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With Ludwig: 

The three Koopalings had tried for a long time before several more Koopalings began to slowly arrive back. 

Iggy, Lemmy, and Wendy were the next to arrive, the three riding in the Chain Chomp vehicle that was attached to the chain that Iggy’s pet Chain Chomp was pulling. 

“ATTA GIRL! YOOHOO, YESSSSSS!” screamed Iggy, the tall Koopaling flailing his arms around in the air as the large Chain Chomp came to a stop near the still overturned Bowser. 

Lemmy gasped when he saw that their father was on his back. 

He was slightly cross eyed, and he had trouble walking for too long without the help of his circus ball that he was normally seen walking on. 

Wendy glanced up boredly, the female Koopaling having been fixing one of her nails. 

“Dad!” exclaimed Lemmy, quickly climbing out of the Chain Chomp vehicle, but ended up falling face-first on the ground. 

Iggy gasped dramatically, quickly jumping out of the Chain Chomp vehicle and helping the smallest Koopaling back up. 

“Are you alright, brother!? Tell me you’re alright, oh dear brother of mine!” exclaimed Iggy, checking to make sure Lemmy was alright. 

“I’m fine, Iggy. No need to worry over me like that” chuckled Lemmy, smiling as he looked up at the tall Koopaling. 

Ludwig rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. 

“Vell, nice of you zree to join us. I see zat you all hafe also failet in tryink to shtop Mario ant Luigi seeink as zey hafe made it all ze vay to me. I, like you, hafe also failet in shtoppink zem” said Ludwig. 

Roy rolled his eyes from behind his sunglasses, shoving Ludwig out of the way as he walked over to the three Koopalings who had just arrived. 

Ludwig nearly stumbled, but managed to save himself, sighing in relief before glaring up at the second largest Koopaling. 

“Yeah, yeah, we git dat shit. We all failed ta stop da Mario brothers. Naw, where the fuckz Morton n' Larry? They need ta help git dad back up, just like tha rest o' us” said Roy, crossing his arms and pointing a thumb at Bowser. 

Bowser growled angrily, causing Roy to flinch in fright. 

“First of all, I’m not helpless. I’m a Koopa just like you, I’m just unlucky to have fallen onto my shell for the second time after a defeat. Second of all, I want you to stop swearing in front of your younger siblings, especially Junior” said Bowser, glaring at the second largest Koopaling. 

Roy gulped, nodding. 

Wendy scoffed, rolling her eyes as she jumped out of the Chain Chomp vehicle. 

“Fine, we’ll help, but only because we all want to get some rest after the defeat we had. I just don’t see why Kamek and Kammy can’t help you up, seeing as they’re both Magikoopas and they know more magic than the rest of us” said Wendy, muttering the last part. 

Ludwig felt a pang of anger inside of him. 

He knew more magic than them, too. 

Sure, he didn’t know ALL of the spells that Kamek and Kammy knew, but he still knew more than the rest of his siblings combined. 

Deciding not to say anything lest he gets antagonized, Ludwig sighed and shook his head. 

“Vell vherefer zey are, I'm sure zey'll return soon enough. For nov, let's just see vhat ve kan do vith just ze six of us” said Ludwig. 

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