chapter 4

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

" jungkook i want you to join a singing competition with me!" you said standing up and your hand on hips while pointing your finger at the boy.

you smiled to the boy who's eyes were widened in shock. meanwhile jimin and summer stood there with their jaws hanging open. their food slowly starting slip from the grasp of their hands.

" w-what?? i don't sing anymore"

" then why'd you have a bunch of papers with lyrics?"

" t-they're for a job. i only write songs for others."

" and you're telling me you never had to urge to sing into those cool looking studios?"

he shook his head "no" wanting to escape this conversation. you were so eager to sing with him but why? you both barely knew each other.

" you can sing so well though, i think if me and you were to join a competition we would get over our fright of music." you said as you winked at him , also practically begging with your eyes.

meanwhile jimin was questioning everything, you the girl who told him that you were never going to sing ever again to prevent the worse from happening is now saying she wants to join a singing competition? he didn't know if he was thrilled with enjoyment of the old y/n coming back or he was scared.. scared he was going to loose you.

" ooh cmon kookie! i'm sure you're amazing and what would be so bad about reliving the moments you once held with so much passion?" said summer as she cheered in glee. she ran towards jungkook and grabbed onto his hands.

" do it for yourself! with y/n leading i'm sure you'll both do amazing!" she pleaded. her ocean deep blue eyes sparkled as she looked into jungkook.

who could ever say no to summer? she was a goddess, her deep sea eyes and her golden locks. the way she dressed like a doll. she was the perfect girl for jungkook.

" i'm sorry but no..." said jungkook as he released from summer's hands and got up, ready to leave. summer stayed in place, not moving a muscle as he made his way towards the door.

you smiled in defeat, of course i expected him to say no. i would too if i was in his place. oh well it was worth a try. but before jungkook could leave, you saw him stand there frozen. then you realized you felt summers dark aroma fill the room.

" so sorry kookie i didn't hear what you said , please repeat what you said, i thought you said no but you didn't say that right? right~~~?" said summer as she gritted through her teeth with a smile.

jungkook could feel chills down his spine as he heard her words echo in his head. what's this feeling and why do i feel scared to say no?

" so strawberry when do we start practicing?" he said laughing in fear. in a wink summer when back to her cheery self running into jungkooks arms, as if she didn't just threaten the poor boy.

you cheered as you quickly took your phone out and handed it to him.

" put your phone number in! we do go to the same school so we can just practice in the choir room!
don't be late!" you said smiling. jungkook looked at your face, your eyes had no light yet you were smiling. he shrugged it off and inserted his phone number in your phone.

you thanks him and ran out the door while holding onto jimins hand.

even though he was supposed to be on a date with summer, he couldn't help but be curious with you.

what kind of person are you?


♡'・ᴗ・'♡ thanks for reading!!!

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