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"What do you mean it can be important?"  He screws me.

"There has to be a reason why he dropped it here." I argue.

"I haven't got time for this shit man." He replies clearly eager to go.

"I'll do it myself." I speak quietly, walking back to the house. I hear him mutter but I pretend to ignore it. Slamming the door shut behind me.

I look down at the piece of card, trying my best to come up with a word.

"SYMON?"  A name?

I place it on the table, feeling frustrated.

"Wait." I mutter to  myself, digging in the back pocket of my denim jeans and pulling out my phone. Quickly typing in "Word Scrambler" on safari.

I type in the 5 letter word, watching the page load. The only word that had come from it had been "My."

I scrunch my face up, beginning to feel my self get annoyed. I was left with three more words, out of five.


I squeeze my eyes trying to work it out. Before finally coming up with an answer.

"Son." I exclaim.

"My son?" I place myself on the edge of the table. A number of questions running through my brain, who was who's  son? What did the persons son have to do with me, what correlation do I have with him.

I call Kentrell, forgetting about the little misunderstanding we just had.

"What-" I cut him off not in the mood for any long talk.

"The card, it says My Son."

"Your deeping it too much man." He laughs, not taking me seriously.

"Look I'm not deeping it, this is serious. How does he or she know my yard and why is she/he dropping this right next to my doorstep." I shout, I was in danger and all because of Kentrell being careless.

He stays quiet and I breathe out.

"Now do you know anyone who knows where i live?"

He pauses before answering, "Yeah Scar."

"Who's that?" I get up resting my head against the wall.

"Some mad man, look dont worry about it." He tries to reassure me and I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it, okay is some random man pulling up to your house? The nigga telling me not to worry about it ,doesn't even have to go through this."

He stays silent, breathing softly.

"Does he have a kid?" I ask , curious.

"Yeah? I think.. He's never really talked to him or met him, well that's what I know anyways."

I nod, this was too much for me to handle.

"What does he have to do with me?" I question, why would he come to me.

"Not gonna lie yeah, but I think he's after me." He lowers his voice.

"Oh, maybe speak to him?" I pitch in.

"Kenditta he's not alive."

I was Speechless, so why was there notes and secret codes coming from him.


"He's a dangerous guy, he's next level crazy. He's probably after me, I know it. I was supposed to do some job for him. I never got round to do it." Kentrell rambles on and on , as I sat there silent . Clutching onto my phone tightly.

Roadmen Can Fall In Love Too.  / UNDER CONSTRUCTION Where stories live. Discover now