44. a. Cute Family Time

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Mark 💖

Reuben is 10 weeks old now and he's such a little bundle of joy. Mark and I love him so much. Having Reuben and getting married was the best decisions we have ever made. We love our little boy so much and each other of course. Reuben's favourite thing at the moment is his play mat. My parents got it for him when he was born. He likes to use it for short amounts of time daily. He is using his play mat right now. Mark and I are sat on the couch watching Reuben have fun and supervising him. "Look at him. He's so adorable, babe" Mark says. "He is. That's our boy, Markie" I reply. "Our boy indeed" He smiles. Mark smiles and touches my hand. Reuben plays on his play mat a bit longer till he's had enough. Mark picks him up and kisses him. "You enjoyed that, buddy. Didn't you" he said. "Oh yes he did. Reuben, you're just adorable and a joy" I reply. "You are, Reuben Carter Lee" Mark said. "I think you're just lie you're daddy, Reuben" I say. Mark smiles at me and kisses me and Reuben. Reuben really loves his play mat time everyday. We love to see him being a happy and bubbly baby

Jaehyun 💜

Jaehyun and I enjoy going for daily walks with Joohyun. We don't go every single day but it's nice to get out and get some fresh air and exercise. Sometimes it's cold but we wrap up well. Jaehyun loves putting Joohyun on her baby carrier on his body. It's so cute the way she is close to him. We are going on a walk this afternoon. It's the weekend so Jaehyun is here with us. Joohyun has just been fed and changed so she'll be fine for a while. Jaehyun and I get our shoes and coats on. He straps Joohyun in her carrier and to his body. "I think she's all good. She's on there tight" he said. "Great. Let's get going before it rains" I reply. We step outside our apartment and head off on our walk. I hold onto Jaehyun as we walk. Little Joohyun was snuggled close to his chest as we walked. She is awake right now but might not be for much longer. "At least it's not raining so far" I say. "I know. It's not. That's good. We can enjoy a nice walk with our little girl" Jaehyun replies. "Oh yes we can. How are you doing, Joohyun?" I reply. "She's good. She's good" he replies. We managed to get our walk in before the rain comes in. It poured it down later but we enjoyed our little family walk with Joohyun

Taeyong 💙


Me and Y/ N love spending time with our little guy Taeho so much. He's the best thing that's ever happened to both of us and we adore him. He's the best. We love being his mommy and daddy. I love having a son. I've always wanted a son. Taeho is a mini me. Y/ N says that all the time. Anytime I get with my son is so special to me. I am spending a little father son time with Taeho now while Y/ N does some tidying up. She lets us spend sometime together when I'm around. Taeho is laid on my lap and I'm talking to him. He's so cute.  He's almost smiling too. He should be by two months old. I hear Y/ N is busy in the kitchen. "You're so cute. Aren't you, little man?" I say. I tickle him and he smiles at me a little. I want to try and make him laugh. Y/ N comes in soon and sits next to us on the couch. "How are my favourite boys in the world doing?" she asks. "Good. Taeho, say hi to mommy" I say. "Hey, Taeho. Mama is here" Y/ N said. I hand Taeho to Y/ N and she cuddles him like I was doing. I cuddle up next to them. Taeho looks at me. "I love you two so much. I found you, fell in love with you, married you and we had this little kid who is the best" I say. "Awwww I know, Taeyong. You're an amazing husband and father to Taeho" Y/ N replies. I smile and kiss her and little Taeho. They both make me the happiest

Jungwoo ❤️

The twins are 11 weeks old now and they are doing great. There is nothing more, Jungwoo and I love doing than spending time with our babies, Seungwan and Heeyoung. They are growing up and getting so big now. We can't believe how much they are growing up. We don't want them to grow up really but they are. They will be crawling, teething and walking soon  before we know it. It's Saturday morning so it's the weekend. Jungwoo and I have just woken up and the twins are waking up. Jungwoo has his arms around me and is holding me close to him. "Jagiya, you're so beautiful. You always are" he said. "Awe you are too, Jubgwooie" I reply. The twins wake up and we pick them up and cuddle them. Heeyoung sleeps by my bed and Seungwan by Jungwoo's bed. "Good morning, you two. How are you two?" Jungwoo says. "I think they are both feeling good this morning" I reply. "That's my boy and girl. Eomma and Appa love you so much" he said. "Oh yes we do. Our two little adorable beans" I reply. "The most adorable beans in the world" he said. Jungwoo smiles and tickles Seungwan for a bit. I smile at Heeyoung and she smiles back at me. Awwww so cute. Our babies are adorable. I know we are always biased. We had some cute family time in bed with the babies before we get up and have some breakfast. We love spending quality time with Seungwan and Heeyoung especially on a weekend

Donghyuck 💚

Miyoung is 9 weeks old now. We can't believe she's been on this earth for two months now. She's doing amazing and Donghyuck and I feel so blessed to have her in our lives. Actually we feel so blessed to have two beautiful children in our lives. Eunsang is a great big brother to little Miyoung. He looks after and protects her. Awwww. We can tell he loves her. He's been so good too since his baby sister was born. He's our wonderful little boy. Donghyuck is home from the studio now and we are having some nice family time together we get the kids ready for bed. I get Miyoung ready for bed and Donghyuck gets Eunsang ready to bed. Eubsang goes to nursery and I stay at home with Miyoung. Eunsang is sat next to me on the couch and Donghyuck is holding Miyoung. "She's getting sleepy. I can see her eyes closing and she's yawning" I say. "I know. She is. We'll get her off to bed soon and this little guy too" he replies. "Are you tired, Eunsang?" I say. "Nope" he replies shaking his head. "I bet you are. You just don't want to go to bed" Donghyuck laughs. Soon we get the little ones ready for bed and it took a little time but we had two sleepy little children. We kiss them Goodnight and leave their rooms in silence to let them sleep. Donghyuck and I spend sometime together before we go to bed ourselves. We were tired by then

A/ N: awwww there's nothing like some cute family time

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