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With Ludwig and Junior: 

It had been hours, and Ludwig had still not woken up. 

Junior had been getting more worried as time continued to pass, having attempted to wake him up a couple of times, with no success. 

Day eventually turned into night, and Ludwig was still passed out. 

Unlike day when the sun is burning hot, the night brought a chilly coldness that made the youngest shiver slightly. 

Junior sighed. 

He had nearly fallen asleep a few times, but had forced himself to stay awake, worried that something might happen. 

A million questions had gone through his head, fearing the worst scenarios that could happen to them while they were still in one spot. 

What if Ludwig never wakes up and ends up dying sometime in the night? 

What if they get attacked by something or someone who just so happens to be passing by? 

What if they never find civilization and they’re stuck in an ‘endless’ desert for the rest of their lives, which might not be for long since they could both die much sooner than he thought.

Junior frowned, shaking his head. 

He couldn’t let himself think too much into it. 

Right now, he had to focus on protecting his eldest brother, who was still unconscious with no sign of waking up anytime soon. 

As time continued to pass, Junior’s worries began to get the better of him, causing him to feel horrible about everything that was happening. 

First Ludwig began turning Kooky, then he killed some guards, Bowser found out and told him he was to stay in his castle until he had taken care of his ‘Kooky’ problem, somehow got himself mixed up with Fawful and his minion, pretended to go ‘Kooky’, somehow got rid of them before being captured and locked up for three days, and now they were both stuck in the middle of a large desert because of him. 

If only he hadn’t tried teleporting them out of there, having panicked and thought the guards were going to hurt him.

AND their wands were both broken, so now they had no way in communicating with anyone, and they couldn’t protect themselves if they happened to get attacked. 

Junior felt horrible about the last part, having broken his own wand when he accidentally landed on it after they teleported into the desert, and the gem on Ludwig’s wand got cracked when it had been in his shell. 

He had no idea any of this might happen. 

He felt like everything was spinning out of control, with no chance of recovery. 

Junior sighed, feeling his eyes tear up, sniffing as he tried to wipe away the stray tears that began to fall. 

“I feel like this is somehow my fault...Luddy...if you can hear me….I’m sorry…” muttered Junior, sniffing. 

Ludwig didn’t respond, still being unconscious. 

Junior sighed, needing some comfort right now, so he decided to hug Ludwig. 

He didn’t even bother wiping away his tears, letting them fall as he sniffed. 

He just wanted things to go back to the way they were, back to what they were before they arrived back from their last mission two months ago. 

With the Koopalings: 

The other Koopalings had all met up in Roy’s room, deciding to have a Koopaling meeting. 

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