chapter 29

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

it was the next day, jungkook and jimin were on their way to your hospital room, walking together through the stairs.

" apparently the newbies on our team are incredibly good. i might have to step up my game if i want to become team captain. though we start practicing in 2 weeks for the fall tournament..." said jimin as he walked up the stairs with jungkook following his elder friend.

" i'm surprised you decided to come with me, everytime i invited you to come along with me you would just turn me down and wait until summer comes along." spoke jimin as he continued to walk up the steps while jungkook froze in his steps.

" i'm not avoiding you if that's what your thinking..." said jungkook as he grasped onto the bag filled with strawberry macaroons.

he's y/n's bestfriend, they've been friends longer than i have. he knows her better than i do. i'm no jimin.

" hey jimin..."

jimin looked behind to find jungkook staring straight at jimin.

" i like y/n. like a lot."

jimin stared at lovesick boy, his eyes never lied. he gave jungkook a soft smile.

" i know."

shocked that he was smiling,  he knew i liked her? and he's not mad or anything? was i wrong then...


jimin's arm was around jungkook's shoulder as he teased his friend, walking towards your room only to find a bunch of nurses rushing towards your room.

" that's y/n's room? " gulped jimin.

now both jungkook and jimin walking towards your room, peeking inside to find nurses surrounding you.

" just hang on the doctors on his way!"

" y/n stay with me!"   

" y/n can you hear me?"

" take a deep breath."  

" get the doctor in here quick!"

" damn it she's seizing up"

her grip that was on the bed tightening as her body began to shake. but just seconds later, only to find her hand slowly loosening her grip, falling down to her side.

my heart stopped at the sight of her handing dropping slowly. everything is happening so fast.

" you can't be in here right now!" said a nurse shoving jungkook aside causing him to drop the macaroons onto the floor.

" go home , we'll take good care of her."


walking home in the dark night sky alone, jungkook had on his headphones as the melody for his song played. the soft playing of yoongi's piano skills.

a song that was written just for you, he worked so hard on it everyday. he always made sure he had enough time to practice and made room so he could see you.

yet this visit, broke him.

he looked at himself in the reflection of the store windows, and all he saw was someone who failed to protect the person he cherished. it was like a curse, everything he loved was being taken away from him.

i hate this. i hate this so much.

he took off the headphones and tossed them into the trash bin.

i'm quitting music. for good this time.



" what??! but she was just fine last week?"

" it happened when we got there, thankfully they got to her in time, she was taken to the icu." said jimin as he told summer what happened.

" you said we? was jungkook with you?" she said biting her lip. 


in response summer ran out the classroom, spamming jungkook's phone with calls.

pick up ! pick up!

summer began running towards jungkooks house. he wasn't picking up any calls , and the gala was just right around the corner.

he needs to go see her. just once , only y/n can make jungkook smile, only she can give him hope and the encouragement he needs right now.

and y/n needs jungkook, not me or jimin, she needs the one she loves right by her side.

dynamite #1 on bb hot 100.

that's it, that's the sentence.

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