chapter 12

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

" so how long have you known y/n?"

" hm ever since we were about 10 i think.."

" 10? so you guys have been friends for 7 years?"

" yup! she's always been a cheerful girl, there hasn't been one day where i've seen her without a smile.."

" when i first ran into her she looked pretty gloomy if you ask me.."

" gloomy? that's just her angry. i said she's cheerful but that doesn't mean she's not feisty! she's one of the most feistiest girl i've ever met!" laughed summer over the phone as she talked with jungkook.

he laughed along with her as he imagined y/n being feisty towards him.

" i can't see her being feisty.."

" she is, she is super determined to get what she wants. that's why when she quit singing , i didn't really do much. i do have an affect on her but not enough to make her sing.."

" how long has she been singing..?"

" since she was 10. i met her at a competition actually. she was watching though, she didn't compete since she was still a bit rusty in her singing skills."

" well she sounds amazing now..."

there was a short silence after jungkook spoke... thinking about y/n in the hospital. he immediately remember the times his mother was at the hospital.

" summer... is she okay?"

" i don't know. she's always been clumsy and has been going to hospital since the moment i met her. she said she doesn't eat much which is why she visits frequently...." said summer recalling her conversation with you.

she was only 13 yet she kept going to the hospital, by then she was rarely in school. she said she's going to be fine... but more and more time is going by and it's just getting worse.

" don't worry jungkook, she's a strong one."

she's going to be fine... she told me herself.


'' thanks for reading !!!
also summer x jk? lollllll

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