chapter 19

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

you read over the lyrics for the 5th time, humming the tune of the song you and jungkook were covering.

jungkook played the piano as he softly sang with his eyes closed.

his voice is like a lullaby. the soft silky sound leaving his lips created the most beautiful sound. just imagining him singing to his lover as they fell asleep, must be nice.

you looked at him from the floor which you were laying on, he looked happy as he sang.

i wonder what could've happened to him. what pain cause him to give up on singing.

" should we start practicing singing together?"

" yeah..." he said giving you a smile, a smile that could make the whole world brighter.


" YOU'RE OFF NOTE CMON DON'T BE SHY SING THE RIGHT NOTE!" you yelled as you threw a notebook at his head.

causing him to fall off the piano seat.

" woman you are crazy you know that." he muttered under his breath as he massaged where the notebook hit him.

" say that again!"

" sorry m-ma'am."

" from the top!" you said giving jungkook a dirty look.

summer isn't the only scary one.

i think y/n just be might be scarier.


you passed him a waterbottle to give his vocals a rest. you drank the water as you looked at the sun setting.

An array of colors set in the sky, from purples to oranges. the sky was now slowly turning from a bright blue to a dark indigo.

" let's wrap it up. i want to go home and eat some real food." said jungkook as he closed the keylid.

you nod to him and made your way out of the school, hanging onto your bag with your hands behind you.

jungkook walked along side you in the night sky with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

" the moon looks so pretty tonight... it's shining so bright along with all the pretty stars in the sky!" you said as you looked up at the deep dark blue sky.

you could see the stars so clearly as if they were closer than ever tonight , almost like a photograph. jungkook looked up, making sure to capture the great scenery.

" mhm, so pretty" he said. but he was no longer looking at the sky.

you couldn't keep your eyes off the night sky, everything was just so gorgeous. The night air is crisp and cool , the stars shined like diamonds , what a lovely night.

i wish i can stay in this moment forever. with you right by my side.

" i forgot how colorful life is... everything back then was just a gloomy neutral color. so boring, almost like the world was loosing it's life source..." you whispered as you tried to reach for the sky.

my eye caught one of the stars, and it twinkled at me, just for me it seemed, I bid it hello with a slow wave of my hand.

" oh yea?"

" a friend once said to me that once you're in love the world starts looking more colorful..." you said now looking at jungkook who has been looking at you the whole time.

still walking towards your house, you saw a sweets shop. you immediately ran towards the shop , leaving jungkook behind.

following you into the small shop, he could smell the sweet aroma of the freshly baked goods and treats.
it was warm inside due to the all the beautifully prepared sweets waiting for your sweet tooth.

just by looking at the displays , your mouth was watering. you decided to order the special the shop was having and sat down at a table.

jungkook sat right across from you as he leaned on the palm of his hand. wondering who eats a sweet this late at night.

" here are your caramel waffles with apples and nuts enjoy!" said the lady as she brought out your plate.

you thanked her and immediately began swooning over the yummy looking treat.

" oh look at this doesn't it look amazing! i've always wanted to try this , hold on i gotta take some pictures of you good looking." you said pulling out your phone to take pictures of the dessert , making sure not to miss an angle.

" and that's a wrap." you said now putting your phone away.

" do you like photography?" asked jungkook as he watched you take maybe 200 pictures.

" nope just a fan of desserts."

you took a bite of the mouth watering treat and immediately began swooning over the sweet waffles.

" mmmmm wah this is amazing!" you said as you cupped your cheeks in delight.

jungkook let out a small laugh at your reaction.

on stage she's a force of nature but in this moment right now, she's just an ordinary girl. a girl who is madly in love with sweets.

jungkook took your fork out your hand and took a bite as well , surprised at his actions you could feel your heart getting warmer and warmer.

" mmmm this is delicious!" he said as he chewed his food.

summer, your such a lucky girl. i envy you.


♡'・ᴗ・'♡ thanks for reading!!



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