37. a. First Night

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Mark 💖


Y/ N and I have just got little Reuben to bed for his first night at home. It's great to have our gorgeous little man home with us. We got home with him earlier this afternoon and it was great to have him back. He's settled into life at home okay. We are so proud of our perfect little boy. We fed him and changed him before getting him to bed. Reuben is fast asleep now for however long that will be. Hopefully a while longer and he's not been asleep half an hour yet. Y/ N and I are sitting on the couch for however long Reuben will let us before needing attention. I have my arms around her and I'm holding her close. "I'm tired, Markie" she yawns. "I know, honey. It's hard being parents to a perfect little boy" I reply. "Yep. Reuben is the perfect little boy. I definitely agree" Y/ N said. "I can't believe we made such a wonderful thing as he" I smile. She leans back and I hold her even more. About an hour and a quarter later, we hear Reuben crying on the baby monitor. "I'll go and get him" I say. "We'll both go" Y/ N said. We go into out room where Reuben is and check on him. "Is that a hunger or diaper cry?" I say. "I don't know. I'm not sure. Let's try feeding him first" she said. "Okay I'll do him a bottle while you try to settle him" I reply. I go into the kitchen and get a bottle for Reuben. Y/ N sits in the chair and gets him ready for feeding. A few minutes later she starts feeding him. I sit and watch. I fed him just before we got him to bed. We are taking it in turns over the night. About 30 minutes later and Y/ N had finished feeding Reuben. We settle him back down to sleep. Don't think he needs a diaper change yet. Y/ N and I go to bed soon and Reuben wakes up when we go in. He needed changing then so Y/ N did it. I still haven't managed to do that yet. The first night was okay. Reuben woke up several times. I guess we'll get used to the whole parenting thing

Jaehyun 💜

Me and Jaehyun are getting little Joohyun ready for bed. We got home with her this morning after a few days in the hospital after a rough birth. We have had a good time with her since we got home. She's not too much trouble. In fact not any at all. She's our perfect little angel girl. "Let's get this little angel to bed. I think it's her bedtime" Jaehyun said. "Yes it sure is" I reply. "I think she needs a diaper change. I can smell she does" he said. "Okay" I reply. He picks up Joohyun and takes her into the nursery and changes her. Jaehyun doesn't mind changing her at all. He's the best husband in the world. I get Joohyun a sleep suit out to change into after Jaehyun has changed her. He puts her pjs on the same time too. Next i sit in the chair and feed her. Joohyun feeds from my right breast. "She's so sweet, jagiya. I can't believe she's ours" Jaehyun said watching me feed our daughter. "She is, Hyunie. She truly is. Our beautiful little girl" I reply. It takes a little time for Joohyun to finish feeding. When she has I burp her to make sure any milk comes up that needs to. She coughs up a little. When we've let her settle a bit we get her to bed. Joohyun looked tired so we settled her down. I handed her to Jaehyun and she settled and rocked her and sang to her. Awwww such a cute moment there. My two favourite people in the world. Soon Joohyun was fast asleep in her crib by our bedside and we left the room quietly so we didn't disturb her. "She's asleep" Jaehyun said. "She is. Think we will be heading off soon ourselves" I reply. "Yep I agree. It's not easy being new parents but we love Joohyun so much" he said. "With all our hearts" I reply. Soon Jaehyun and I head off to bed ourselves and snuggle down. It wasn't long till Joohyun woke up again. She wasn't so bad during our first night at home

