2. b. Making A Baby (Smut)

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Doyoung 🧡

Doyoung and I have been trying very hard for a baby for the last 6 months now. I believe I can get pregnant if a keep trying. We don't believe we should give up and look for another option. We are trying till I get pregnant weather that's soon or years down the line. Doyoung and I love each other so much and we have a loving marriage. We just want a little baby to love and cherish forever. Doyoung and I have decided to take a little time away to ourselves. We celebrated our wedding anniversary a couple of months ago. We've been married 4 wonderful years now. We are away at a cottage in the countryside and it's beautiful. It's a beautiful area and we get beautiful views. Doyoung and I are looking outside our bedroom window at the beautiful sunny day and view. "Such a beautiful day, my love" he smiles. "I know. Beautiful" I reply. "Beautiful just like you, my gorgeous wife of 4 years" Doyoung smiles. "Awwww I love you so much, Doyoungie" I reply. "I love you so much too and I do believe too that we will have a baby soon in the right way" he said. "I do hope so, DoDo" I say. He smiles and kisses me. "I think we should have a little try now to get pregnant" he said. "Sure every little thing helps" I reply. Doyoung and I go to the bed and get under the covers and start kissing. We always go slow and gentle when it comes to sex especially when we are trying for a baby. We kiss for a good few minutes before removing our clothes. I take off my top and Doyoung takes off his at the same time. We then take off our bottom halves and get on with it. We throw the covers back onto us as we do it in the bed. Doyoung kisses me softly and gently like her usually does. We do it for a few more minutes before stopping and it was so good. We hope it was the sex that has convinced the miracle baby for us

Johnny 💛

Johnny and I are still apart. It's another few weeks later and I'm missing him so much. I wish he would just come home soon to be with me. I know he's busy with his career and life in Korea but that doesn't mean he loves me any less. Johnny loves me a lot and I love him. I am sat at home on my own watching TV. My mom was over earlier so I got to spend the afternoon with her which was great. As I'm watching TV, there is a knock on the door. I'm not expecting anything so I wonder who it is. I open the door and much to my surprise it's Johnny. "Johnny, baby. What are you doing here?" I say. "Baby, I've come home because I missed you so much and a couldn't stand another few weeks away from you" Johnny said. "No way. I've missed you so much too, baby" I say. Johnny comes in and wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the lips for a few minutes. "I've missed the way you taste" he said. I laugh. Johnny brings his things into our bedroom. "How long are you staying for, John?" I ask. "I don't know a while as long as you'll have me here for" he said. "Forever" I laugh. Johnny looks at me and we stand by the bed. "I've missed this, babe. I need you" he says. "Hmmm me too" I smirk. Johnny starts kissing my lips as he places his hands on my waist. We kiss for a good few minutes before going over to the bed. Johnny lays on the bed and pulls me onto him. He takes off his jacket and shirt. I take off mine too. "I've missed having sex with you" Johnny said. "Haha me too" I reply. "I think we should do it unprotected and you said you want a baby too so hmmm" he said. Johnny and I continuing making out on our bed till we we take off our pants. He unbuckles his belt and pulls down his jeans before doing mine. Johnny always teases me a little when we are having sex. A minute later we were in our underwear and ready to get under the sheets. We scramble under the covers of our bed and take off our underwear until we are naked. Johnny was soon you insert his member into me. "Johnny, Johnny" I moan. "Feels so good, baby girl" he said. "Fuck I missed this so much" I reply. He thrusts up and down on me rather rapidly for a while. We both moan in unison. I was still on top and Johnny on the bottom. We do it for something like 20 minutes before stopping. "That was so good. Just what I needed after a long flight" Johnny said out of breath. "Aye it was" I reply. It's so good to have Johnny home. My prayer have been answered and we just had the most amazing sex too

