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With Roy: 

The second largest Koopaling was pacing back and forth in his room, his fists clenched as he tried to think. 

He screamed in rage before turning and punching the wall, his fist going straight through the wall. 

He breathed hard, glaring at the wall for a minute before pulling his fist out of it. 

He had punched a hole clean through the wall. 

He sighed in annoyance, having punched multiple holes in his wall from previous times he had gotten enraged and needed some time to himself to calm down. 

Most of the time, when he got angry, it was because of Ludwig. 

The oldest Koopaling had always thought that he was better than the rest of them, always taking charge whenever something happened that required a quick plan of attack. 

There HAD been a time when Ludwig spent more time with them, but he had distanced himself recently. 

And it’s not just the last few days, the last few months, too. 

Roy growled, clenching his fists as he began pacing again. 

“What the fuck’z his fuckin' problem!? Dat bastard, thinkin' dude’z betta than da rest o' us Koopalings, thinkz he’z da second in command wit' Junior just bcuz' dude’z da oldest. He’z probably just sour 'bout tha fact dat dude’z no longa tha fuckin' heir ta tha throne. Wants ta feel important again so dude decides ta become da second in command, n' nobody objects ta dat shit! Fuckin' asshole...” ranted Roy, growling as smoke puffed out of his nostrils. 

He then stopped pacing, trembling with rage as he thought back on all of the times Ludwig had downgraded him, thinking he was nothing more than an idiot and a brute. 

Roy took a couple of deep breaths, trying to keep calm as he glanced over at a photo he had on his nightstand. 

It was a photo of Bowser with Ludwig and Roy, the two being young as Bowser held an infant Wendy, the female Koopaling having just been adopted. 

Roy chuckled, thinking back on how well the two of them had gotten along, before the other Koopalings had been adopted. 

He then frowned, recalling all of the times he had teased and made fun of the other Koopalings. 

He didn’t do that anymore, of course, but he DID tend to call Iggy ‘four-eyes’ or ‘nerd’, make fun of the fact that Lemmy was always getting scared, Morton’s idiocy and tendency to talk too much, Larry’s poor stamina, tried to steer clear of Wendy but sometimes let it slip about the fact that she was bald, Junior’s annoying and bratty attitude, and how Ludwig was alway ‘Mr.Perfect’ and called him ‘maestro’ sometimes. 

Thinking back on the way he treated his siblings, he now understood WHY Ludwig would think he was a bully to the rest of them. 

He had treated them all so horribly. 

Roy sighed and shook his head, taking a seat at his desk. 

There was nothing he could do now, since he can’t go back in time to stop himself from bullying his siblings, but he COULD try to act better and bully them less. 

Key word, ‘try’. 

It was always in his nature to act all tough and headstrong, so he would have to do his best to stop himself from teasing the others. 

He then thought back on what he had done, acting all crazy about Ludwig turning Kooky and trying to get him punished. 

He just wanted to show the others that he could protect them from anything that tried hurting them, even if that included protecting them from one of their own. 

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