Taeyong 💙

Taeho was born in the early hours of this morning at home. He's not even 24 hours old yet but he's doing really well. He's our adorable and handsome boy. Taeyong is so happy he finally has a son. Earlier he was talking about all the things he's going to do with Taeho when he's older. He's going to teach him to rap, play sports with him, go to concerts and sporting games with him. Yeah pretty much all the things that father and sons do together. If we have a daughter one day I will get to do things with her. Anyway we are getting little Taeho ready for the night. His first night at home with us. The first night is always challenging with a newborn. But it's all just a learning curve. "So where should we start?" Taeyong asks. "It's best to change his diaper first before I feed him. After feeding we can try and get him settled" I reply. "Okay. I'll do that for our boy" he said. Taeyong has only changed one of Taeho's diapers throughout the day. We are both still learning to do it though. He changed him on the changing table as its the best place to change a baby. I had to guide him through how to do it as he wasn't feeling confident. He did it in the end. "The boy is all changed" Taeyong said. "He is" I reply. I sit in the chair and breastfeed him. Taeyong goes out of the room as he didn't want to hover over me and put me off while I was feeding Taeho. It took me a good 40 minutes to feed him. Taeho was quite sleepy during his feed so that's why it took a bit longer. And I'm still getting used to breastfeeding too. When he was fed I burp him and then call Taeyong in. He said he wants to rock Taeho and try and get him. "He's all ready for bed now" he said. "Well I think so" I reply. I hand Taeho to Taeyong. "Okay, son. Promise you'll fall asleep for Appa and eomma soon" he said. "Maybe. He was pretty sleepy when was feeding him" I reply. It was about 15 minutes till Taeho fell asleep. Taeyong places him down carefully in his crib by our bedside. We decided to get ready for bed ourselves quietly as it's been a full on day being new parents. We love Taeho so much though

Jungwoo ❤️


Y/ N and I are in the middle of getting Seungwan and Heeyoung ready for their first night at home. We got home with them earlier today. It's amazing to have our two beautiful little babies home. Seungwan and Heeyoung are doing quite well. Heeyoung is asleep now. It wasn't so bad getting her to sleep. She's a good little girl so is her brother. We are getting Seungwan ready for bed now. Hopefully he'll be just as easy as his sister. Anyway, Y/ N is sat in the chair in the nursery feeding Seungwan. I have laid out his sleepsuit, a fresh diaper and some cotton wool and warm water. Ready to change him. I let Y/ N take her time feeding Seungwan. I didn't want to put her off and distract her. When Y/ N was finished feeding Seungwan, she hands him to me. "Okay, little guy. Appa will change your diaper and put your cool new pjs on" I say. It's a cute striped with a fox on. It has a fox on the feet too. So cute. I take off Seungwan's clothes and his diaper. I clean his bottom with the soft cotton wool. And out diaper cream and a fresh one on. I put his sleepsuit on too. Seungwan was all ready for bed then. "He looks so cute in this. I'm obsessed with it" I say. "He certainly does" Y/ N smiles. I rock him and hum softly to him till he falls asleep. I quietly go into our bedroom where the twins will be sleeping and lay Seungwan in his crib next to my side of the bed. "Sleep tight" I say kissing him. Me and Y/ N leave the room without waking up the babies who are now both sleeping. Heeyoung wakes up about an hour later. Both the babies woke up at different times of the night. They didn't go to sleep at the same time and twins don't necessarily wake up at the same time. The first night was okay. We didn't get a lot of sleep but we know it will be like that for a while

Donghyuck 💚

Miyoung will be going to bed soon or should I say we'll be getting her ready for bed soon. Donghyuck and I got home with her from the hospital earlier. It's amazing to have our precious baby girl home with us. We couldn't be more over the moon and in love with her. We know we are going to have a lot of with twins young children under 2 but I think me and Donghyuck have got it and we got help from our friends and family. He is getting Eunsang ready for bed now. Bathing him and reading a story to him before he falls asleep. I am with Miyoung in the lounge waiting till Donghyuck is done putting Eunsang to bed. A few minutes later, Miyoung starts crying so I pick her up and take her into the nursery. "It's okay sweet, baby girl" I say. Think that's a sign she needs feeding. So I sit in the chair and feed her. She's feeding really well from my breasts. It's great bonding for me and Miyoung. "Y/ N, where are you?" Donghyuck calls. "I'm in the nursery. Feeding Miyoung" I reply. "Okay I'm coming" he said. Donghyuck comes in. "What story did you read Eunsang tonight?" I ask. "Ummmm the Billy Goats Gruff story. Think that one is his favourite" he said. "Great" I smile. "Can't wait to read to our little princess soon" he said. "Well you will be able to soon. They say if you read to babies young it's good for their cognitive development" I say. After I've fed, Miyoung we changed her and get her settled down. Although she got a little bit fussy after feeding and changing time so it took sometime to get her to sleep. Eventually about half an hour later, she goes to sleep. It was Donghyuck singing to her that made her fall asleep. Throughout the night, Miyoung woke up several times. Donghyuck mainly took charge of the night changes and feeds. I got up once but he wanted me to sleep which was so kind, thoughtful and selfless of him

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