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With Ludwig: 

The two eldest brothers finally reached the front doors, the two exiting the castle so that they may release Junior. 

The two halted when they saw Bowser holding Junior in his arms, the youngest Koopaling looking worried, but sighed in relief when he saw that no harm had come to Ludwig. 

The other Koopalings were standing just behind Bowser, all of them glancing away nervously. 

Kamek and Kammy were both standing on either side of Bowser, the two Magikoopas looking disappointed and angry. 

“Dad, why the fuck r' yo' here?” asked Roy, chuckling nervously as he crossed his arms, trying to act cool. 

Bowser growled, smoke puffing out of his nostrils. 

“What did I say about swearing, Roy?” muttered Bowser, partially to himself, but mostly to Roy. 

Roy just chuckled, shrugging, sweating nervously. 

“What the fuck can I say? I enjoy dat shit” said Roy, looking even more nervous. 

Ludwig refrained from rolling his eyes, sighing in annoyance. 

Bowser then turned his attention to his eldest son, glaring at him. 

“Your siblings told me that YOU were the one who murdered those ten guards, is that correct?” asked Bowser, setting Junior down on the ground gently before taking a step forward. 

Roy took this as his cue and patted Ludwig’s shoulder, reassuring him that everything MIGHT be alright before quickly dashing over to the other Koopalings, standing beside them. 

Ludwig chuckled, looking nervous as he glanced around. 

“Vhat do you mean? Pssch, don't be ridikulous. You knov me, I voult nefer murder anyone unless it vas one of zose annoyink Mario brothers” said Ludwig, trying to lie perfectly, but the shock of seeing Bowser at his caste asking him if he had murdered ten gaurds caused him to get nervous. 

Bowser narrowed his eyes, his arms crossed. 

“This has something to do with your old nickname, doesn’t it, Kooky?” asked Bowser, scowling, purposly calling Ludwig by his nickname. 

Ludwig responded by growling, his fists clenched when he heard that nickname. 

“That’s NOT who I am anymore, King Dad, and YOU KNOW IT!” exclaimed Ludwig angrily, pointing an accusing finger at his father. 

He then gasped and covered his mouth, the other Koopalings gasping when they heard this, unable to believe that he would let it slip so easily. 

“I-It's not vhat you zink! I'fe been tryink to kontrol it, but seeink ze life slovly drain from zose ten guards bekause of me ant ammusink. Zeir skreams of pain ant terror as I RIP them apart, their blood SLOWLY leaving their bodies as they take their FINAL breaths of life ONLY to have it RIPPED away from them” explained Ludwig, slowly losing control of what he was saying, letting himself slip. 

His eyes widened in realization, horrified by what he had said. 

Bowser growled as he grabbed his throat, lifting him up and glaring into his eyes. 

“I had to go to ALL of their families and EXPLAIN to them that they had all gone missing. SOME of them were PAINFUL to have to deal with, while OTHERS demanded answers that I didn’t have. They haven’t even come back as Dry Bones yet, so I had to improvise. It’s because of YOU that I had to stay awake for multiple nights trying to figure out WHO the killer was, and he was living in MY CASTLE the ENTIRE TIME!” exclaimed Bowser, fire puffing out of his nostrils, nearly singeing Ludwig’s hair. 

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