chapter 24

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

it's been a week now since you've been staying at the hospital, you were reading a book when you heard a knock on the door.

surprised , you saw jungkook walk in with a bag of macaroons.

" didn't expect to see you here jungkook.." you said quickly putting the book before he saw it.

" yeah just wanted to stop by..." he said still near the door. he couldn't come near you, he didn't why but all he knew was that it hurt him to see you like this.

you've been at the hospital for a week now. graduation was just around the corner and you were still hospitalized...

" oo you brought me something??? gimme!!" you said tilting your head to see what jungkook brought you.

" i brought y-you strawberry macaroons..."

" i love those!!! gimme!"

he gave you the bag filled with strawberry flavored macaroons, they were still warm and soft , freshly baked.

" i'll never know why you love strawberries so much.." he said taking a seat right next to your bed.

" hm i don't know, i just love them so much." you said taking a bite of the macaroon.

" guess what strawberry.."

" hm?"

" i was invited to sing at the grand gala!" he said smirking , the grand gala was a huge opportunity for singers like you and jungkook.

every year, they held a grand gala with only the most richest and talented people attended.

from violin players to piano to singers, it's such a big deal that only the most talented get invited and if you were invited to preform, then you just won the lottery.

you cheered for jungkook , bringing him into a hug.

" i'm so proud of you! i knew you could do it loser!" you said fake wiping tears off your cheek.

" of course i can, i'm good at singing." he bragged.

" yea you are , no denying that." you congratulated him.

" i want you to sing with me."

you looked at the boy who was now dead serious. his eyes were fixed on you and your answer.

were you happy?


were you happy that you are going to get sing at the gala or are you happy that jungkook wants to sing with you?


but that's until october...

" i would love to!" you said cheering.

jungkook sighed in relief , he was scared that you were going to say no. but he noticed you were slowly getting paler, your eyes didn't sparkle as much anymore as they used to.

he pushed the negative thoughts away as he celebrated with you.

" but that means we got to practice much harder! i'm talking 24/7 practices, i want you to sing when your sleeping, i want you to sing in the shower and i want you to sing when your taking a- "

" don't make me regret inviting you."


:) x♡'・ᴗ・'♡o

gn loves.

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