chapter 13

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[ all fan fiction; not real ]

the school bell rang which meant it was time for students to head home. jungkook immediately put on his headphones as he put his things together to go home.

only to run into one of his close friends, taehyung.

" yo why didn't you tell me you were gonna sing again? i thought you quit for goods?" asked taehyung as he sat on the corner of jungkooks desk.

" i did quit and that was just a one time thing, it was more like a favor." he said as he payed no attention to his curious friend.

taehyung got closer to jungkooks face and stared him down, making sure not to miss an inch of his face.

" a favor? for a girl?" he said squinting his eyes at the boy who was still paying no attention.

" yea."

" not buying it."

taehyung folded his arms as he backed away from jungkooks personal bubble. jungkook rolled his eyes at the boy.

taehyung wore his headband on his forehead while wearing one of his usual oversized outfits. making sure to make him look ridiculously small even though he was tall maybe even taller than jungkook.

" well i'm not going to force you to believe me cause i frankly don't care." said jungkook as he gave a forceful smile and threw his bag over his shoulder to head over to the piano room where he would practice writing songs.

" i refuse to believe that you would get over your fear of singing on stage for a favor. that's not the jungkook i know." said taehyung as jungkook started to walk away towards the door.

" the jungkook i know who turned down the opportunity to debut with me in a group... he wouldn't sing on the same stage he ran away from just for a favor." said taehyung now glaring at jungkook's back.

jungkook stopped his tracks as he felt guilt rush over him. jungkook and taehyung were both scouted to join a kpop band but his mother turned down the offer, right when jungkook was about to accept.

jungkook couldn't tell taehyung that it wasn't him who turned down the offer. if he did then taehyung would've marched up to his mom and probably yell at her. he always told jungkook to rebel against his mother but jungkook always said no.

she's on the verge of dying and you want me to rebel against her?

"i said sorry tae , i wanted too but i wanted to stay by my mothers side you know that- "

" you mean be her puppet? she never cared about you jungkook, all she wanted was your voice. kinda like that octopus lady from the little mermaid." blurted out taehyung as he kept his piercing glare at jungkooks back profile.

he saw jungkooks shoulders relax and finally turns around to face taehyung.

" you really needed to make that comment about my dead mother?"

" well you never even liked her."

jungkook finally breaks out of his serious mode and finally gives in with a small laugh. somehow taehyung always knew how to make the mood lighter with his dumb responses.

" what whats funny?" questioned taehyung even though jungkook laughed thinking he was joking but in reality taehyung was clueless.

he never knew what was going through jungkooks head. in all his years of being friends with jungkook, he was a dead person. literally.

" when will you ever get a girlfriend if your always looking dead. take off those headphones when i'm talking to you too!" taehyung complained as jungkook walked away.

" lalala i'm not listening to you!" yelled jungkook from the hallway.

taehyung smiled at his friend.

that girl is doing something to him.


♡'・ᴗ・'♡ thanks for reading!!!

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