chapter 7

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[ all fan fiction; not real ]

strawberry : u ready !?

jungkook : for?

strawberry: ... the competition?

jungkook : lol no
jungkook : i haven't even sang much into the microphone
jungkook : but I HAVE sang in the shower so i guess that counts right?

strawberry : no it doesn't
strawberry : wait
strawberry : ur telling me u haven't practiced with the microphone like at all

jungkook : yea


jungkook : i'm sorry
jungkook : i'm just
jungkook: sorry

strawberry : idk what happened with u and singing but i know ur hurting urself

jungkook : sorry

strawberry : remember
strawberry: when you are singing
strawberry : ask urself
strawberry : who are you playing for?
strawberry : who are you singing for?
strawberry: gtg sleep well

READ 9:49pm


♡'・ᴗ・'♡ thanks for reading!!!

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