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I clamber out of the car, slamming the door shut with all my force. Growing angry

"What the fuck are you doing here." I shout gritting my teeth.

She looks baffled, shying away for a second before coming back into reality.

Her lip quivers.

I sigh, she just made herself a target, Scar is not that easy to get rid of. I stand before her awaiting an answer.

"Uhm." She mutters, licking her dry and busted lips.

She takes a deep breath, her voice beginning to waver. "I was worried, you left me with that phone call. I was confused, so I went on your snap maps and saw your location." She pauses, rubbing her arm. "So I followed it and I ended up here, I was watching from the distance." She points into the darkness an oak tree standing before us. " I was watching but something didn't feel right, until I saw what he was doing. So I started running towards him and yeah." She shrugs, looking down at her feet.

"Where the fuck did the gun come from then." I was angry, yet happy. She was there for me, my rider. I grin slightly before concealing it with a frown.

"I saw it under the sofa this morning when I dropped the remote, I took it with me just in case." She chews on her lip, swaying side to side.

I rub my head in frustration, looking back at Malachi who was now beginning to fidget and twitch. I look back at Kendi and the gun dropped next to her. I crouch down picking it up.

She holds in her breath for a brief second.

"Look." I grab her attention, wrapping my hands around the gun tightly, positioning myself.

"Stand like this when shooting, you could hurt yourself . The impact from the gun when shooting is mad." I advice her passing the gun to her and watching her copying my every move.

She looks up at me for approval and I nod.

"Yes, just like that." I nod , watching her from behind and taking in her hourglass figure.

I'm rudely interrupted by a series of coughs and splutters coming from inside the car, we both pause looking at each other. I snatch the gun out of her hands, slowly tiptoeing to the car. Finding it was Malachi staring at me with confused eyes.

"Bro." He croaks, rubbing his eyes.

"I told you it was a set up, otchia." I kiss my teeth, not feeling any form of pity or remorse for him.

He rolls his eyes, using the back of his hand to wipe away his face. He sits up, leaning over Scars dead body.

"Aye." He points at him, confused. "What happened?"

I loll my head to the side indicating that I was talking about Kenditta and he nods, mouthing "Tell me what happened later."

I take a deep long stare at Scar, something was off. It felt like he wasn't properly gone.

I clutch onto the gun, admiring the detailing. Before firing 5 shots at scars "unresponsive body".






Kenditta and Malachi flinch, watching me tuck in my gun. He finally was gone, I was free. I sigh, feeling relieved.

"Aye we've got to cut." I suggest, making sure if I or anyone else had left a drop of DNA. we could easily get done for. Convinced, we all rush out of the car. Darkness surrounding us.

We all agree on crashing at Kenditta's house and leaving immediately in the morning, yeah I mean it. We make it back to her house and it was awfully quiet.

"Where's mum?" I ask, gazing around.

"Work." She tosses the keys on the coffee table, slipping off her robe. I nod, slipping off my trainers and wriggling my toes.

Before I manage to talk there's a tap at the door. All three of us freeze turning our heads to the door. I hear another tap again, and I begin to creep towards the door. Taking deep breaths, beginning to panic.

I put my hand over my lips, gesturing for the other two to stay silent. I hold onto the door handle, whipping the door open and clutching onto my gun. Finding no one at the front door.
I lean out of the door frame, checking if someone had been hiding. But to my surprise there was no one on the midnight roads.

"No one." I shout back , slamming the door shut behind me and smiling. They nod, not convinced.

"Let's watch something on Netflix." I suggest trying to enlighten the mood. They agree, beginning to get comfy.

My eyes flicker from the film to Kendi, she looks behind her shoulder every often. Like something was lurking behind her.

"You cool?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No."

She leans in next to my ear, her soft locks brushing against the nape of my neck. "There's someone in the house I can feel it."

I blink twice. Before I manage to speak there's a loud crash, coming from the kitchen. I turn to my side finding a slim man standing before us. His black t-shirt hugging against his muscles.

I automatically stand up, ready to bombard him with a load of questions.

"What the fuck are you doing here ?" I scream.

He backs away , "Calm down, i came here to ask you one question."

I stay silent , all three of us looking up at the boy standing before us.

"What the fuck did you do to Scar." He spits, his bottom lip poking out.

Kenditta looks at me worriedly , "He's dead. Get over it."

The boy begins to laugh, doubling over. "He was my only source of fucking income, you dickhead. How the fuck am I gonna get my p's back. Aye?" He shouts, punching the wall.

"Your so tapped, you man thought you were slick yeah?" He claps his hands, strolling up and down the room. "I saw what you did, I was gonna get 4 bags tonight with him. Four fucking bags and you fucked it up." He points at all three of us.

"Run me my fucking money or I will dead you off quick time." He pulls out a shotgun and I couldn't help but splutter. He looked like some next pirate.

"Scars a tapped nigga, I hate him with chest but you've fucked it up for everyone yuna." He mutters.

"Who the fuck are you, coming into mans yard?" I ask, tensing up.

"Fuck you and your yard." He chuckles.

He spits on my face, I try with my almighty best to remain calm.

"Who the fuck are you." I ask.

"I'm Remy. I run these ends now. Watch what happens when you don't run my money." He staggers away, his hair bopping to his every move.

I turn around to Malachi and Kenditta, gulping.

"4 bags?" Malachi exclaims.

"That's easy." I brush him off.

I lean my head on the blank wall, clearly stressed and overwhelmed.

This was too much wahala for me to handle.

- short chapter, but I promise I'll make the others longer 💕. Mocks are doing me dirty so I won't be updating until the two week break we have. But I will be saving drafts so within that week they will be enough chapters for you to read! So you can stay entertained.

Yesssuh peace out💕.

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