chapter 2

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

" c'mon we have to go to hope world! the arcade and the karaoke booths are so fun!" cheered summer as she clapped her hands together pointing at the arcade in front of them.

she clings onto jungkooks arm as she drags the poor boy into the building. jimin sighed as he looks at you with his puppy dog eyes. he knows how much you hated this place ESPECIALLY the karaoke booths. you had a straight face as you sighed, letting your arms cross as you walked into the building in defeat. you can never say no to his puppy dog eyes. jimin cheered inside his head as he followed you into the building.

you could hear all the game machine sounds and the smell of pizza filling your nostrils. summer and jimin ran to the games while you and jungkook stayed there with a sour face. even though you just met jungkook you could see he's a pretty boring person. sure he was good looking but he seemed so boring? summer sure knows how to pick guys.

" oh my god!!! we should go karaoke! c'mon it'll be fun! y/n you want to come with us right?" said summer as she looked into your eyes , practically begging you to come with her eyes.

" no." you said turning around to leave, only to hear her voice again.

" i'm sorry i couldn't hear you, say it again y/n. you do want to come with us... right~~?"

you could feel her glare piercing right into your back, her dark aroma sending chills. summer is a cheery and kind girl but you do not want to get on her bad side.

" ahaha yea totally!" you said smiling turning around.

" oh goody!" she dragged jungkook by his arm as you walked behind her plotting her murder inside your head.

" don't worry y/n, you don't have to sing. i won't make you too." said jimin softly as he walked along side you.

" you better."


at least 738 hours have gone by of you listening to summer singing her 13th song, still singing with a passion and soul into her songs. you sipped on your strawberry milkshake as you listened to her off pitched vocals fill the room. jimin cheering her on as her background dancer and vocals. sometimes you wonder how crazy your friends are.

while jungkook sat in his corner listening or more like staring off into space.

" and done! ok jungkook your turn!" said summer as she passed the microphone to him. his eyes widened and quickly shook his head "no".

" aw c'mon! don't be shy! in fact maybe y/n will join you so you don't feel alone!" said the blonde chick.

you spit out your drink as you glared at the women who was smiling innocently.

" uh i don't sing..." said jungkook as he scratched his head while laughing it off.

" i won't judge! c'mon she'll sing with you so you don't feel nervous-"

" no i won't." you interrupted her, setting your drink down on the table. jimin looked at summer hoping she would changed mind and forget about y/n singing. summer also knew about you quitting music, she knew how much you hated it yet she just wanted to push you so you can be yourself again. she missed her hero, she looked up to you as kids and she missed the girl who showed her that dreams aren't dead after all..

" okay i won't force you both to sing but me and jimin are gonna go get some food for us so we'll be back.." said summer sighing as she walked away with jimin, leaving you and jungkook alone in the room.

neither of you said a word to each other, it was so quiet in the room you could probably hear a pin drop on the floor. you looked over at the boy in the corner with his headphones on while his eyes were closed.

you eyed the microphone in front of you on the table, biting your lips as you thought about singing.
will i still able to sing? can i still hold a note? it's been 2 years since i last sang into a microphone..

you picked up your strawberry shake as you mixed it around with the straw still eyeing the microphone.

" you want to sing strawberry?"


♡'・ᴗ・'♡ thanks for reading!!!!

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