned on having a baby just yet and we haven't been together too long. Well over a year" I say. "No I'm happy. I'm looking forward to being a dad and having a baby. This is so cool" Yuta replies. "Well I'm glad you're happy. I was scared you were gonna be mad" I say. "No not at all. I could never be mad at you. You're too beautiful, baby" Yuta smiles. He pulls me in and kisses me. I'm very glad i told him I'm pregnant now and he's happy. Yay! He's happy

A/ N: hope you liked it. Johnny's was different as he already knew she was pregnant. Sorry if Yuta's isn't as good as the others. Couldn't think of anything else. Doesn't mean I love him any less

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