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With Iggy: 

Iggy was walking around just outside the castle, so early that the sun was barely rising over the horizon. 

It was early morning, and the tallest Koopaling was taking his pet Chain Chomp for a walk. 

He had named her Chompers at first, thinking she had been a boy at the time, since he was pretty young when he had adopted her. 

It was Ludwig who had pointed out that she was actually a girl, so Iggy had renamed her to Chomperette.

Iggy yawned, still tired, slightly hunched over with his eyes half closed, blinking one at a time slowly. 

He wasn’t allowed to have coffee, since it made him crazy. 

He was holding Chomperette’s chain, making sure she didn’t run off.

Although there was no use, considering she was MUCH bigger than he was, and would easily be able to drag him face-first across the ground whenever she started chasing a Goomba she had caught sight of. 

Iggy hadn’t been paying attention to Chomperette, nearly falling asleep standing up. 

If he had, he would have noticed that she was sniffing the ground, slowly following a faint trail. 

She then perked up, barking before quickly zooming off. 

Iggy, still holding Chomperette’s chain, yelped in fright as he was dragged face-first across the ground. 

Chomperette picked up speed before coming to a complete halt near one of the lava pits, barking and looking down into it. 

Iggy groaned in pain, slowly pushing himself up, spitting dirt out of his mouth. 

“W-What is it girl? Did you find something?” asked Iggy, standing up and fixing his glasses. 

Chomperette barked in response, turning to her owner and gently nudging him towards the lava pit. 

Iggy began to panic, screaming in horror, thinking she was trying to murder him. 

He then stopped screaming when she stopped nudging him, hopping beside him and looking down into the lava pit. 

Confused, he looked down into the pit, tilting his head to the side when he saw a black garbage bag that had been disposed of. 

It was resting on a small ledge, indicating someone must have thrown it in there sometime during the night, and hadn’t bothered checking if it had actually landed in the lava like they had planned. 

Iggy was somewhat puzzled by this. 

“Lower me down, girl. I’m going to grab it and see what’s inside” said the tallest Koopaling. 

Chomperette borked in response, allowing her owner to grab her chain before beginning to slowly lower him down to the ledge where the bag was resting. 

Iggy reached out and grabbed the bag, grinning. 

“I got it! You can pull me up now!” called Iggy. 

Chomperette barked in response, happily pulling her owner back up with the black garbage bag in-hand. 

Once safely on solid ground and several meters away from the lava pit, Iggy patted Chomperette, smiling as he praised her good work. 

“That’s a GOOD girl, yes you are! Who’s a good girl? You are!” exclaimed Iggy, smiling as he hugged Chomperette. 

Chomperette’s chain began wagging happily, as if it were a tail. 

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