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With Ludwig and Junior: 

The two Koopalings had managed to run as far away from the Beanish and his minion as possible, not stopping the entire ten minutes they had been running, just in case the boar-like creature was still trying to chase them. 

After a few more minutes of running, they eventually slowed to a stop, breathing hard and catching their breath. 

“So...where are we going?” asked Junior, glancing over at Ludwig. 

Ludwig shrugged. 

“Maybe ze Chai Kingdom. It's ze next best kingdom. Let's go ask arount ant see if someone kan tell us vhere a varp pipe leadink to ze Chai Kingdom is” said Ludwig. 

Junior nodded in agreement, the two walking around the busy street. 

While Ludwig kept walking down the street, Junior had stopped to look around. 

“Hey! You!” called Junior, spotting a female Gao who was the owner of a nearby food stand. 

The female Gao was startled and shocked, but nodded, wanting to be polite so that she wouldn’t have to speak to the young Koopaling for too long. 

“Yes? What can I help you with?” asked the female Gao.

“Can you tell me where I can find a warp pipe leading to the Chai Kingdom?” asked Junior, crossing his arms. 

Ludwig, who had been asking a male Gao who was just down the street, nodded in understanding after being told where the nearest warp pipe was, returned his attention back to Junior, only to find him missing. 

Getting worried, Ludwig glanced around before gasping, spotting the youngest Koopaling speaking to the female Gao, scowling with his arms crossed. 

Ludwig quickly rushed over, fearing that the youngest Koopaling might say something rude. 

And that’s the last thing they needed right now. 

Angering someone in an unfamiliar kingdom. 

Yes, he could see it now. 

“-and then you just want to take the first left, and it should be near the market” said the female Gao, pointing over at one of the streets. 

“I'm am so sorry zat my brother hat botheret you. I hope he didn't say anythink rude” said Ludwig nervously, chuckling as he grabbed Junior’s shoulders, about to push him away and chastise him in case he HAD said something rude. 

“Oh, no, it’s fine. I was happy to help. He was just asking me where he could find warp pipe to the Chai Kingdom. I gave him directions to the nearest one, so it’s all fine” said the female Gao, smiling. 

“Oh...vell, zat's goot. Zank you, ve're a little nev here, so ve don't exaktly knov vhere ve're goink. Zank you again, ve schoult really be on our vay” said Ludwig, chuckling as he guided Junior away, the two walking down the street. 

“Hey, what gives? I found out where the nearest warp pipe is, so you should be thanking me” said Junior, scowling as he crossed his arms. 

Ludwig sighed. 

“I knov, ant I appreciate ze help, but please let me do ze talkink. I don't vant you to accidentally say somethink mean or rude to anyone zat koult get us both in a lot of trouble. Zat's ze last zink ve neet right nov, angerink someone ant makink an enemy” said Ludwig, muttering the last part. 

Junior sighed, nodding in understanding. 

“Alright, Mr.Maestro. Whatever you say, now let’s go! Whoever you got directions from probably told you where the same warp pipe is” said Junior, not even waiting for Ludwig as he walked in the direction the female Gao told him to go. 

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