48. b. Baby Crawls

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Doyoung 🧡

We love taking Dongjun to the park. It's summer now. It's August and he's 7 months old and he's doing amazing. Such a fun loving little boy. And still our miracle baby boy too. We are in the park this afternoon with Dongjun. It's a nice hot summers day so just the perfect day to go to the park. We are sat on the grass on a picnic blanket. Dongjun is playing with some toys. Doyoung and I took a picnic and it was very good. We will get ice creams later and we might give Dongjun a little lick if he wants it. Dongjun looks at us. He has a toy in his hand. "Are you enjoying being in the park, little man?" I say. "He is. He's enjoying it very much" Doyoung replies. "Appa and eomma love you, Dongjun" i say. "Oh yes we do so much" he said. We continue to watch Dongjun play. Doyoung goes to get the ice creams while I stay with Dongjun. He's still playing and having fun. He was having fun when Doyoung on the swings earlier. We are not trying him in the swings yet. As Doyoung is gone, Dongjun gets on his hands and knees and starts crawling to me. Doyoung comes back just in time to see him. "He's crawling" he said. "He is. You're crawling, Dongjun. Clever boy" I reply. "That's amazing son. You have made eomma and Appa so proud of you. Would you like to try a little bit of ice cream?" Doyoung said. Dongjun sits on my lap and licks a little bit of my vanilla ice cream. He's only just started on solid food a month ago so he might not like it. He licks it. "Do you like it, Junnie?" I say. "I think he might" Doyoung smiles. We had a great family day in the park and little Dongjun crawled for the first time too. We are both so proud of him

Johnny 💛

We are in the US for the first time since Harmony was born. She is 8 months old now and she's doing great. She's old enough to travel now. We've been in the US for two weeks now and we are having a great time. It's been almost a year since we've been there. We moved to Korea a couple of months before Harmony was born but she was born three weeks early. It's nice to be back in our home country. We are here for the next few weeks. We have taken Harmony to the beach and it turns out she loves it. She's a beach baby. I was when I was little. We are going to the beach with her again soon. Not today as we are just chilling at home. Harmony has been showing signs of crawling. Johnny thinks she might be crawling soon and i do too. Johnny is sat in the lounge playing with Harmony. She loves playing with her daddy. "Who's my big girl?.... Harmony is" Johnny says. "Harmony" I say. He picks her up and kisses her. "Are you going to crawl for daddy?" he says. She looks at him and starts crawling to him a few minutes later. "Yessss you're crawling, baby girl. Who's a big and clever girl?" Johnny says. "Harmony is. Such a clever girl. You are" I reply. Johnny picks Harmony up and kisses her. Our little girl is crawling and we can't believe it

Taeil 🤎


We can't believe that Nayoung is 9 months old now. She'll be a year old before we know it and we can't wait. She means the absolute world to Y/ N. Now that we have Nayoung in our lives, we are talking about getting married. I am thinking of proposing to Y/ N soon. Maybe round the time of Nayoung's birthday in September. We have taken Nayoung to the soft play place today. She loves it there. I swear she could spend all day there. She is posting in the babies section. We don't want her with the older kids. We both have to be with her and supervise her. Nayoung is having fun right now. She is playing with some foam blocks. "What's this?" i say to her. She smiles and laughs at me. "Are you having fun, Nayoung?" Y/ N says. "She's having so much fun. Aren't you?" I say. Nayoung continues to play and have fun at the soft play place. She gets on her hands and knees and starts crawling to me and Y/ N. "Baby girl, you're crawling. Yessss" I say. "Well done, Nayoung. Appa and I knew you would crawl soon" Y/ N said. "Oh yes we did. We believe in you, angel" I reply. I pick Nayoung up and give her a cuddle. Y/ N does too. Nayoung had a lot of fun at soft play today and to make it even better and crawled too. That's our girl

Yuta 🖤

Our boys are now 10 months old. Two months till they are a year old. They are growing up so much and love them so much. Yuta and I get married in a few weeks too just before the boys turn 1. Daisuke is now crawling. He started crawling a few weeks ago. Toshiro isn't crawling just yet. He's a little more behind. He's also a little smaller than Daisuke too. But we think that is normal. They can't exactly be alike. Both the boys love life. It's the end of the summer now so we are spending as much time together as we can begged the good weather is over. We are over at my parents house. We like to visit them every few weeks on a weekend. It's good for the boys to have their grandparents near. We are playing in their backyard. My parents have a pretty big and spacious. Daisuke is crawling around the garden and Toshiro is just sitting there looking around. My dad picks him up. "Are you going to play with me, Toshiro" he said. He puts Toshiro on the ground and sits with him. He shuffles on his bottom at first and then gets on his hands and knees and starts crawling a bit. "Yay! He's crawling. Just like his brother. That's amazing" Yuta said. "Yessss well done, Toshiro. Who's a big and clever boy?" I said. "So clever. He's so clever" my dad said. "Our amazing and adorable grandsons" my mom says. We had a lot of fun at my parents house today with the boys and Toshiro crawled for the first time too

A/ N: sorry if that didn't feel that good. It felt a bit sameish to me

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