Taeil 🤎

Taeil usually have sex regularly but we've been doing it a little more now as I'm trying to get pregnant. I haven't exactly said that to him but I want to get pregnant. Yes we have talked about having kids in the future but I'd quite like a baby soon with Taeil. If we have sex more there is more of a chance of getting pregnant so maybe it will happen. I'm waiting for Taeil to finish taking a shower. He likes taking long showers in the evening where as I prefer getting showered in the morning before work. He's been about 20 minutes so hopefully he won't be too much longer now. Taeil is always so hot when he's finished in the shower. I lay in bed on my phone as I wait for him to finish in the shower. About 5 minutes later Taeil comes out with a towel round his waist. Wow! "Hey, hottie. You're done" I say. "Yes I am. Just a moment. I'm getting dressed" he said. "Do you have to?" he asks. "Don't you want me to?" Taeil asks. "Nope" I reply. "Okay" he replies. "You know why, Taeil?" I say. "Yes" he smirks. Taeil gets into our bed with just the towel on him. He smirks at me again and leans over to kiss me. We kiss for a few minutes before he gets on top of me. Taeil kisses my face and down my neck and body too. "You taste so good tonight, baby. If I was a vampire I'd suck you all up" he said. "Yes you would" I laugh. Taeil pulls my top over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra so I was topless. He pulls down my pj bottoms along with my panties too at the same time. He was quick to remove his towel after that. Before I knew it, his dick was in me. "Fuck, Taeil. You so bad ass" I say. "Ummm I know, baby. Bad ass for you" Taeil replies. We do it vigorously for a while and it was amazing. Taeil's body still felt all hot and steamy from his shower. After he gets dressed and we go to sleep together. Maybe that hot sex will have got me pregnant. Who knows? I kinda hope so

Yuta 🖤


I am on my way to Y/ N's place tonight. She doesn't know I'm coming. She thinks I'm working late and I'm not coming over. I'm about to surprise her over with some Japanese food I picked up from the takeaway. I have a selection of donburi, Udon and sushi. I arrive at Y/ N's block of apartments and get the elevator to where she is. I knock on her door and she opens it looking surprised to see me. "Yuta, what. I thought you weren't coming tonight" she said. "Well I told you a little lie. I wasn't working late. I wanted to surprise you" I reply. "Huh you bad boy but I love to see you" Y/ N said. "Yes and I brought us food. Japanese" I said. "Awesome. Yes I'm starving. Haven't had dinner yet" she said. I go in and Y/ N tuck into the food on the couch. Sushi first of course and then udon and donburi. I think we were pretty full by the end. "Just what I needed, Yuta" Y/ N said. "Yes I knew that" I reply. We chill for a bit on the couch. "Y/ N, you look so good tonight, baby. I think it's about time we had a little fun. Me and you" I say. "Thanks but Yuta we've already had some fun" she said. "You know what I mean, sexy" I say. I shuffle closer to her on the couch and starts kissing her. We kiss hardly and start taking off each other's clothes. It always happens quickly. Before we knew it we were in our underwear and going into Y/ N's room. "You only came here to do this with me. Ha" she laughs. "Nah not really. I came to see you as well" I said. I lift Y/ N up and we go to the bed. I unhook Y/ N's bra and kiss around her boobs. She pulls down her panties and I stare at her beautiful naked body for a moment before I pull down my underwear and grab a condom from Y/ N's drawer. I know she always keeps them there. I put it on but I think it's torn a bit. Doesn't matter. We don't have time to change it. Me and Y/ N get on with making love in bed. "Yuta, you taste so good. I can taste that food" she said. "Hmmm I know. You too, hottie" I say. We do it for ages before stopping and getting dressed. I stayed the right at Y/ N's and we did till morning

A/ N: I know every bit wasn't about wanting a baby right away. I wanted to make them all different to make it more interesting. If all couples wanted a baby I don't think it would've been as interesting. Hope you liked it anyway and hope it wasn't too dirty. Next you find out you're pregnant. Gonna be a bit shorter and the guys won't really be included

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