chapter 28

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

pressing onto the piano keys harshly , jungkook growled in his breath. meanwhile taehyung and yoongi stood beside him by the piano.

" do you want me to play-"

" NO I GOT IT. i-i got it, only i know what notes i want so let me figure it out then you can fix it around and make it even better.." said jungkook as he tried to calm down.

it's been a month since the incident with you, but everything was now good. he was visiting under your command , bringing you strawberry macaroons everytime.

right now he was practicing with the help of taehyung and yoongi, he was trying to write a song to preform at the gala.

y/n always said she loved the songs i wrote.

yoongi would help with the piano, since he is playing the piano for him on stage and taehyung helped him with lyrics and beats.

the gala was just two weeks away now

just around the corner.


your voice was now almost completely gone. jungkook would come to see you everyday, he would tell you stories about him and yoongi practicing together to write a song for the gala performance, he would bring you your daily strawberry macaroons. though he would sometimes forget.

he would often sing to you , soft melodies and lullabies. he made sure to put a smile on your face everyday. whenever he wasn't alone , summer and jimin would visit along with him. it felt so normal , as if it was just a normal friend group hang out, only it wasn't. you often see summer and jungkook close together, the jealousy in you rising as you wished she could just go away.

meanwhile jimin saw it, he saw how you would look at jungkook. he could see you wanted jungkook by your side instead of him. but what he also saw was his best friend getting weaker and weaker.

i'm doing this for you and only you y/n. i hope he makes you happy, i hope he can bring out the colors in you.



it was already late, i left the practice room where me and yoongi would practice together , everyone else has gone home but i decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. i put on my headphones as i looked above at the night sky. the shimmering stars sparkling as a plane flew in the sky.

i wonder if y/n can see the plane too.

i heard my phone buzz , interrupting my thoughts.
i took out my phone and saw a message from y/n.

strawberry ❤️ : heyy!!

jungkook : what

strawberry ❤️ : i want to tell you something!
strawberry ❤️ : i'm releasing you from hospital visits! 🥳

jungkook : huh

strawberry ❤️ : the gala is right around the corner and you need all the time you have to practice!

jungkook : that's all?

strawberry ❤️ : yup bye :3
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i stared at my phone that was in front of me, i took in a deep breath in before exploding.


but then...if i don't get to see you in the hospital anymore... does that mean i won't get to see you at all?

i walked down the streets before hearing my phone buzz again scaring me.

strawberry ❤️ : OMG do you see that huge plane that's flying in the sky??
strawberry ❤️ : i wonder where it's going..

jungkook : i see it too

strawberry ❤️ : u can see it too?
strawberry ❤️ : i guess we are under the same sky after all

jungkook : that's all?
jungkook : u wanted to text me about a plane?

strawberry ❤️ : yep!
strawberry ❤️ : sorry i just saw it and wanted to tell someone

jungkook : you said you didn't want me to visit you at the hospital

strawberry ❤️ : that doesn't mean i won't text you anymore! :p

jungkook : i'll stop by to see you.

strawberry ❤️ : you really don't have to..
strawberry ❤️ : if you had the time it would be a different story but you have to focus on the gala!

jungkook : i don't care about time.
jungkook : i want to see you.
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knowing we're under the same sky makes everything feel different, the scenery filled with wonders. you're always there for me y/n. and i should be there for you.

that's what people in love do... right?


you looked at the screen in front of you, your eyes squeezed shut as your lips quivered. even though it probably meant nothing to jungkook... it meant everything to you.

am i overthinking it? he probably didn't mean it romantically at all. i'm just his friend, and he's the guy who likes my best friend.
stay in your lane y/n.

alexa play your lie in april ost "again" 🥺
thanks for reading <3 lol

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