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Thursday 3rd September 2020.

I yawned, rubbing my eyes viciously. Today was my first day of school. I kissed my teeth remembering i had to socialise with people i disliked whole heartedly.

I played some music to fill up the empty and quite house, Mom had to go back to Ghana to build our "house". African parents did the most. Imagine some kids live in stinking mouldy council flats that smell of rice and stew yet they have a whole ass mansion back in Ghana.
I chuckled thinking about how unnecessary it was. I'd rather invest in a house in the uk, not like my future kids will live in Africa anyway.
I glanced at the ticking clock reading the time as 6:00am, i rolled my eyes yet again making my way to the bathroom to take care of my hygiene.

I finished with my hygiene and started to lather myself in Cocoa butter, humming along to Brent. I took off my towel making my way to the wardrobe to pick up my horrendous looking uniform.


I panicked spinning around and finding my door wide open.


The boy who i helped last time was standing there staring at my nakedness.

"GET OUTTTT"  I screamed feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

Does he not know how to knock?

I quickly changed into my uniform, taking off
my bonnet and letting my waist length Braids out.

I brushed my eyebrows and began to do them, then cleaning them off with a touch of concealer.I applied my 25mm lashes, lipgloss and was ready to go.

I grabbed my bag and sprayed myself before making my way downstairs finding him sitting there waiting for me.

I started to feel embarrassed he legit saw my boobs and ass hanging out.

"What do you want? You can't keep coming in like that." I said fiercely.

He looked down.

I used the opportunity to take in his unique features, his jawline was sharp, his eyelashes were long and wispy and his brownskin was smooth without a  single flaw or scar.

I frowned.

He was wearing the same uniform as me and i screamed in my head.

"Look, your not safe by yourself." He said looking at me deeply.

"What do you mean? "I'm not safe by myself". I told you i don't want to be involved with your gang business i just helped you that's it. I want no involvement." I said flipping him off.

"Well you're involved now." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Look i ain't got time. I swear if i get hurt." I screwed him.

"What do you mean you ain't got time. We've got 1hr and 30 minutes left" He raised his eyebrows.

I could already tell he was going to aggravate me.

"Do you not even have your own yard?  Go home man" I snapped harshly .

"No. I don't , half my man are dead and people are after me." He said blankly .

I instantly felt bad.

"Uhm i'm sorry." I bit my bottom lip.

"Sorry for? Did you shoot  them?" He laughed loudly leaving me speechless.

"Ah hah aha" I fake laughed tryin to enlighten the mood.

"Why you laughing." He demanded.

I stopped fake laughing and scratched the back of my neck embarrassed.

He laughed noticing my actions.

I was scared. Yes Scared.

He was so bipolar, he could laugh and immediately screw his face.

"Uhm. What's your name?" I asked expecting him to say those dumb tag names like t2tizzy.

"Kentrell." He replied yawning.

"Oh nice." I nodded pretending to interested.

"Uhm? Where are you staying?." I asked worried about his safety.

"Some fat grey tings yard" He said screwing his face.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"I'm staying at some fat white girls house. She uses her child benefits too look after me. Her house stinks of piss fam." He said running his mouth.

I sniggered.

"You can stay here till my mom comes back." I said instantly regretting what i said.

Is that what i'm on now?

"Are you sure, i actually feel so wet." He said face palming himself.

I kissed my teeth and made my way to the door there was thirty minutes left.

"What form you in?" He  asked nodding in my direction.

"11y" I replied.

"Your in my form." He said cheesing.

I giggled, he was a nice person.

We made our way to school not knowing what to expect.


We walked into school together looking at our new sixth form. I saw Dion and a few of his friends along with Amari who threw me a dirty look.
I waved at Dion and he screwed me, i looked up at Kentrell who screwed him hard.

I frowned.

"The fuck why is everyone screwing"
I whispered to myself.

"Who's that" He nodded towards Dion who was staring at me hardly.

"Dion" I shrugged.

"You know him?" He asked.

"Why?" I frowned.

"That's the boy who killed half my boys." He said staring back.

Roadmen Can Fall In Love Too.  / UNDER CONSTRUCTION Where stories live. Discover now