24. a. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You

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Mark 💖

I am about a month from my due date. I'm really feeling it now. The whole pregnancy thing. I feel like a hippo. I'll be glad when baby Reuben is here and out of me. Mark has been so sweet. He's always so sweet. I love him so much. The sweetest, most kind and thoughtful person in the world. I'm so lucky to have married him. My feet hurt and my back aches all the time. Right now I'm exhausted. Mark and I are sat on the couch. I'm trying to stretch out and relax but sometimes it's not easy to. "Baby, try and relax if you can. I can't relax if you don't " Mark said. "I know I will try, Markie but it's not easy being pregnant. Especially this far on" I reply. "I know, angel. Sorry. I didn't mean it like that" he said. "Don't worry it's fine" I reply. "Honey, how about I fill you a nice hot bubble bath. That will make you feel better" said Mark sweetly. "Sure i wouldn't mind that, Markie. Anything to make me feel better" I reply. "Coming up in a few minutes" he said. Mark goes into the bathroom to fill my bath. About five minutes later the bath was ready for me to get in. "The bath awaits you, my love" Mark said. "Thank you so much, Markie. You're the best husband in the world" I say. "You're so welcome, jagiya" he smiles. Mark watches me get in the bath and makes sure I'm okay. "I don't want to hang around. I'll leave you to bathe in peace" Mark said. "You can stay if you want. I don't mind at all. You are my husband and father of little Reuben" I say. "Okay. I will stay then" Mark smiles. I had about 20 minutes in the bath and I would say it helped to relax and calm me down. Mark always has the best solutions for problems

Jaehyun 💜


Now that Y/ N is getting towards the later stages in her pregnancy, she's feeling pretty tired and out of it most of the time. I've been there for her. I even had to take a day off work last week as she wasn't feeling good and needed me to be around so I did that for her. She's my wife and I love her so much and our baby. I'd do anything for her. I am about to arrive home from the studio now. Y/ N has been home resting. She's currently taking a rest now. It does her good but sometimes she feels just as tired. I am almost home. I'll go in quietly as Y/ N is resting in our room. I will make her a cup of tea to make her feel better when I get in. I think that will help her. The cab drops me off outside our apartment block and I get out and get the elevator up to our apartment. I unlock the door and kick my shoes and coat off and go into the kitchen. I boil the kettle and make Y/ N her favourite tea. I quietly knock on our bedroom door and walk in. I can tell that Y/ N is still resting so I'm quite. "Hi, you're home" she said. "Yes I am. I made you a nice cup of tea to help you" I say. "Awwww, Jaehyun. That's lovely. You're lovely. I was gonna do myself one earlier" Y/ N replies. "Well here you are then" I say. Y/ N sits up and sips on her tea. "Can I cuddle with you, jagiya?" I ask. "Of course you can. I need my Jaehyun cuddles" she said. I lay on her bed next to Y/ N and cuddle her. "You're home to cuddle me all night" she said. "Yes I am. All night" I say. I smile and look into Y/ N's beautiful brown eyes. We lay together and cuddle for quite a while. I look after my gorgeous pregnant wife so much

Taeyong 💙

I've been having pretty uncomfortable nights so far in my pregnancy. I suppose that's all part of being pregnant and in the later stages. I'm 5 weeks from my due date. Our baby boy Taeho will be here in just a few weeks time. Me and Taeyong just cannot wait to meet our son. We are so ready to be parents. It's during the night and I'm trying to sleep but it's not proving easy with a big baby bump. It's not like me to be restless at night. I usually sleep well. So does Taeyong. I open my eyes and toss and turn and look at my phone. It's 3:30am. Literally the middle of the night. I don't want to wake Taeyong up but I let out a little yawn. He turns over to my side and wakes up saying "Are you okay, hun? You're awake" he said. "I just can't get to sleep, Taeyong. I'm uncomfortable. It's the worst thing about being pregnant. "Awe, sweetie. It's okay. I'm here, baby. How about I do you a cup of warm milk. It might relax you" Taeyong said. "Sure" I smile. Taeyong puts on his slippers and dressing gown and goes into the kitchen to get me some warm milk. He comes back and hands it to me and sits next to me on our bed. "Thank you so much" I say sitting up. "You're so welcome, my love" Taeyong replies. I sip the milk slowly and go to the bathroom before I go back to sleep. I think it helped relax me a bit more. A got a bit of a better night after that. I'll have a mug of warm milk before I go to bed in future. Taeyong always thinks of the best things when I can't

Jungwoo ❤️

Being pregnant with twins is definitely not easy. I haven't felt it much till now. Every part of me aches all of the time. Jungwoo and I can't wait till the babies are here. We are so excited to meet our little ones whenever they may come into the world. We are so ready for them now. It's likely they will come early. I am sat on the couch with my feet up on the footstool. Jungwoo is doing some chores around the house. He's cleaning and vacuuming. We usually do it together but I don't feel like doing it so he offered to do it. He knows I'm exhausted. "How are you doing, Jungwooie?" I say. "I'm doing just fine, darling. Don't worry about me" he said. "I'll try not to" I reply. Jungwoo carries on doing some housework for about another half hour or so. Then he sits down next to me and kisses me. "All done now. I get to spend time with my lovely, gorgeous wife" Jungwoo said. "Awwww that's great" I smile. "Are you feeling any better?" he asks. "Yeah I'm alright. Still exhausted though" I reply. "I know you will be, jagiya" he said. "You're the best husband in the whole wide world, Jungwoo. I'm so lucky to have you in my life" I say. "Awwww I'm so lucky to have you in my life too, Y/ N. I love you and our babies so much" Jungwoo smiles. "You make everything so much better, Jagi" I reply. Jungwoo smiles and kisses me. We relax together for the rest of the day

Donghyuck 💚

We are in the lounge having some family time before we go to bed. Eunsang is sat on the floor playing with his toys. He's getting a little tired. He only stays focused for so long. My pregnancy hasn't been too bad up until the last couple of days. I've noticed I'm having to pee more. I guess it's as the baby moves around and closer to the birth canal. The baby now has a name, Miyoung. Our little princess. I'm just over 3 weeks from my due date so she'll be here soon. Donghyuck is sat next to me on the couch and he puts his arms around me and smiles. "Are you getting tired, babe?" he asks. "Yeah I am actually. I'll go maybe in an hour or so" I reply. "No problem. I should get this little guy to bed soon. He's rubbing his eyes. That's a sign he wants his bed" Donghyuck said. "Okay that's fine" I reply. "Come here, buddy. Cuddles with Appa" he said lifting Eunsang up on his lap. "You're so cute aren't you, Eunsangie. You're going to be a great big brother to your baby sister" I said. "Oh yes he is. You're gonna be amazing, Eunsang" he said. Donghyuck puts Eunsang to bed and comes back about 20 minutes later. "The boy is all tucked up. Now sometime with you, baby" Donghyuck said. "Oh yes of course. I love you" I yawn. "Love you too and our beautiful kids" Donghyuck smiles. We had a little time together before we go to bed together. I needed to sleep

A/ N: now long till the babies are here. And one week till NCT 2020. Cannot wait!!!!

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