47. a. Baby's First Smile

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Mark 💖

Reuben still loves his play mat. He goes on it everyday for a little amount of time. Only about 20-30 minutes every time. We love seeing our adorable little boy being so cute. Reuben is the best thing that has ever happened to me and Mark. He's our world. Reuben is having fun on his play mat now. "He just can't get enough of it. Can he?" Mark said. "He definitely can't get enough of it" I reply. "You're so cute, Reuben Carter Lee. My son" he said. "He's the cutest boy ever" I say. "He'd definitely win an award for the cutest baby" Mark said. We watch Reuben on his play mat for a bit longer. He is moving his arms and legs like mad. Awww bless him. "I think that was a smile, Y/ N. Reubs just smiled at us" Mark said. "Did he? Sorry I wasn't paying attention" I reply. "Let's see if I can make him laugh" he said. Mark gets down on the floor and makes a funny face at Reuben. He smiles and pulls a face. "See he smiled again" he said. "He did. I saw it" I say. "So proud of you, boy for smiling" he said. "Oh yes we are" I reply. Little Reuben just smiled at us for the first time while he was having his play mat time. Mark and i are proud of our boy

Jaehyun 💜

Joohyun is growing up and coming on so much. We can't believe she is almost 3 months old. She is a little smiler too. She has a beautiful smile. She definitely has Jaehyun's smile. Awwww we are so proud of our beautiful and adorable girl. She smiles for her Appa when he comes home from work every night. I am at home with Joohyun and have been all day. Jaehyun will be coming home soon and we can't wait to see him. I am in the kitchen getting dinner prepped. Jaehyun is actually cooking. I'm just getting a few things ready for him to make it easier. Joohyun is in her motion rocker nearby. She's between the kitchen and lounge so I can watch her. She's a good little girl though. Jaehyun will be home soon. Can't wait to see him. I can see Joohyun smiling just like her daddy. Jaehyun arrives home about 15 minutes later. "Hello, I'm home" he said. "Hey, love" I say. "Ehhhh what are you doing in the kitchen" he said. "Just getting a few things ready for you to cook" I reply. "You know you shouldn't be doing that" Jaehyun said. "I know but I am. Don't be mad at me" I reply. "Only a little" he laughs. Jaehyun goes over to Joohyun and picks her up and cuddles her. "My girl. Appa missed you so much" he said. "Joohyun, missed you so much" I reply. He kisses Joohyun and she smiles at him. "My smiley little princess. You get that from me" he said. "She certainly does. Her smile is exactly like yours, Hyun" I reply. Jaehyun smiles too. We all smile. Our beautiful smiley little girl

Taeyong 💙


Taeho hadn't given us his first proper smile yet but hopefully he will soon. He's getting a big boy now. He's putting on more weight and filling out more. He's our big boy and me and Y/ N are proud parents of him. Our amazing boy. I am at home with Taeho as Y/ N has gone back to work for a bit today so I'm looking after our boy. I love having some father son time with my little man. Y/ N will probably be home soon. She hasn't let me know yet. Taeho is having some tummy time with me. I'm laying on the floor with him. I'm making funny and silly faces at him. He's looking at me back. I smile at Taeho and he smiles back at me. I smile back at him again and it was amazing. "You just smiled at your Appa. I need to show your eomma" I said. I quickly grab my phone and Taeho smiles again and I film it and send it to Y/ N excitedly. She replies back and says that's amazing and she'll be back soon. She arrives home soon. "Hey, boys. I'm home" she said. "Hello, love" I say. "Where's our little smiley boy? Is he still smiling?" Y/ N asks. "Yes he is. Our little smiley boy indeed" I reply. "Hey, Taeho. You're a little smiler now" he said. I smile. She gives me a kiss. So glad Taeho is now smiling. He's so cute

Jungwoo ❤️

Heeyoung smiled at us for the first time yesterday. We've been trying to get Seungwan to since but he's not smiling yet like his sister. I guess we've just got to give him time. We love them both so much. Can't believe how much they are growing up. They will always be our lovely little babies though. Forever and ever. We are at home with the twins now. It's a Sunday afternoon and we are chilling at home with them. Home is the best place to be. We are not going anywhere too far with the babies even though the weather is pretty good. Heeyoung is in her bouncy chair and Jungwoo is giving Seungwan a bottle on the couch. I'm sat next to him. "He's gulping it down like there's no tomorrow" he said. "Yes I can tell that" I reply. "He's a milk boy" Jungwoo laughs. I smile. Heeyoung looks at me and smiles. Soon Jungwoo finishes feeding Seungwan and burps him. "Good boy, Seungwan. Good boy" he said. Jungwoo turns Seungwan around and he looks at us both. He smiles at us a little and looks adorable. "Aye. That was a smile, Seungwanie" I say. "It was. Appa saw it. You are smiling just like your sister now. You two smile alike" Jungwoo said. "Ohhh yes they do. Well done, Seungwan" I reply. Little Seungwan just smiled for the first time today and we are very proud of him

Donghyuck 💚


Miyoung is my baby girl and I love her so much. She is definitely a daddy's girl. There's doubt about that. Eunsang is a daddy's boy too. I love both my children so much and Y/ N too. Anytime we I get with them is so special to me. I am having sometime with my kids now. Y/ N is cleaning our bedroom and tidying up. I told her I would help but she refused to let me. Sometimes she can be stubborn. I can't make her anyway. Eunsang is playing with his dumper truck and I'm playing with him. Miyoung is in his motion rocker just looking around. I think she was a little jealous of all the attention I was giving Eunsang so I picked her up and cuddled her. "Princess, Appa. Didn't mean to forget about you. He loves you so much" I said kissing Miyoung. I lay on the floor and kiss her again. She smiles at me. She's just smiled at me for the first time. "Y/ N, come here" I say. "What is it? Everything okay" she said. "Miyoung, just smiled at me for the first time. I'm not even joking. She did" I reply. "Oh wow! Did she?" Y/ N replies. "She is. Miyoung, smile for eomma please" I say. Y/ N takes Miyoung from me and cuddles her. "Smile for me. Please, baby girl" she said. A few minutes later Miyoung smiles for Y/ N and she was so happy. That's our girl. Our lovely little girl

A/ N: awww baby's first smile. These parts are shorter but I like doing them. Next one set in a few months time

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