chapter 25

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

it's been a week now since jungkook started to vist you in the hospital and practiced together. you weren't allowed outside the hospital anymore, you were always being tested and stuff like that.

but it didn't really matter to you, all you enjoyed was when jungkook stayed by your side and brought you macaroons every time he did come. the more you started to hang out with him, the deeper you were falling for him. the way his doe eyes looked into yours when you both sang, his laughter , his kind gestures. everything about him sparkled to you.

but you'd remember that he likes summer, he was the one who wanted to go on a date with her. if it wasn't for summer, you'd probably never have met him. and that's what you hated. you hated that you weren't her, you hated that you weren't as pretty as her, you hated that she gets to live along with jungkook and you don't.


it was september 9th, the sunny days were slowly coming to an end as fall very slowly started to roll in.

you wore a tennis skirt with a large sweatshirt. you stood outside of your school, the cool breeze blowing through your hair as you waited for jungkook. he had school so you waited for him to arrive.

you saw him and immediately yelled his name out loud, waving at him. his face showed you that he was confused and embarrassed. he started making his ways towards you.

" what are you doing here? " he asked,

she's wearing normal clothes, is she finally out of the hospital? that means she is getting better.

" i was waiting for jimin but i guess he isn't here today so you'll do. you have to take me shopping!" you said smiling, dragging him towards the mall.

he followed you around as you shopped for clothes, fighting other people as well since there was a sale on. he was holding all the shopping bags, each arm carrying at least 6 bags while also carrying a stuffed animal as well.

a pink bunny she acts like a 12 year old.

groaning for the 100th time today, jungkook was getting tired , he could hear you giggle as you looked around in the store.

even though i hate shopping, with her... everything felt so bright and colorful. everything around me just started taking color....

" what do you think about traveling? i want to go to paris. i want to eat their yummy pastries and hear the violin play throughout the streets , i've always loved the sound of the violin you know , i've always wanted learn how to the play the violin but i guess it's too late for that...." you said looking up at the poster of the Eiffel tower that was advertising.

" what do you mean too late?" he said tensing up at your words. you turned around and started laughing.

" oh nothing! hey do you still have that strawberry milk bottle?" you asked as you walked towards him.

" yeah here."

he handed you the bottle but when you went to reach it, the bottle fell right through your grasp.

" let me get that for you." said jungkook as he went down to pick it up.

i can't feel my arms.

i can't feel them anymore.


you walked towards your house along with jungkook , he was still holding everything while you were hand free. the sky was now slowly turning dark, the stars were now starting to glisten as you both walked alongside eachother.

" why aren't you in the hospital anymore..?" asked jungkook, breaking the silence.

" hm i guess i'm good now." you lied to him. you were now walking in front of him with both of your arms behind you.

" you snuck out didn't you.."

you stopped your tracks as you looked behind you, jungkook was frozen in place. his eyes were now looking straight at you. he could see the difference, you weren't doing well. you weren't as energetic as you were before.

" how'd you figure it out?"

" well for starters jimin was at school and you didn't have your book bag. you're supposed to be in school if you aren't in the hospital anymore.."

" oh..sorry i lied.." you said now looking down, grasping onto your skirt. you were embarrassed,

does he hate me now for lying to him??

" you don't like me don't you..."

" not as person but i do as a musician."

" ah i see you separated the art from the person." you laughed as you felt the tears stinging your eyes.

even though i knew he was joking, why did it hurt so much.

" you're not okay are you..."

" jungkook... i'm sorry but i can't sing with you."
you said now looking at him, he dropped the bags that were in his arms in shock.

" i-i was kidding! i'm sorry!"

you smiled as tears slowly trickled down your cheeks, you walked towards him as you fell into his arms. you were in pain, you couldn't stand on your legs for long. you were slowly developing paralysis in your legs and arms and you were tired of hiding it.

and that's not the worst part.

" are you okay?!!" panicked jungkook as he wrapped his arms around you in support, not letting you fall.

" no. i'm not okay. IM NOT OKAY AT ALL! DO I LOOK OKAY TO YOU? I CAN'T DO ANYTHING-" you bursted out at him.

you realized what you just did, you immediately push yourself from his body, taking your hands and wiping your tears off your face.

" haha... where did that crazy mode come from? i'm sorry... i'm so sorry." you said now sobbing into the palm of your hands.

jungkook immediately took you into his arms once again, he hated this. he hated seeing you cry.

" p-please just take me back to the hospital.."

instantly jungkook carried you and took you to hospital, no word was exchanged between the both of you. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you .

crying into the crook of his neck, knowing it'd be the last time you would hold onto him.



" i'm sorry but the surgery is a huge risk. if one tiny thing goes wrong then..."

" and i'm willing to take the risk." you said as you sat down on your wheelchair. your parents were behind you as you talked to your doctor.

" we can do it but since your suffering from friedreich's ataxia, your legs and arms will soon start to develop severe loss of coordination and your voice will be gone in just two weeks. without the surgery-"

" no i want it. i don't care if it'll only give me only a little bit of more time , i want to spend it with jungkook. " you said to the doctor.

" the only day we can do it is october 23rd"

but that's the gala day...

" ok i'll do it."



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